Unit 11. Design and Innovation Flashcards
To cause something bad to start. (Provocar, desencadenar)
- To reduce or cause something to reduce. (Agotar, disminuir) - If the blood/colour _ from someone’s face, or if their face _ (of blood/colour), they turn very pale, often because they are shocked or ill. (Palidecer)
To remove and/or take in a particular direction, especially in a fast and powerful way. (Arrastrar)
To represent or show something in a picture or story. (Representar)
The act of sweeping something to clean it. (Barrido)
- To completely destroy a building, especially in order to use the land for something else. (Demoler, derribar) - To prove that an argument or theory is wrong. (Echar por tierra)
(Expression) To raise a flag to the top of a pole using a rope. (Alzar la bandera)
Hoist a flag
To keep thinking or talking about something, especially something bad or unpleasant. (Obsesionarse)
Dwell on something
Describes a building with several floors. (De varias plantas)
UK: Multistorey US: Multistory
Describes a product that is intended to be thrown away after use. (Desechable)
(Expression) Almost.
All but
A place where you pay to use the machines there that will wash and dry clothes. (Lavandería)
Launderette / Laundrette / (US) Laudromat
A moving ship that can be used for removing goods from a ship, putting bags onto an aircraft, moving grain into a store, etc. (Montacargas)
To direct water onto something using a hose. (Lavar o regar con manguera)
To fix a border around a picture, etc. and often glass in front of it. (Encuadrar)
Delicate, as if full of air. (Ligero)
To form an edge to something in an attractive way. (Enmarcar)
A sudden strong blow of air. (Ráfaga)
- A pile of things arranged one on top of the other. (Pila) - (Informal) A large amount. (Montón)
- An opportunity to make your ideas or beliefs known publicly. - All the things that a political party promises to do if they are elected. (Programa politico)
Describes a situation that is convenient for those involved but may not be honest or legal.
UK: Cosy US: Cozy
- If you _ something, you remove the liquid from it, usually by pouring it away or allowing it to flow away, and if something _, liquid flows away or out of it. (Drenar, escurrir) - If you _ a glass or cup, you drink all the liquid in it. (Acabar, bebértelo todo)
(Expression) The freedom to do, say, or feel what you want. (Rienda suelta)
Free rein
To easily defeat someone.
To strongly encourage or try to persuade someone to do something. (Exhortar, inciter)
- (Literary) Very high an making people feel respect. (Destacado, sobresaliente) - Very great. (Imponente, alto)
To win all the parts of a completion, or to win very easily. (Arrasar)
Tha basic structure of a building, vehicle, or piece of furniture that other parts are added onto. (Armazón, estructura)
To express something choosing your words carefully. (Formular, elaborar una frase, pregunta)
- To love, protect, and care for someone or something that is important to you. (Estimar, apreciar) - To keep hopes, memories, or ideas in your mind because they are important to you and bring you pleasure. (Conservar)
(Phrasal verb) To praise something or someone in a way that will influence people’s opinions.
Build something/somebody up
- To imagine or expect something in the future, especially something good. (Prever) - To form a mental picture of something or someone you have never seen. (Imaginar)
(Expression) The way someone thinks or feels about something at a particular time. (Estado de ánimo)
Frame of mind
Owing money. (Endeudado)
A long, thin pole made of wood or metal. (Barra, vara)
(UK) The system of pipes, openings in the ground or other devices that are used for carrying away waste matter and water. (Alcantarillado)
In football, a _ is a player whose position is behind the other defenders.
With a lot of light and space. (Espacioso, amplio)
To perform an examination on a chemical in order to test how pure it is. (Evaluar, analizar)
An ugly grey area of a city where people live in closely crowded apartment buildings and there is little space and no trees or grass.
Concrete jungle
To quickly eat all the food you have been given. (Zamparse)
A thing or person that is very surprising or causes a lot of admiration. (Maravilla)
(Expression) To make someone become suddenly and completely in love with you. (Conquistar)
Sweep somebody off their feet
The period of preparation before something happens.
(A piece of) material like a net with spaces in it, made from wire, plastic, or thread. (Malla)
Showing no worry or serious thought. (Despreocupado, hecho a la ligera)
Showing little activity; not busy or happening in a positive way. (Perezoso, vago, descuidado)
(Innovación, novedad)
To clean especially a floor by using a brush to collect the dirt into one place from which it can be removed. (Barrer)
To say what the punishment of someone who has commited a serious crime will be.
Condemn somebody to (do) something
The type of computer system you are using, in connection with the type of software you can use on it. (Plataforma)
The size and shape of someone’s body. (Cuerpo, constitución)
Something that makes you very tired.
To criticize someone or something severely. (Emprenderla contra)
(Specialized) One of the pictures on a strip of photographic film, or one of the single pictures that together form a television or cinema film. (Fotograma)
Comfortable and pleasant, especially (of a building) because of being small and warm. (Cómodo, calentito)
UK: Cosy US: Cozy
More important that anything else. (Fundamental, primordial)
To join together in the correct position. (Engranar)
To officially declare (something) to be unfit for use. (Declarar en ruina/ como no apto)
(Phrasal verb) To increase or become larger or stronger, or to cause someone or something to do this. (Desarrollar, incrementar, acumular)
Build (something/somebody) up
A set of stairs inside a building, usually with a bar fixed on the wall or onto vertical poles at the side for you to hold on to. (Escalera)
- To look at something carefully, with the eyes or with a machine, in order to get information. (Examinar, explorar) - To look through a text quickly in order to find a piece of information that you want or to get a general idea of what the text contains. (Echar un vistazo a)
Tall, with many floors.
To arrange things in a ordered pile. (Apilar)
A multistorey car park.
UK: Multistorey US: Multistory
(Expression) Soon.
Before (very/too) long Before much longer
- A long, thin piece of material, especially leather, that helps you to control and direct a horse. (Rienda) - (UK) A strap that is put around a small child’s body wrist and held at the other end by an adult so that the adult can stop the child from running away
To make someone suffer in a particular way. (Condenar)
Condemn somebody to something
A pipe or channel that is used to carry away waste matter and water from a building, or an opening in the road that rain water can flow down. (Alcantarilla)
Travelling on public transport further than your ticket allows you to.
A wooden or plastic triangle used to put the balls into position at the start of a game such as billiards or snooker.
UK: Frame US: Rack
(Expression) The people who are up on a platform in order to speak to an audience.
The platform
(Expression) As loud as possible. (A todo volumen)
At full blast
Wood used for building. (Madera para construcción)
UK: Timber US: Lumber
To live in a place or in a particular way. (Residir, vivir)
To explode or destroy something or someone with explosives, or to break through or hit something with a similar, very strong force. (Volar, bombardear)
When different things or people _, they suit each other or work well together.
- To move, especially quickly and powerfully. (Pasar a toda velocidad) - To quickly spread through and influence an area. (Invadir) - To travel across all of an area, especially when looking for something. (Recorrer, peinar) - If a road, river, range of mountains, set of steps, etc. _ in a particular direction, they follow a particular curved path. (Extenderse, recorrer)
A word used especially in shops for things such as socks, tights, and stockings. (Medias, calcetería)
Hose / Hosiery
To lift something heavy, sometimes using ropes or a machine. (Levantar, alzar)
(Expression) A beam of light. (Un rayo de luz)
Shaft of light
- To remove a covering like a curtain from a new structure at a formal ceremony on order to show the opening or finishing of a new building or work of art. - If you _ something new you show it or make it known for the first time. (Revelar, descubrir)
A tall modern building with many floors.
- To (make something or someone) become difficult to see clearly. (Hacer borroso, desdibujar) - To make the difference between two things less clear, or to make It difficult to see the exact truth about something. (Desdibujar)
Not having enough space or time. (Estrecho, apretado)
(Phrasal verb) To compare with another thing of a similar type. (Compararse)
Stack up
To make a very loud and unpleasant noise.
(Phrasal verb) If a rocket _, it leaves the ground to go to space.
Blast off
To use a machine to put a picture of a document into a computer, or to take a picture of the inside of something. (Escanear, explorar con imagen)
Cloth hanging or arranged in folds. (Pañería, colgaduras)
- A movement, especially a quick, powerful one or one to search an area. (Movimiento, trayectoria, marcha) - A long, often curved, area of land, sea, river, etc. (Curva, extensión, trazado)
An explosion. (Sacudida, onda expansiva)
A large piece of electrical equipment used in the home, especially in the kitchen. (Gran electródomestico)
Domestic appliance
Grateful because of help given. (Agradecido)
A sudden loud noise.
A cover that you put on a teapot or a boiled egg to keep it warm.
UK: Cosy US: Cozy
To make someone very tired. (Agotar)
The money that you can spend as you want and not the money you spend on taxes, food, and other basic needs. (Renta disponible)
Disposable income
Trees that are grown so that the wood from them can be used for building. (Árboles que dan madera)
(Expression) (US informal) Unfair treatment.
The shaft
To cheat or trick someone, or to treat them unfairly. (Joder)
A hole in a bath, sink, etc. through which water flows away and into which you can put a plug. (Desagüe)
UK: Plughole US: Drain
- A flat raised area or structure. (Plataforma) - A long, flat raised structure at a railway station, where people get on and off trains. (Andén) - The raised part of the floor in a large room, from which you make a speech or give a musical performance. (Tarima, tribuna)
Something that used more of your energy, money, or time that you want to give.
(Expression) A situation in which a player, team, etc. wins everything that is available. (Ganarlo todo)
A clean sweep
A long piece of wood used for building, especially houses and ships. (Viga de madera)
A situation in which someone or something is praised, advertised, or talked about on the internet, in newspapers, etc. (Propaganda)
A state of confusion, uncertainty, or disorder. (Confusión, agitación)
An area with a wall or bars around it that is joined to the outside wall of a building on an upper level. (Balcón, terraza)
(US informal) An exciting or enjoyable experience or event, often a party. (Desmadre, fiestón)
To invent a plan, system, object, etc., usually cleverly or using imagination. (Trazar, idear, concebir)
A device, machine, or piece of equipment, especially an electrical one that is used in the house, such as a cooker or washing machine. (Electrodoméstico grande o pequeño)
Someone or something that sweeps something clean. (Barrendero, aspiradora)
If a poem or part of a poem _, it follows a pattern of regular beats. (Medir un poema)
A long, either vertical or sloping, passage through a building or through the ground. (Hueco, pozo)
The moment when a spacecraft leaves the ground.
A part of a machine that allows movement on one direction only. It is usually a wheel with teeth-like parts that either slide over or lack against the free end of a bar. (Trinquete)
(Old-fashioned) A pair of trousers, usually of a type that fit loosely.
UK: Tights US: Pantyhose
To show or experience great surprise or admiration. (Maravillarse, asombrarse)
Completely or extremely. (Completamente)
To work more slowly and with less effort that usual, or to go more slowly. (Holgazanear)
- A person who lives or works in a room or building. (Residente, inquilino, ocupante) - A person who is in a car, room, seat, place, or position. (Ocupante)
Empty, simple, or obvious, especially without decoration or anything that is not necessary. (Escueto, desnudo, austere, dure, severo)
A road accident involving a row of cars. (Accidente en cadena)
An important stage in something’s development. (Hito)
Clear and certain, or real and existing in a form that can be seen or felt. (Concreto)
(De una sola planta)
(Formal) A house or place to live in. (Vivienda, morada)
Not tight, loose. (Suelto, flojo)
To criticize something or someone strongly, usually for moral reasons. (Condenar)
(Literary) A clever remark, especially one that is intended as an attack on someone or something.
(Exprission) To not judge someone as severely as you usually would because they are having problems at the present time. (Ser más tolerante con)
Cut somebody some slack
Very small pieces and dust from coal. (Cisco)
- A careful or quick look through something. (Exploración) - A medical examination in which an image of the inside of the body is made using a special machine. (Exploración con un escáner)
To make a process in a factory or office operate by machines or computers, in order to reduce the amount of work done by humans and the time taken to do the work. (Automatizar)
An increase, especially one that is gradual. (Aumento progresivo)
Shouted when a tree that has been cut is about to fall.
- Having a lot of complicated decoration. (Ornamentado, decorado) - (Mainly disapproving) Language that is _ contains too many complicated words or phrases. (Florido)
A set of shelves in a library that are positioned close together so that a lot of books can be stored on them. (Estanterías)
The stacks
(AUS informal) A car accident, especially one that causes damage.
To cover something in concrete. (Revestir de hormigón)
- A pole or rod that forms the handle of a tool or weapon. (Mango) - A rod forming part of a machine such an engine, that turns in order to pass power on to the machine. (Vara)
The fact that something is too loose. (Flacidez. distension)
A disposable product, especially a disposable nappy. (Producto desechable)
(Expression) A set of ideas or facts accepted by a person that explains their behaviour, opinions or decisions. (Marco de referencia)
Frame of reference
The plastic or metal structure that holds together a pair of glasses. (Montura)
A period of play in some games, such as snooker.
A building or place that is easily recognized, especially one the you can use to judge where you are. (Punto de referencia, edificio/sitio emblemático)
A device or machine that looks awkward or old-fashioned, especially one that you do not know how to use. (Aparato, artilugio)
A long plastic or rubber pipe, used to direct water onto fires, gardens, etc. (Manguera)
UK: Hose/hosepipe US: Hose
A very hard building material made by mixing together cement, sand, small stones, and water. (Hormigón)
(US) A period of time when measurements of the number of people watching different television stations are made so that the cost of advertising on each station can be set.
An area of seats at an upper level in a theatre. (Galería)
(Informal) To make a person seem to be guilty of a crime when they are not, by producing facts or information that are not true. (Tender una trampa)
A border that surrounds and supports a picture, door or window. (Marco)
(Expression) If work or money is or goes _, it is spoiled or wasted. (Irse por el desagüe)
Down the drain (AUS) Down the gurgler
- Having a colour between red and pink. (Rosado, sonrosado) - If a situation is described as rosy, it gives hope of success or happiness. (Prometedor)
Produced cheaply and in large amounts by machines in a factory. (Fabricado en serie)
- Something that you cannot see clearly. (Contorno borroso) - Something that you cannot remember or understand clearly. (Vago recuerdo)
(De dos plantas)