Unit 2 Flashcards
ecosystems that have high levels of biodiversity also have
complex food wevs
many species
a veriety of ecological niches
increased genetic diversity
abundanrt resources
effects of biodiversity
increased health
increased restance
increased resilience
ecosystem diversity
the variety of habitats tht exitst in a given region
influencecs the other types
as temperature and perciptation increase, biodiversity increases
rainforests are the most diverse
species diversity
number of species in an ecosystem
diversity hotspots
gions that contain a high level of species diversity, many endemic species (species not found anywhere else in the world) and a significant number of threatened or endangered species.
genetic diversity
genetic variattion aong individual in a population
due to sexual reproduction and mxiing of genes
the more genetic variateion, the higher change to survive a disturbance
measuring biodiversity
species evenness vs species richeness
species richness
the number of different species in a given area
specieies eveness
the relative abundance of each species
habitat loss
agriculture, urbanization
primary reason for species loss
less primary procuers = less energy to be transgeredd to other trophic levels
habitat fragmentation
isolates populaitons, disrupting mating and reducing gene flow
disrupts migtaion
competitive exculsusion priciple
if 2 different spciesi living in the same territory start to fill the same niche, they will compete for the same resources and one will win and one will lose
generalists, large range of tolerance, invasive species
small range of tolerance
indicator species
invasive species
2nd biggest reson for species loss
3rd biggest reason for species loss
ie sharkfin soup
selective breeding
the artificial selection of desired genes by humans
geneticall mondified organisms
humans sleect favorable genes and transplant any gene they want and change the organism in a ingle gerneation
helps feed people
increased profits for farmers
loss of genetic diversity
farm only 1 crop
reduces biodiversity
degrade soil
makes crop more suspetible to diseases
loss of food security
genetic bottleneck
when a population is suddenltu greaty reduced, reducing genetic diversity
even recovered, less variation
humans are increasing the frequency of them
increasing ecosystem diversity
conservation of wild saces
remedation to stop human impacts
mitigation to lessen human impacts
conservation of land
can isolate populations = less genetic diversity
wildlife corridors
endangered species act
prohibits the import, export r takin of fish and wildlife that are listed as threatened or endangered
cointains an ammendment that allows provate landowers to modify their property under a habitat conservation plan
convention on international trade and endangered species
ensures that internatonal trade of wild animals and plants does not threathn their survival
island biogeography
study of ecological relationsjips and distrubions of ornaims on a island
habitat fragmentation creates artificial island
allows scientists to understand factors that affect species richness
islands closer to mainland get more diversity bc of colonization
invasive species have a greater negative impact on islands
bigger islands = more speiceis
any triat that allows an organism to etter survive or reporduce
due to natural selection
natural selection
organisms must be born with their adaptation
triats that survive are passed on
sexual reproducion
random mutations
more variation = netter survival
genetic frift
changes in a population due to chance, random events that reduce genetic variation
bottlenecl effects
founder effects
founder effect
a small group in a population splinters off form the original populajton
ecological range of tolerance
range of conditions that an organism can endce
soeuceus and individuals both have a range of tolerance for all differnet environmental condidions for their habitat
optimal zone
range where organisms survive, grow, and repdoduce
zone of physiological stress
range where organisms survive but experience stress, lack of growth, and decreased activity
zone of intolerance
range where an organism will die
thermal shock, suffocation, lack of resoruces, ect
primary succession
first time life has forme on the surface
bare rock
pioneer organisms: lichen, algae, moss
break down soil by digging roots into rock and making smaller pieces
pioneer - annual flowers - perennials = shrubs- small trees- big trees - climax community
climax community
the final mature community
NPP of ecosystem will increase over time
second succession
begins on soil
pioneer species: annual flowers, grasses, and weeds
same prgression
intermediate disturbance hypotehsis
ecosystems experiencing intermediate levels of disrurbances are more diverse than thosw ithh high or low rates
allows for greater ecosystem diversity = greater species diversity = greater genetic fiversity
ability to remain unchanged when bein sujected to a disturbance
ability and rate of an ecoysstem to recover from a distrurbance