It is not a true statement about bones and cartilages:
Both contain various types of living tissues
Which type of cartilage is/are present in our respiratory passage?
Hyaline Cartialge
All of the following are true about collagen except:
Cartilage is covered by:
Major protein of connective tissues:
Tibia is found in:
Lower Leg
Number of bones present in vertebral column:
It is not a part of the axial skeleton:
Patella➡Knee Bone
Ribs which are only attached to spinal cord are:
Floating Ribs
Choose an option containing the correct information:
➡6 paired facial bones
➡2 unpaired facial bones
How many coxal bones are present in human body?
Knee and elbow joints are examples of:
Hinge Joint
Which of the following is an example of synovial joint?
Joint between radus and ulna
Elbow joint is an example of:
Hinge Joint
Joint that is immovable:
Joint between costal arch and sternum is:
Acute forms of arthritis usually result from ___ invasion.
Antibodies attack joints in
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Irregular striations and involuntary control is related to:
Cardiac Muscle Cells
Which one of the following is correct regarding ligaments and tendons?
Both are specialized connective tissue
Earliest form of muscles is:
Is inserted into radius
The main functional partners of bones are:
Skeletal Muscle
The type of muscle which exhibits striations at regular intervals, is multinucleated and whose control is neurogenic is the:
Skeletal Muscle
Which one of the following muscles is considered as “Voluntary Muscle”?
Skeletal Muscles
Which one of the following are “myogenic” types of muscles?
Cardiac Muscles
Connective tissue wrapping around a muscle that is found continuous with tendons:
The sarcoplasmic reticulum is like this:
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
Sarcolemma is primarily made up of:
Which one of the following structures serves as a center of the sarcomere?
Which one of the following is correct regarding A-bad?
Myosin acts as a polarizer of light
T-tubules in human skeletal muscles are present at:
A-I Junction
Diameter of each myofibril is approximate:
2 μm
Which of the following is a true statement?
Muscle cell has many myofibrils
Which of the following band allows most of the light to pass through it?
Chief component of thin filamets is:
The sliding protein of muscle
The point of attachment o the nerve to the muscle is called a ____ junction.
The repeated protein pattern of myofibrils is called:
A sarcomere is the region of a myofibril between two successive:
The sarcolemma of muscle fiber folds inwards and forms a system of tubes which runs through the sarcoplasm called:
Transverse Tubules
Each muscle fiber is surrounded by a modified cell membrane called:
Overlapping of thick filament occurs in:
The sarcolemma is the membrane around?
Muscle Fiber
Each muscle fiber contains long threads that extend along its entire length. These are called as:
The microtubules in the cytoskeleton are made up of proteins:
The functional unit of a muscle is known as:
Thin filaments of muscles contain ______ chains of actin molecules.
The thick filaments in a myofibril of muscles are made up of:
What do we call the cell surface membrane of a muscle fiber?
Globular monomers are present in:
A muscle protein that has 3 polypeptides:
Cross bridges form between:
Actin filaments and myosin heads
When a muscle is at rest, what blocks myosin from binding to actin?
All of the following are true regarding muscle contraction except:
➡I band shortens❌
➡A band remains unchanged❌
➡Z lines get closer’❌
➡M line disappears✅
Contractile protein of skeletal muscle cells involving ATPase activity is:
Which triggers the release of calcium ions from the sarcoplasmic reticulum?
An action potential
According to sliding filament theory, when muscle fibers are stimulated by the nervous system, which of the following changes occurs?
I-Bands shorten
A motor unit is made up of:
A motor neuron and the muscle fiber it innervates
It acts as immediate source of energy for muscles contraction.
When muscles contracts, thick and thin filaments undergo:
The function of calcium ions n muscle contraction is to:
Bind to troponin molecules and cause them to move
Each myosin molecule has one tail and:
2 globualr heads
The protein filament which binds to calicum:
The majority of muscles of our body are:
Each muscle fiber is surrounded by a membrane which is called:
During muscle contraction:
I-Band shortens
The sliding protein fo muscle is:
The pigment which stores oxygen in muscles is:
The length of myofibril from one Z-band to the next Z-band is known as:
Calcium ions released during a muscle fiber contraction attach with:
Regarding skeletal muscle structure, the area which contains only thick filmants:
For muscle contraction, calcium ions in sarcoplasm are released from:
Sarcoplasmic reticulum
Which of the following is a structural unit of skeletal muscles?
Muscle FIber
A sarcomere is an area between:
Two Z-lines
The smallest contractile part of a skeletal muscle is:
Which band does not change its length during muscle contraction?
T-tubules in skeletal muscles are formed by:
Bones protect critical internal organs like:
➡Spinal Cord
A statement not true about bones and cartilages:
Both contain the same type of living tissue
The total number of “Free Ribs” in the human body is:
Knee and elbow joints are examples of:
Hinge Joint
Which of the followings are characteristics of visceral muscles except:
➡Contain Muscle Proteins❌
➡Have Multiple nuclei✅
➡Have striations❌
➡Help in peristalsis❌
Muscle is derived from:
The dark bands (A-Bands) of a skeletal muscle are known as:
Anisotropic Bands
The motor unit is best described as:
A single motor neuron and all the muscle fibers that it innervates
Which of the following pairs is correctly matched:
Fibrous Joint ➡Flat skull bones
ATPase activity is associated with:
It allows rotatory movement:
Pivot Joint
Which hormone regulates spermatogenesis:
Carialge is a form of:
Connective Tissue
Which type of cartilage is the most abundant in human body?
Hyaline cartilage
Which of the following is not an important function of bone?
Regulation of pH through hydration
Which of the following cells secrete flexible, elastic, non-living matrix clloagen?
Cartilage has living cells that are called:
What is not true about cartilage?
➡There are any blood vessels in the cartilage✅
➡It is a form of connective tissue❌
➡It covers ends of the bone at the joint❌
What are osteocytes?
Bone Cell
Hyaline cartilage forms joint between:
Growing Bone
Accumulation of crystals in cartilage is called:
The fibrous connective tissue which attaches bone to bone is called:
Which one of the following is not a character of cardiac muscles:
Muscles are composed of:
Group of cell fibers
Skeletal muscles are made up of:
Cardiac muscles differ from skeletal muscles by which of the following property?
Involuntary COntrol
Vertebrates have which of the following:
➡Cardiac Muscles
➡Skeletal Muslces
➡Smooth Muscles
It is a property of cardiac myocytes:
Fatigue resistance
Why skeletal muscles are called striated muscles:
Alternating dark and light bands appear on their surface when visualized via a microscope
Smooth muscles, cardiac muscles, and organs are regulated by which of the following?
Autonomic System
Smooth muscles, cardiac muscles, and organs are regulated by which of the following?
Autonomic System
Striated skeletal muscle cells are under:
Voluntary Control
Which of the following muscle fiber contains single nucleus?
Smooth Muscle
Which of the following grouping is incorrect?
➡Skeletal, Striated, Voluntary❌
➡Cardiac, Striated, Involuntary❌
➡Cardiac, Striated, Voluntary✅
An entire skeletal muscle is surrounded by:
The fibrous connective tissue which attaches muscle to bone is called:
It is true about skeletal muscle cells?
It has light and dark band
It is present in cardiac muscle muscles but absent in smooth muscles:
Which of the following muscles is involuntary and non-striated?
Smooth Muscles
Which is not true for cardiac muscles?
➡No distinct Nucleus✅
➡Inter-Calated Discs❌
A unique feature of the cardiac muscle cell is:
Intercalated Disc
Skeletal muscle associated with skeleton form:
Skeletal System
Cardiac Muscle are found in:
What structure marks the separation between two sarcomeres?
Skeletal muscle is composed of:
Muscle Fibers
Sarcoplasm of the muscle fiber is similar to:
Cytoplasm of other cell
Sarcomere attach end to end to form:
Lien at center of A band is:
M line
fo the following is anisotropic?
A band
Region between two successive Z-lines is:
Cross bridges are found on:
The main unit of thick filament is:
Myosin filaments are how many times thick as compared to actin filaments?
3 times
Which of the following is not true about muscle fibers?
➡Better developed for slow sustained activiites❌
➡For energy, they depend on anaerobic procedures✅
➡Myoglobin content is high❌
➡Possess mitochondria in huge numbers❌
The smallest contractile unit muscle contraction called sarcomere is the area between two?
Which of the following is true about sarcomeres?
Actin filaments are only found in the I band
What is located at both sides of the A band?
Which of the following occurs during muscular contraction?
➡Actin slides over myosin
➡ATP supplies energy
➡Calcium ions are involved
Which of the following s true about the organization fo actin filaments and myosin in sarcomeres?
➡Myosin filaments appear thinner than actin filaments
➡Prior to constriction, there is no overlap between actin and myosin
➡The degree of overlap of actin and myosin affects the overall contractions
Which of the following is the name of the modified endoplasmic reticulum found in muscle cells?
Sarcoplasmic reticulum
Muscles are composed of:
Groups of cell fibers
How many thin filaments are arrayed around each thick filament within a sarcomere?
Dark bands of skeletal muscles are:
A Band
How much of the body heat is produced by muscle tissue?
A disc-like protein that is centrally found in sarcomeres is:
The functional unit of contractile system in striated muscle is:
The length of the following is reduced when muscle contracts:
The contractile protein of skeletal muscle involving ATPase activity is:
Many sarcomere in series make up the length a:
Which is most likely to extend the entire length of muscle fiber?
The A band further divides by:
A muscle of the fascicle is a:
Bundel fo muscle fibers
A muscle of the fascicle is a:
Bundel fo muscle fibers
A muscle of the fascicle is a:
Bundel fo muscle fibers
A muscle of the fascicle is a:
Bundel fo muscle fibers
Bright region in A band is:
Myofilament is made of:
Major regulatory protein in muscle is:
Sarcoplasm is different from cytoplasm:
➡It contains sarcoplasmic reticulum
➡It contains glycogen
➡It contains glycogen and oxygen-binding protein, myoglobin
According to the sliding filament theory of muscle contraction, which of the following are functions of ATP?
It allows the myosin head to detach from teh actin filament
What type of enzyme is myosin?
ATP hydrolase
Which of the following proteins does not play a fun force-tension curve of muscle contraction?
Calcium during muscle contraction binds with:
Troponin I
When a muscle fiber shortens, the following shortens:
➡Actin Filament
Rigor mortis after death results due to:
Unavailability of ATP, which is necessary to break
What is hydrolyzes during muscle contraction
Actin and myosin are ___ proteins:
Skeletal muscle cause:
Eye Movement
Which of the following is true of troponin and tropomyosin?
Tropomyosin binds to actin and prevents the myosin head from binding to actin
How much ATP is required for one cycle of muscle contraction and relaxation?
How much ATP is required for one cycle of muscle contraction and relaxation?
The contraction of muscle by actin and myosin is described by which biological theory?
Sliding Filament Theory
The muscle which moves a body part away from the midline of the body is:
Extensor Muscles
During a muscular contraction, which of the following elements maintains constant length?
A band
Which of the following step occurs immediately after binding of Ca+2 with troponin molecule during muscle contraction?
Tropomyosin gets removed from the binding sites of actin filaments
What occurs when the thin actin and thick myosin filaments slide past each other?
Muscle Cotraction
The muscle which moves a body part towards the midline of the body of:
Adductor Muscles
Which of the following action si caused by skeletal muscles:
Eye Movements
Which of the following molecules binds to troponin during muscle contraction, triggering tropomyosin to move away from the actin-binding sites and allowing the myosin head to form a cross bridge?
What is the purpose of calcium in muscles?
It allows tropomyosin to be pulled away from the actin filament
Which of the following proteins directly interacts with the myosin binding site on actin:
Which two proteins are the major components of myofibrils, allowing for muscle contraction?
Actin and Myosin
Tropomyosin binds to ___ and prevents the myosin from sliding up the actin filament.
Nerves that are innervating muscle fibers are called:
Motor Neuron
Which disappears during muscle contractions?
Role of sarcoplasmic reticulum prior to muscle contraction:
It releases calcium ions by active transport
Which of the following movements are possible in a pivot joint?
Type of synovial joints:
➡Hinge Joint
➡Ball and Socket Joint
Humerus forms joints with
Which joint is present in neck, due to which it shows movement?
Pivot Joint
The hinge joint and ball and socket joints are the types of :
Freely Moveable Joints
Fluid present in synovial joint is:
Synovial Fluid
The metacarpal joint is an example of:
Hinge Joints
The connection between two bones is:
Joints in which both muscle and bone are in same phase angle:
Hinge Joint
Which of the following comes under the structural classification
Joints are classified on the basis of:
The amount of movement allowed by them
Cartilaginous joints have:
Slight Movement
A type of joint found at the articulation between teeth and the sockets of the maxilla is:
Humerus forms ___ joint with the scapula
Ball and Socket
Which of the following is not the unique features of synovial joint?
How many types of joints are present in body?
In cartilaginous joint:
Joint cavity is absent
A syndesmosis is present in between:
Long Bones
The xiphisternal joint is present between:
Body of sternum and xiphoid process
Inflammation of the joint is known as:
All of the following are inflammatory arthritis except:
➡Rheumatoid Arthritis❌
➡Gouty Arthritis✅
Chronic arthritis is:
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Chronic and inflammatory types of arthritis is:
Acute form of arthritis resutls from:
Bacteria lAttack
Gout results due to defective metabolism of:
Xanthine oxidase
Most common site for auto immune disease:
Skin and Joint
An example of degenerative disease:
Sperms of liverworts, mosses, and ferns move towards archegonia, in response to nucleic acid released by the ovum. This is an example of:
Chemotropic Movement
Tibia is found in:
Lower Leg
Biceps are:
Roots of a plant show which of the following?
Negative phototropism and positive geotropism
Rapid movement of leaves of mimosa on touching is an example of:
Turgor movement
Triceps are:
Extensor Muscles
Cranium contains how many bones:
How many bones are humans have in the vertebral column:
Bones protect critical internal organs like:
➡Spinal Cord
Which of the following sections of a sarcomere does not shorten during contraction?
Which of the following does not occur during skeletal muscle contraction?
Calcium binds to myosin heads