Unit 1.2 Scientific Method Flashcards
State the purpose of the scientific method.
To reduce bias and increase credibility of Science and knowledge
What are the six steps of the scientific method?
– Question
– Research
– Hypothesis
– Experiment
– Analyze/Conclusion
– Communicate results
What’s the structure of a hypothesis?
How do you conduct a fair test?
– Change one factor at a time and keep other conditions constant
– Repeat experiment several times
– Have a reasonable sample size
What is a scientific model?
– Comparison/analogy to compare something whose behaviour is not understood to something that is understood
What is a scientific theory?
Well-established scientific model explaining “why” or “how” based on experiments + facts with plentiful evidence to support it
What is a lab report?
Formal document written by the scientist to record work + findings + possible explanations for anomalies
Why do conspiracy theories exist?
– Fun
– Create doubt regarding scientific findings to benefit other purposes
– Generate personal money and fame (clout-chasing)