Unit 1.8 Lab Safety Flashcards
What two equipments are essential in a lab?
Lab apron + safety goggles
What does WHMIS stand for?
Workplace Hazardous Material Information System
What do you do if disposable gloves discolour/deteriorate?
Remove them + wash hands thoroughly + get a new pair
What do you do if there’s a chemical splash/eye injury?
Immediately use the eyewash, hold an injured person’s eyes open while rinsing copiously, and see a physician after. If a chemical gets in eye, flush it with running water for at least 15 mins.
What do you do if you are on fire?
Stop, drop, and roll, and use a fire blanket to smother it. Never run.
What do you do if you get a minor injury?
Ask your TA with help with a first aid kit.
What do you do in the event of a chemical spill on yourself and on the lab bench/floor?
– On yourself: Use a safety shower, pull the overhead handle and remove potentially contaminated clothing to rinse the skin. If a chemical gets in eye, flush it with running water for at least 15 mins.
– On the lab bench/floor: Ask your TA for help with spill neutralizers
What direction should you cut when using a scalpel?
Cut away from yourself and others
When should you do when diluting acid?
Always add small amounts of acid to large amounts of water
What does MSDS stand for?
Material Safety Data Sheets
Responsibilities under the Hazardous Product Act are placed on which groups of people?
Suppliers, employers, and workers.
Who are the suppliers and their responsibilities?
– Those who sell or import products
– Must provide appropriate labelling on the container and a MSDS for all WHMIS “controlled products they distribute.
What is the purpose of the MSDS and labelling on containers?
– MSDS: Provide information about the product/chemical and potential hazards and provide explanations of safely handling it
– Labels: Clearly identify the contents of the hazardous material
What is an employer’s responsibilities?
Must provide WHMIS training for employees and ensure proper labelling and the availability of an MSDS for each product to which a worker may be exposed to.
What is a worker’s responsibilities?
Required to take the provided WHMIS training and should also be prepared to report to their employer on any problems or violations under WHMIS legislation.