Unit 19. The Media Flashcards
To remove what is covering something so that is can be seen. (Dejar al descubierto)
(Expression) In a different way from what most people believe.
Contrary to popular opinion
Only on the surface of something.
Newspapers, television, radio, and the Internet.
The mass media
(US) To teach children with physical or mental problems in the same class as children without problems.
- Easily annoyed. (Con mal genio)
- If an occasion, such as a game, is _, people get angry during it.
Political news about events happening now.
Current affairs / Current events
The judgement that is given of someone or something in the newspapers or on radio or television.
The degree to which something is related or useful to what is happening or being talked about. (Relevancia, importancia)
Relevance / Relevancy
(Expression) Said to show that you do not agree with something that has just been said.
That’s a matter of opinion
- (Two words) A road leading from or to a particular place.
- (Two words) (UK) A road leading to a main road.
Access road / Access route
- (Expression) To be described by people as being a particular thing although there is no real proof. (Alegar)
- (Expression) To make a complaint to a person in authority about something or someone. (Denunciar)
Be reported to be/do something
(Formal) The loud noise of a shot. (Estallido, disparo)
(Expression) A physical exercise in which you lie flat with your face towards the floor and try to push up your body with your arms while keeping your legs and your back straight.
Press-up (UK) / Push-up (US)
A measure taken to protect someone or something or to prevent something undesirable.
To make public something bad or dishonest. (Revelar)
(Expression) If something _, different people have different opinions about it.
Be a matter of opinion
A machine that is used for printing. (imprenta)
A method of learning in which students use books, videos, etc. to study on their own.
To have an influence on someone or something, or to cause a change in someone or something.
(Expression) If a man _, he shows his sexual organs in public place to people he does not know.
Expose yourself
(Expression) An opinion or decision that someone has reached after a lot of thought.
Considered opinion/view/decision
If a country has a _, its newspapers, magazines, and television and radio stations are able to express any opinions they want, even if these criticize the government and other organisations. (Libertad de prensa)
Free press
(Expression) At the place where something comes from. (En su origen)
At source
To change something from its usual, original, natural, or intended meaning, condition, or shape. (Distorsionar)
A person whose job is to read books, watch films, etc. in order to remove anything offensive from them, or who reads private letters, especially ones sent during war or from prison, to remove parts considered unsuitable. (Censor)
The direction in which something faces. (Orientación)
Using or consisting of facts. (Factual, basado en hechos)
- A firm push against something using the fingers.
- The act of making cloth smooth with an iron. (Dar un planchado)
- A piece of equipment that is used to put weight on something in order to crush it, remove liquid from it or to make it flat. (Prensa)
Changed from the usual, original, natural, or interested form. (Distorsionado, deformado)
Showing an unreasonable like or dislike for a person based on personal opinions. (Parcial)
To go to a place or a person and say that you are there.
The way of life or set of beliefs accepted by most people. (Corriente principal)
The mainstream
The right or opportunity to use or look at something. (Acceso)
The activity of making certain that someone or something attracts a lot of interest or attention from many people, or the attention from many people, or the attention received as a result of this activity. (Publicidad, propaganda)
(Legal) The act of showing the sexual organs in public in a way that is intended to upset people. (Exhibicionismo)
Indecent exposure
Knowing less than you should about a particular subject. (Mal informado)
A serious magazine or newspaper that is published regularly about a particular subject.
To meet people who might be useful to know, especially in your job. (Hacer contactos)
To make someone less confident, less powerful, or less likely to succeed, or to make something weaker, often gradually. (Minar, debilitar)
(Expression) To not be friendly to someone or not support them.
Be ill-disposed towards somebody
A table or temporary structure used as a small shop for selling newspapers and magazines outside in public places. (Quiosco)
Looking strange together and not seeming to be a good match.
To treat someone badly, especially by being violent or by not taking care of them. (Maltratar)
To protect something from harm. (Salvaguardar)
Not wise, and likely to cause problems in the future. (Imprudente)
(Expression) Said to emphasize that it is better that something receives bad publicity than no publicity at all.
Any publicity is good publicity / There’s no such thing as bad publicity
Rude and unpleasant.
- (Formal) To pretend to feel or think something. (Aparentar)
- (Formal) (Mainly disapproving) To start to wear or do something in order to make people admire or respect you. (Fingir)
_ clothes do not fit well.
(Disapproving) The act of newspapers, television, etc. of presenting information in a way that is shocking or exciting. (Sensacionalismo)
The fact of something bad that someone has done being made public. (Desenmascaramiento)
- The place something comes from or starts at, or the cause of something. (Fuente, causa)
- Someone or something that supplies information. (Fuente)
Badly planned and unwise.
Considered normal, and having or using ideas, beliefs, etc. that are accepted by most people. (Mayoritario, convencional, de masas)
A public report of the facts about a situation, especially one that is shocking or has been kept secret. (Revelación)
The fact of experiencing something or being affected by it because of being in a particular situation or place. (Exposición)
(Expression) To complain officially about someone in a law court.
Press charges
A single photograph on a piece of film, or the amount of time a piece of film is open to the light when making a photograph. (Exposición)
Done or made at a wrong or unsuitable time. (Inoportuno)
(Expression) To disagree.
Have a difference of opinion
(Expression) A situation in which someone is treated less well because of their sex, usually when a woman is treated less well than a man.
Gender discrimination / Gender bias
Asking if something is true or legal.
Newspapers and magazines, and those parts of television and radio that broadcast news or reporters and photographers who work for them. (La prensa)
The press
(Phrasal verb) To bring information to someone in authority. (Informar, dar parte)
Report back
- The action of supporting or opposing a particular person or thing in an unfair way, because of allowing personal opinions to influence your judgement. (Parcialidad)
- The fact of preferring a particular subject or thing. (Preferencia)
A television or radio programme consisting of reports about recent events.
The news
- To push something firmly, often without causing it to move permanently further away from you. (Apretar, pulsar)
- To make clothes smooth by ironing them. (Planchar)
- To put a weight on fruit in order to remove the juice. (Prensar)
- To make a CD, DVD, etc.
- To make something flat and firm by putting it under something heavy. (Prensar)
To use something for advantage. (Aprovechar)
The method or possibility of getting near ot a place or person. (Acceso)
- An organization that publishes text or music. (Editorial)
- An employee of a publishing company who has responsibility for deciding what is published. (Editor)
(Disapproving) (of a person) Never thinking about things that are serious or important. (Superficial)
(Phrasal verb) To do things that you hope will stop something unpleasant from happening. (Defender contra)
Safeguard against something
Appearing to be real or important when this is not true or correct.
(Expression) To show that you can deal with a difficult situation successfully. (Ponerse a la altura de las circunstancias)
Rise to the occasion/challenge
A person who corrects or changes pieces of text or films before they are printed or shown, or a person who is in change of a newspaper or magazine. (Editor)
To go into a place or situation in which you are not wanted or not expected to be. (Molestar, importunar)
Affecting someone or something in a way that annoys them and makes them feel uncomfortable. (Inoportuno, entrometido)
- The act of making information or stories available to people in a printed or electronic form.
- A book, magazine, newspaper, or document in which information or stories are published.
To use someone or something unfairly for your own advantage. (Explotar)
A written record of what you have done each day, sometimes including your private thoughts and feelings. (Diario)
In a way that is bad or not suitable.
(Specialized) _ software is free to use, and the original program can be changed by anyone.
(Expression) To start to be printed.
Go to press
A company that allows you to put your documents.
Access provider (ISP)
(Phrasal verb) Someone you report to at work is the person in authority over you who gives you tasks and checks that you do them. (Estar a las órdenes de)
Report to somebody
(Expression) (Informal) To force or strongly persuade someone to do something they do not want to do.
(Expression) To continue to try to make people accept your demands. (Insistir, hacer presión)
Press a case/claim
To make information about something generally available. (Anunciar, promocionar, divulgar)
Publicize / UK usually Publicise
(of or relating to) A type of popular newspaper with small pages that has many pictures and short, simple reports.
A business that prints and produces books and similar things. (Imprenta, editorial)
The Internet, newspapers, magazines, television, etc., considered as a group.
The media
(Usually disapproving) Not complete and involving only the most obvious things.
Able to judge fairly because you are not influenced by your own opinions. (Imparcial)
To remove anything offensive from books, films, etc. or to remove parts considered unsuitable from private letters, especially ones sent during war or from a prison. (Censurar)
Sensationalise / UK usually Sensationalize
To get something from a particular place. (Sacar, conseguir)
(Phrasal verb) To make it likely that someone will experience something harmful or unpleasant. (Exponerse a)
Expose somebody to something
A description of an event or situation. (Informe)
To cause someone or something to have a bias. (Influir, predisponer)
A serious medical condition that is caused by being outside in very cold weather. (Congelación, estando a la interperie)
To give a description of something or information about it to someone. (Informar)
Having a lot of knowledge or information about a particular subject or things in general. (Bien informado)
Well informed
(Que capta la atención)
A newspaper produced by a company to tell employees what is happening in the company.
House journal (UK) / House organ (US)
To question if something is true or legal. (Cuestionar)
To open a computer file in order to look at on change information in it.
(Formal) Present or noticeable in every part of a thing or place. (Generalizado, dominante)
To connect computers together so that they can share information. (Conectar)
Intended to examine a situation in order to discover the truth. (Investigativo)
Investigative (formal: Investigatory)
Factually (Factually speaking)
A large system consisting of many similar parts that are connected together to allow movement or communication between or along the parts or between the parts and a control centre. (Red)
- To enter a country by force with large number of soldiers in order to take possession of it. (Invadir)
- To enter a place in large numbers, usually when unwanted and in order to take possession or do damage. (Invadir)
- To enter an area of activity in a forceful and noticeable way.
- To spoil a situation or quality for another person without thinking about their feelings.
To test someone at a border or gate to stand still an say their name and reasons for being there.
To try hard to persuade someone to do something. (Presionar)
A teacher’s written statement to parents about a child’s ability or performance at school. (Boletín de notas)
Report / School report / Report card (US)
Stories for which you do not yet have real proof. (Rumores)
The fact of an event or information being often discussed in newspapers and on television. (Publicidad)
Unlucky or unsuccessful, often resulting in death. (Condenado al fracas)