Unit 14. Urbanisation Flashcards
(Formal) Unpleasant. (Desagradable, malhumorado, antipático)
A share or a financial involment in something such as a business. (Participación)
A small piece of partly burned coal or wood. (Carbonilla, cenizas)
(Expression) To increase the prize or reward in a competition or any activity in which you are competing. (Subir la apuesta)
Raise/Up the stakes
- (UK) To introduce a television or radio show. (Presentar) - (Formal) To introduce a person. (Presentar)
To organise and begin an activity or event. (Organizar, montar)
To put a number of things in an order or to separate them into groups. (Ordenar)
Increase in pay. (Subida/aumento de sueldo)
UK: Raise US: Rise
To get on a horse, bicycle, etc. in order to ride. (Montar)
(Formal) To end or stop.
(Expression) If something _, it happens. (Surgir, presentarse)
Present itself
(Informal) To annoy someone. (Irritar, sacar de quicio)
(Phrasal verb) To believe that someone or something is closely connected or involved with something.
Identify somebody/something with something
To walk or move with difficulty as if you are going to fall. (Tambalear)
A torn piece of old cloth. (Trapo)
(Expression) To have difficulty or disagreement with someone.
Have issues (with somebody/something)
To move something in your hand in order to make people look at it. (Agitar)
(Expression) To kill someone by tying them to a post and burning them. (Quemar en la hoguera)
Burn somebody at the stake
To cause to exist. (Provocar, plantear, sacar)
To cause too much of something to be used, especially money. (Suponer una carga)
To become stretched or to experience preassure, or to make something do or experience this. (Forzar, crear tensiones, tirantez)
(Expression) To not make any effort to help. (No mover un dedo)
Not lift / raise a finger
To make a problem or situation worse. (Agravar)
To deal with something by repairing or organising it. (Arreglar)
(Expression) Used to say that if you tell someone about a problem, it is easier to deal with.
A problem shared is a problem halved
(Expression) To arrive somewhere and introduce yourself. (Presentarse)
Present yourself
(Formal) To make a decision formally or with determination. (Resolver, decider)
To place someone on guard.
- A particular type or quality. (Raza, tipo, variedad) - An animal or plant from a particular group whose characteristics are different in some way from others of the same group. (Variedad)
To risk an amount of money. (Apostar, jugarse)
If you _ another player in a game of cards, you risk more money that that player has risked. (Subir la apuesta)
An agreement in an argument in which the people involved reduce their demand or change their opinion in order to agree. (Arreglo, acuerdo)
Able to see things that are far away but not things that are near you. (Hipermétrope, previsor)
UK: Long-sighted US: Far-sighted
(of a substance) Impossible to dissolve. (Insoluble)
To give attention to or deal with a matter. (Abordar)
(Superar una dificultad)
Overcome a difficulty
(Expression) To make the greatest possible effort.
Strain every nerve
To hold up and support something by fastening it to stakes. (Marcar con estacas, postes)
A _ remark can be understood in two very different ways, one of them positive and one of them negative.
- To arrange things, especially hours of work, holidays, or events, so that they begin at different times those of other people. (Escalonar) - If the start of a race is _, the competitors start at different times or in different positions. (Escalonado)
To hit something with great force, especially causing damage. (Estrellar)
(Expression) (Informal) To spend time in conditions that are much less good that the standard that you are used to. (Vivir a lo pobre)
Slum it
(Phrasal verb) To risk harming or losing something important if an action, decision, or situation does not have the result you want or expect. (Jugársela en algo)
Stake something on something
Determination (=the ability to continue trying to do something, although it is very difficult) (Determinación)
(Expression) Most important in what is being discussed. (En cuestión)
At issue
(Expression) To write something quickly, putting little effort into it.
Dash something off
To go somewhere quickly. (Ir a prisa, precipitarse)
To give, provide, or make something known. (Entragar, hacer entrega de, regalar)
(Expression) (Informal) To go away from a difficult situation in order to avoid trouble. (Largarse, esfumarse)
Make yourself scarce
(Disapproving) To allow your principles to be less strong or your stardards or morals to be lower. (Ceder, transigir)
To make an improvement, especially by changing a persons behaviour or the structure of something. (Reformar, mejorar)
To make a close examination of all the parts of something in order to find something or to separate what is useful from what is not. (Examinar cuidadosamente, cribar)
(Specialized) The act of separating or being separated into clearly different parts.
(Expression) To play/sing very loudly and enthusiastically.
Raise the roof
- Only just or almost not. (Escasamente, apenas) - Used to say that something happened immediately after something else happened. (Apenas)
(Expression) To make an effort to improve the way that you do something. (Acelerar la marcha)
Raise your game
(Expression) A small amount of something, especially liquid food, that is added to something else. (Gota, chorrito, pizca, toque)
A dash
A shop where a pawnbroker operates their business. (Casa de empeños)
Pawnbroker’s / Pawnshop
A person who lends money in exchange for things that they can sell if the person leaving them does not pay an agreed amount of money in an agreed time. (Prestamista)
Tired or painful eyes as a result of too much reading, looking at a computer screen, etc.
A horse. (Caballería)
The act of solving or ending a problem or difficult. (Resolución)
Having two sharp edges for cutting. (De doble filo)
- Having to work too much. (Con demasiado trabajo) - Used to describe language that has been used too much and has lost its meaning.
To say things that are funny but a little unkind. (Bromear, guasearse)
(Expression) To cause surprise or shock.
Raise (a few) eyebrows
To gradually increase, rise, or get better. (Aumentar, crear, subir)
To separate liquid food from solid food, especially by pouring it through a utensil with small holes in it. (Colar, filtrar)
(Expression) To defend an action, opinion, or belief despite the risks that are involved.
Go to the stake for something
To go up or onto. (Subir)
(Expression) To make a forceful complaint. (Armar un lío/jaleo)
Raise a rumpus (UK also Kick up a rumpus)
To cause someone to feel shocked or surprised because of something unexpected or very unusual happening. (Dejar anonadado, pasmado)
- An official decision that is made after a group or organisation have voted. (Acuerdo, resolución) - A promise to yourself to do or not do something. (Propósito)
(Expression) A situation where someone is judged on how much of a particular quality they have.
The beauty, popularity, etc. stakes
- (Phrasal verb) To mark the limits of an area or a piece of land with wooden sticks in order to claim that you own it. (Marcar con estacas) - (Phrasal verb) To show clearly that you claim the right to own, control, or use a particular area, for example by putting personal things there.
Stake somewhere/something out
- A force or influence that stretches, pulls, or puts pressure or something, sometimes causing damage. (Tensión, presión, esfuerzo) - An injury to a muscle or similar soft part of the body caused by using that part too much. (Esguínce, torcedura) - Something that makes you feel nervous and worried. (Carga, tension)
- A very poor and crowded area, especially of a city. (Suburbio) - (Informal) (Disapproving) A very untidy or dirty place.
- To make a bad situation worse. (Agravar) - To make a disease worse. (Empeorar)
Describes something that acts in two ways, often with one negative and one positive effect. (De doble filo)
To become more familiar with a new situation. (Adaptarse, acostumbrarse)
To defeat or succeed in controlling or dealing with something. (Superar, vencer, dominar)
(Old-fashioned) Style and confidence. (Brío)
Unwanted waste material, especially material that is regularly thrown away from a house, factory, etc. (Basura, desperdicios, residuos)
- If a competition is _, one team or player is much better that the other. (Desigual) - Only considering one opinion in an argument in a way that is unfair. (Parcial)
Not making enough about how an action will affect the future. (Con poca vision de futuro)
(Expression) (Disapproving) To make something seem more important that it should be, or to argue about it.
Make an issue of something
(Specialized) The ability of a microscope, or a television or computer screen, to show things clearly and with a lot of detail. (Resolución)
(Expression) (Informal) To suddenly become very angry. (Perder los estribos)
Lose your rag
To communicate with someone, especially by phone or radio. (Localizar, contactar con)
(Phrasal verb) To watch place continuously in order to catch criminals or to see a famous person. (Vigilar, poner bajo vigilancia)
Stake something out
A very large city, especially one with more than 10 million people living in it.
(Phrasal verb) To separate something into different parts.
Resolve something into something
(Phrasal verb) To gradually become a large amount. (Acumularse)
Mount up
The amount of money that you risk on the result of something such as a game or competition. (Apuesta)
To solve or end a problem or difficulty. (Resolver, solucionar)
To fix something on a wall, in a frame, etc. so that it can be looked at or used. (Fijar, poner un fondo)
Certainly not
(Expression) To make people understand the danger of something. (Dar la voz de alarma)
Raise the alarm
- Socially acceptable or good. (Decente) - (Informal) Dressed or wearing clothes.
The sound of music being played or performed. (Compases, acordes)
(Expression) (Informal) To make a strong public complaint. (Armar un escándalo)
Create / kick up / raise a stink
(Expression) To make a situation more urgent or more difficult to ignore.
Raise/Up the stakes
To put flour, sugar, etc. through a sieve to break up large pieces. (Tamizar, cribar)
To grow or develop successfully. (Prosperar, florecer)
A piece of ragtime (=a type of popular music, developed by black musicians in North America in the early 1900s, with tunes that are not on regular beats) music.
Something that happens that delays or prevents a process from developing. (Contratiempo)
(US) A feather duster (= a stick with feathers at one end, used for cleaning) or a similar object with cloth fixed to one end.
Duster (US)
(Expression) If you _ to something, you say or show that you have a right to it and that it should belong to you. (Reclamar, reinvidicar)
Stake a claim
(Expression) If something that is valuable is _, it is in a situation where it might be lost. (Estar en juego)
At stake
Urgent or needing to be dealt with immediately. (Urgente)
To make something certain to happen. (Asegurar)
Ensure / US also Insure
(Remediar una situación)
Remedy a situation
(Phrasal verb) To provide someone with a particular thing or with what they need to get it.
Stake somebody to something
In an activity or competition, _ are the reward for the person who wins or succeeds in it. (Premio)
The stakes
(Phrasal verb) To establish or make clear your opinion or position on something. (Señalar, marcar tu posición)
Stake something out
(Phrasal verb) To accept that a difficult situation exists. (Afrontar)
Face up to something
(Formal) Strom determination. (Propósito, resolución)
- To change something slightly, especially to make it more correct, effective, or suitable. (Ajustar, modificar) - To arrange your clothing to make yourself look tidy. (Colocarse, ajustarse)
(Expression) To show surprise by moving your eyebrows upwards. (Arquar las cejas)
Raise your eyebrows
(Expression) To destroy someone’s hopes. (Desanimar)
Dash somebody’s hopes
Something, such as a piece of card, that you put something on to show it. (Soporte, base, montura)
To prevent someone from being able to act or think in the usual way. (Apoderarse)
The part of a car that contains some of the controls used for driving and the devices for measuring speed and distance. (Salpicadero)
UK: Dashboard US: Dash
To mix two things together. (Combinar)
(Formal) Only recently forme of started, but likely to grow larger quickly. (Naciente, emergente)
(Expression) To hit someone. (Poner la mano encima)
Raise your hand to/against somebody
(of a problem) So difficult that it is impossible to solve. (Irresoluble)
Insoluble (US also Insolvable)
(Expression) To annoy someone. (Enfurecer a alguien)
Make (somebody’s) hackles rise / Raise (somebody’s) hackles
- The act of running somewhere very quickly. (Carrera) - (US) A race over a short distance. (Metros lisos)
To write a name or address on an envelope or parcel. (Poner a nombre de)
(Formal) To speak or write to someone. (Dirigir(se))
(Expression) If you do something _, you do it with one big, noticeable movement. (Con gesto triunfal, con floritura)
With a flourish
To take a long time to leave or disappear. (Quedarse merodeando, entretenerse, resistirse a irse)
Describes someone who can clearly see objects that are close to them. (Miope)
Short-sighted (US also Nearsighted)
Clothes that are old and torn. (Harapos, trapos viejos)
(Formal or humorous) Seeming to be in all places. (Omnipresente, ubiquo)
In Britain, a series of entertaining events and activities organized by college student once a year to collect money for charity.
- Waste matter such as water or human urine or solid waste. (Aguas residuals) - The system of carring away waste water and human waste from houses and other buildings through large underground pipes and passages. (Alcatarillado)
Sewage / Sewerage
(Expression) If you _, it is important to you because you have a personal interest or involment in it. (Interesarse)
Have a stake in something
(Expression) (Formal) To disagree strongly. (Discrepar)
Take issue with something
The hairs on the back of some animals or the feathers on the back of some birds that rise when the animal or bird is frightened or about to fight. (Pluma del cuello)
(Phrasal verb) To deal with a problem or difficult person bravely and with determination. (Encarar, plantar cara)
UK: Square up to somebody/something US: Face up to somebody/something
The basic systems and services, such as transport and power supplies, that a country or organisation uses in order to work effectively. (Infraestructura(s))
(Expression) To guard someone. (Montar la guardia)
Mount guard (on/over somebody)
To risk having a harmful effect on something. (Comprometer, poner en peligro)
Very shocking and surprising. (Impactante, asombroso)
An improvement, especially in a person’s behaviour or in the structure of something. (Reforma)
A newspaper or magazine that is considered to be of bad quality. (Periodicucho)
Used in the names of horse races in which the prize money is provided by all the owners of the horses that are competing in the race.
The Stakes
To change the words of a text, especially a law or a legal document. (Corregir, enmendar)
A strong stick or metal bar with a pointed end. (Poste)
To make something that is already bad even worse. (Exacerbar)
Used as part of the name of a mountain. (Monte)
Mount (Abbreviation Mt)
A large number of CDs, records, etc. produced at one time. (Prensado)
Not easy to find or get. (Escaso)
(Llegar a un acuerdo)
Reach / Find a compromise
To accept that you will reduce your demand or change your opinion in order to reach an agreement with someone. (Llegar a un acuerdo)
A piece of cloth that is used for removing dust from furniture, books, surfaces, etc. (Trapo de limpiar)
UK: Duster US: Rag / Dustcloth