Unit 2 Flashcards
Everything that we are aware of in any given moment.
Stored info that is needed.
Contains childhood conflicts we are unaware of but control our behavior.
Instinctual urges; seeks immediate gratification of desire (Pleasure Principle).
Rational, Thoughtful, realistic personality process.
The source of the conscience. Self-Observation & Formation of ideals.
The way we present ourselves to the world (Personas from Persona 5).
The embodiment of all impulses, wishes, personal perceptions & experiences, as well as tendencies, desires and memories that are rejected by the individual as incompatible w/ your persona (“No! You’re not me!”).
Cross sexual part of the personality that represents femininity within men.
Cross sexual part of the personality that represents masculinity within women.
Representation of the whole person. Considered a drive or urge toward self-realization.
Collective Unconscious
A huge psychic connection between all human beings meant to explain why all children grow up learning similar attributes while not being directly related. The Metaverse/Mementos in Persona 5.
Innate ideas and behaviors passed down from our ancestors that drive us to be the best we can. Ex: Saints, Jesus, some Alchemists.
Birth Order
The order in which siblings are born have profound effects on their personalities, as there is a subconscious role they must fill.
Inferiority Complex
The inability to overcome feelings of inferiority.
Striving for Superiority
The basic motivation in human life; a drive for perfection.
Style of Life
The unique way each individual expresses the striving for superiority.
Social Interest
The contribution to society that the normal individual makes in the striving for superiority.
Self Actualization
A systematic arrangement of basic needs that a person must complete first before reaching the higher ones. “What a person can be, must be.”
Traits of Self Actualized People
-Philosophical Sense of Humor
-Continued Freshness of Humor
-Profound Interpersonal Relationships
-Comfort with Solitude
-Peak Experiences
Conditions of Worth (COW)
You learn from parents & significant others that, unless you meet certain conditions, you will not be loved.
A person’s image of themselves formed by observing how other people react to them.
Unconditional Positive Regard
When significant others convey the feeling that they value you for who you are.
Fully Functional Individual
When a person and their self (self-concept) are one and is open to all feelings and experiences. This develops personal completion and perfection.
Reciprocal Determinism
Behavior is fully determined by environmental stimuli. Ex: A cheering crowd gives determination to the football team.
One’s belief about ones ability to perform behavior that should lead to expected outcomes. Ex: Higher Efficacy = less of a chance to procrastinate.
4 Influential Factors of Self-Efficacy
- Past Experience
- Emotional State
- Vicarious Experience (Observations of another person)
- Feedback
Big Five Test Traits
Being curious, original, intellectual, creative, & open to new ideas.
Being organized, systematic, punctual, achievement oriented, and dependable.
Being outgoing, talkative, sociable, & enjoying social situations.
Being affable, tolerant, sensitive, trusting, kind, and warm.
Being anxious, irritable, temperamental, and moody.
Factor Analysis
Reducing redundancies until the factors are completely independent in a test.
Trait Theories
A durable disposition to behave in a particular way in certain positions.