UNIT#08 EVOLUTION Flashcards
A series of changes in the genetic composition of a population over time is called;
Product of ovulation is:
Who developed a theory of natural selection essentially identical to Darwin’s?
Alfred Wallace
All of the following are related to evolution except:
Muscle Hypertrophy
Which one of the following statements is correct?
➡There is no evidence of the existence of gills during embryogenesis of mammals❌
➡All plant and animal cells are totipotent❌
➡Ontogeny repeats phylogeny✅
➡Stem cells are specialized cells❌
He was no vocal about the idea of evolution:
It is not true about evolution:
➡It is a slow and continuous process❌
➡Evolution doesn’t leave an observable sign✅
➡Evolution transforms life on earth❌
➡Evolutionary relationships among organisms are reflected in their DNA❌
This theory says that mitochondria and chloroplasts are ancient bacteria that now live inside the more giant cells.
Endosymbiont Theory
Life started about:
3.5 billion years ago
Adaptations that an organism acquires by its own actions are;
Not heritable
Lamarck presented a mechanism to explain:
How specific adaptations evolved
Which one is according to Lamarcksim true?
Which statement is contradictory to Lamarckism?
Acquired characteristics can’t be inherited
Which of the following is not an example of the disuse of organs?
➡Snake’s Feet❌
➡Shedding of teeth✅
➡Muscle atrophy❌
➡Movement of ear❌
First ever theory which explained evolution as a process of:
Unique fauna was observed by Darwin in:
Darwin perceived the origin of new species and :
What is your perception of Darwin about the unity of life?
All organisms descent from a common ancestor
Overproduction of individuals leads to the ___ amongst the members of a population;
According to Darwin ___ become better adapted to the local environment through natural selection.
Survival is only for the fittest is true for:
Natural Selection
Survival in the struggle for existence depends upon:
Hereditary constitution
How many types of finches were observed by Darwin at Galapagos Island?
Which one is related to natural selection?
More people➡ Fewer Resources➡More competition
Darwin’s theory of evolution was mainly based on the evidence from ___
Geographical distribution and the fossil record
Over many years two population could become dissimilar enough to be designed and designated as separate species that is applied upon:
Galapagos finches
Which is not a geographical barrier?
According to the theory of natural selection, organisms produce:
More offspring than supported
Which animals support Darwin’s view of inheritance of desirable variation?
Galapagos finches
____ occurs because natural selection gives some alleles a better chance of survival than others:
Neo-Darwinism has integrated discoveries and ideas from all except:
Neo-Darwinism is;
Darwinism + Mendelism
The finches of Galapagos islands provide evidence in favour of;
Evolution due to the biography
Modern biological sciences suggest that ____ are the ancestors of all life forms:
___- provides visual records in a complex series showing the evolution of an organism:
Fossils Record
The presence of gill slits, in the embryos of all vertebrates, supports the theory of:
Which is not the character of fossils:
Functionally different but structurally alike organs are;
Analogous organs help organism to live in:
Same habitat
Which one of the following statements could not be used to describe a species:
A group with analogous structures
When two species of different genealogy come to resemble each other as a result of adaptation, the phenomenon is termed?
Convergent Evolution
The actual remains or traces of organisms that lived in ancient geological forms?
In humans gill pouches have been modified into;
Eustachian tubes
Vestiges of vestigial organs are those organs which ceased to be of any use in their processor but they persist to reduce from generation after generation. In man they are:
➡Vermiform appendix
➡Ear Muscles
The organs which are similar in function but different in structure, are called
Analogous Organs
Forelimbs of man, horses, and whales show;
Divergent Evolution
“Evolution is a remodelling process”, this is supported by:
Comparative anatomy
The comparative anatomy embryology of all vertebrates shows the presence of;
Gill pouches
Fossils are most likely to be present in;
Sedimentary Rocks
The process that has transformed life on earth from its earliest forms to vast diversity is;
The concept of evolution was first presented by which of the following scientist?
The earliest life form on Earth is:
During Aristotle’s time, it was thought that:
Organisms ranged from simple to complex
Methanopyras kandleri is an organism which lives in a hydrogen-carbon dioxide environment and was first discovered in a hydrothermal vent where the temperature reached 230°C. What sort of organism is this?
Flagella might have arisen through the ingestion of which o the following?
Carlos Linneaus was a believer of which in the following?
Special Creation
Two populations of the same species over time grow distant from one another. At what point will these two populations be considered different species?
When they are no longer able to interbreed
Which scientist does not match his achivements in the following options?
Cuvier published papers on inheritance
The process by which different kinds of living organisms are believed to have developed from earlier forms during the history of the earth;
He explained earth’s history by catastrophism:
Eukaryotes evolved by prokaryotes through:
Who wrote an essay on population?
Lamarck was in charge of the Natural history Museum in:
Which condition can be explained by Lamarckism:
How giraffes got their long neck
Which of the following scientists hypothesized that organisms can pass down acquired traits during their lifetimes?
Lamarck’s ideas on biological evolution contained correct and incorrect notions. Which of his ideas is correct?
Evolution is related to changes in adaptation to the environment
The idea of inheritance of acquired characteristics was given by:
What are parts of Lamarck’s theory of evolution?
➡Indivudals lose traits that they don’t need
➡Acquired characteristics are heritable
➡Indivduals gain characteristics they need
Which of the following are important points of Lamarck’s theory?
➡Use and Disuse of organs
➡Inheritance of acquired characteristics
Which scientists gave postulate that giraffes have long necks because they wanted to eat the leaves of tall trees?
Who hypothesized that organisms evolved through the inheritance of acquired characteristics?
Which of the following can be described by Lamarckism?
➡How giraffes got their long neck
➡How humans lost their tails
➡How humans became bipedal
Use and disuse organ theory was proposed by:
Natural selection can amplify or diminish variations that are?
Who developed a theory of natural selection essentially identical to Darwin?
Alfred Wallace
Darwin was greatly influenced by:
Essay on population by Malthus
Darwin’s theory mainly focuses on:
How new species arise
Which theory tells about adaptation:
Darwin’s natural selection
Island present near South American coastline:
Darwin returned to Great Britain in:
Natural selection was the salient feature of which statement:
Darwin collected how many types of finches?
Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection is based on all of the following postulates except:
➡Some individuals are more successful in surviving and reproducing than other❌
➡Individuals within a population are variable❌
➡The survival and reproduction of individuals are not random❌
➡The survival and reproduction of individuals are random✅
Darwin described his theory of natural selection as which of the following?
Descent with modification
Who developed a theory of natural selection essentially identical to Darwin’s?
Alred Wallace
Darwin gave his theory of evolution in:
Gallapagos finches indicated:
Allopatric speciation
During which of the following levels of the biological organization can natural selection occur?
Which of the following would best determine the fitness of an organism?
The number of offspring produced by the organism
Which organism would be considered the most biologically fit?
Lives 36 years and produces 6 offspring
The book name in which Darwin published the theory of evolution:
The origin of species
What is the definition of “fitness” in terms of evolution?
The ability of an organism to contribute its genes to future generations
The ability to pass on genes is denied as which of the following?
Darwin’s theory was based on:
Natural Selection
The best definition of natural selection is:
Most fit individuals adapt to their environment better than less fit individuals
Darwin’s theory can be named as;
Classical theory
Specifies of natural selection are;
Neo-Darwinism has integrated discoveries and ideas from:
Neo-Darwinism came on to the surface during:
Homology means;
The similarity in characteristics resulting from common ancestors
If two species have similar proteins and genes it means;
They have common ancestors
Most of the fossils are found in which of the following?
Sedimentary Rocks
Structures that were once functional in the past but no longer serve a purpose due to evolutionary adaptations and physiological changes are referred to as?
Which type of evolution is represented by analogous organs?
Convergent Evolution
Homologous organs show similarities in:
Which of the following is ancient fossil fuel?
The embryo of a turtle, mouse and human show:
Comparative embryology
The structures of the front flipper of a whale and the forearm of a wolf have similar bone structures and derive from a common ancestor. This is an example of which o the following?
Homologous structures
An example of convergent evolution is:
Wings of birds and insects
The study of fossils is called:
Which of the following organs serve no apparent purpose?
Vestigial Organ
The wings of a bird and the wings of a bottle are considered?
Which statement is incorrect?
➡Homologus organs are functionally different but structurally alike❌
➡Examples of homologous structures are cat, the flipper of whale❌
➡Examples of analogous structures are wings of bats, birds, and insects❌
➡Analogus organs are functionally different but structurally alike✅
In humans, gill pouches have evolved into which of the following organs?
Eustachian Tubes
Mating with non-relatives is known as;
A population of birds encounters a dramatic event that results in a severe decrease in population size. As a result of the newly-decreased population, what type of genetic drift does this population now exhibit?
Founder effect
When resources get scarce, the population grows.
Slows Down
Which statement best describes Hardy-Weinberg’s principle?
When there is a large population, the mechanisms of inheritance do not change allele formation