Unit 1 Flashcards
central nervous system includes what two organs?
Brain and Spinal cord
How many cranial nerves are there?
What’s the function of the nucleus of origin?
motor function
What’s the function of the nucleus of termination?
sensory function
How do cranial nerves exit the skull?
patent openings
How many spinal nerves are there?
31 pairs
What attaches the spinal nerves to the spinal cord?
anterior and posterior rootlets
What’s the function of the dorsal rootlet?
What’s the function of the ventral rootlet?
What is contained in the dorsal rootlet?
Dorsal root ganglion (DRG)
What does each rootlet split into?
Ventral and Dorsal primary ramus
Where is the somatic motor cell body located?
within the CNS
What is targeted by the somatic motor subdivision?
skeletal muscle (used for movement)
Where is the somatic sensory cell body located?
in the DRG
How does the Somatic sensory information travel to the CNS?
dendrites send info to the DRG (cell body) and the axon takes it to the grey horn within the CNS
Which subdivision of the Nervous System controls vital body function?
Visceral (autonomic)
Where is the sympathetic division of the Visceral nervous system found?
Sympathetic organs?
heart, lungs, abdominopelvic organs, blood vessels, arrector pili
How many efferent neurons are used to reach target?
two, short pre-granglionic (inside CNS) and long post-ganglionic fibers (outside CNS)
What is released by preganglionic somatic fibers?
What is released by post-ganglionic somatic fibers?
Where is the sympathetic trunk located?
sympathetic division of the Visceral subdivision of the nervous system
What does the sympathetic division control?
fight or flight; emergency
What are the four spanchnic nerves?
greater, lesser, least, and sacral
What category would splanchnic nerves (sacral) be considered (be specific)?
preganglionic sympathic
After the spanchnic nerves leave the cord, where do they travel to?
through the sympathetic trunk to the abdominal pelvis viscera
What organs are supplies by the parasympathetic division?
heart, lungs, abdominopelvic organs, blood vessels, arrestor pili (less blood vessels)
How many efferent neurons are needed to reach the target in the parasympathetic division?
two; long preganglionic neuron (terminates on the wall of organ) and short post-ganglionic neuron (terminates on specific cell)
What is released by the parasympathetic preganglionic neuron?
What is released by the parasympathetic post-ganglion neuron?
Where does the long preganglionic neuron originate in the parasympathetic division?
What do pelvic splanchnic nerves carry?
parasympatheitic (P for P)
What do sacral splanchnic nerves carry?
sympathetic (S for S)
What affect does the parasympathetic on the body?
allows it to return to normalcy
What are the three visceral divisions?
- Sympathetic
- Parasympathetic
- Visceral afferents
What type of nerve is CN I?
special sensory
Through what opening does CN I enter the skull?
cribiform plate
Where does CN I synapse?
olfactory bulb
What type of nerve is CN II?
special sensory
How dos CN II enter the skull?
optic canal
What part of the eye sends fibers that travel through the optic nerve?
Retina (converge on optic disc)
Where do the optic nerves cross?