Unit 12. Information Technology Flashcards
To tell a device or system to operate in a particular time. (Programar)
UK: Programme US & AUS: Program
A grey chemical that is found in rocks and sand and is used in making computers and other electronic machines. (Silicio)
(Phrases with extent) Partly. (De algún modo, hasta cierto modo)
To such an extent
(Phrases with extent) To a particular degree or stage, often causing particular results.
To the extent that
A small device or machine with a particular purpose. (Aparato, chisme)
The official legal right to make or sell an invention for a particular number of years. (Patente)
(Phrases with extent) The degree to which something happens or is likely to happen. (El grado)
The extent to which
(Phrases with extent) How much. (En qué medida)
To what extent?
Area of length; amount. (Extensión, alcance, límite, grado)
- Describes information, music, an image, etc. that is recorded or broadcast using computer technology. - Showing information in the form of an electronic image.
A broadcast on television or radio. (Programa de radio o televisión)
UK: Programme US & AUS: Program
To write a series of instructions that make a computer perform a particular operation. (Programar)
A type of leather that has a very smooth, shiny surface. (Charol)
Patent / Patent leather
(Phrases with extent) So strongly that. (Hasta el punto de)
To the extent of
Almost a particular thing or quality.
(Phrases with extent) To the same degree as; as such as. (Igualmente, de la misma manera)
To the same extent
To move text or other information on a computer screen in order to see a different part of it. (Desplazarse por la pantalla)
- To do hard physical work. (Trabajar con gran esfuerzo) - To do something slowly with great physical or mental effort.
- Covered with a liquid, especially water. (Inundado) - Having an amount of something that is very large or larger that necessary or wanted. (Estar inundado)
A series of instructions that can be put into a computer in order to make it perform an operation. (Programa)
To get the official legal right to make or sell an invention. (Patentar)
Describes something that can be done or seen using a computer and therefore without going anywhere or talking to anyone. (Virtual)
- Practical work, especially that which involves physical effort. (Trabajo, tarea, esfuerzo) - Workers, especially people who do practical work with their hans. (Mano de obra, obreros)
UK: Computerisation US: Computerazition
Old-fashioned. (Anticuado, pasado de moda)
(Expression) To always do or think a particular thing, although you do not try to.
Be programmed to do something
- A long roll of paper or similar material with usually official writing on it. (Rollo, manuscrito) - A decoration that looks like a roll of paper. (Rollo)
Too big and taking up too much space. (Voluminoso, inmenso, gigantesco, corpulento)
Very obvious. (Evidente, patente)
A device that keeps aircraft, spacecraft, and ships moving in a particular direction without human involment. (Piloto automático)
Automatic pilot / Autopilot
A thin book or piece of paper giving information about a play or musical or sports event, usually bought at the theatre or place where the event happens. (Programa)
UK: Programme US & AUS: Program
A _ invention is protected by law so that only particular people or companies have the right to make or sell it. (Patentar)
Patent + noun
Involving, using, or relating to computers, especially the Internet.
A small set of keys with numbers on them used to operate a television, phone, calculator, etc., or the keys with numbers on them usually found on the right side of a computer keyboard. (Teclado numérico)
(Phrasal verb) (Specialized) A long, thin strip at the side of a computer window, used for moving its contents up, down
Scroll bar
The appearance of someone or something, especially when intended to deceive. (Aspecto, apariencia, disfraz, pose)
(Que ahorra trabajo)
A plan of activities to be done or thing to be achieved. (Programa, plan de estudios)
UK: Programme US & AUS: Program