Unit 10 FRQ- AP PSYCH TEST Flashcards


2 Years Old (Freud, Erikson, Piaget, Kohlberg)


Freud/Psychosexual Development= 2 year olds are in the ANAL STAGE development of bodily control as an extension of the development of self-control= reality principle of the ego

Piaget/Cognitive Development= 2 year olds are in the SENSORIMOTOR STAGE, sensory development and stimuli exploration, development of rudimentary schemas= object permenace (objects continue to exist even if they cannot be seen)

Kohlberg/Moral & Ethical Development= PRECONVENTIONAL LEVEL
Level 1: focus= the individual/self
-self-centered moral judgement based upon individual interests and learned behaviors
Stage 1: Punishment-Obedience Orientation-acknowledgung the existence of social rules, rules are obeyed in order to avoid punishment
Stage 2: Instrumental-Exchange Orientation- acceptance of social rules (legitimacy), rules are obeyed in anticipation of reward

Erikson/Interpersonal & Social Relationships(Psychosocial)=
Stage 2: Early Childhood- Autonomy vs. Shame/Doubt- development of self awareness and self identity, children test limits and boundaries to exert their independence, lack of independence creates a defeated self concept and doubt in a Childs capabilities

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4 Years Old (Freud, Erikson, Piaget, Kohlberg)


Freud/Psychosexual Development= 4 year olds are in the PHALLIC STAGE of development, boys and girls notice their differences, attraction to parent of opposite sex + jealousy of same sex parent

Piaget/Cognitive Development= 4 year olds are in the Preoperational Stage- development of symbols and language (critical period hypothesis)
Operational Cognition: sequential mental processing
= comprehension of patters and symmetry
= arranging thoughts/tasks in order
Egocentric Cognition: inability to understand concepts through a perspective other than their own - general inability to empathize
–> assuming everyone sees, heard, feels and thinks the same as they do
Animistic Cognition: believing all things are living and have human characteristics-feelings and emotions
Artificialistic Cognition: assuming that environmental events are due to human actions and technology they’re familiar with

Kohlberg/Moral and Ethical Development: PRECONVENTIONAL LEVEL
Level 1: focus= the individual/self
-self-centered moral judgement based upon individual interests and learned behaviors
Stage 1: Punishment-Obedience Orientation-acknowledgung the existence of social rules, rules are obeyed in order to avoid punishment
Stage 2: Instrumental-Exchange Orientation- acceptance of social rules (legitimacy), rules are obeyed in anticipation of reward

Erikson/Psychosocial Personality Development = Play Age, Initiative vs. Guilt- children self-direct their own course of activity, learning of preschool tasks creates pride and confidence
–> speech, potty training, riding a bicycle, etc.
- failure to learn creates guilt, frustration, anger, embarrassment

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7 Years old (Freud, Erikson, Piaget, Kohlberg)


Freud/Psychosexual Development: 7 year olds are in the LATENCY STAGE, sexual impulses to opposite sex parent dissolves and resentment of same sex parent is replaced with idolization

Piaget/Cognitive Development: 7 year olds are in the PREOPERATIONAL STAGE, Artificialistic Cognition= assuming that environmental events are due to human actions and technology they’re familiar with

Kohlberg/Moral and Ethical Development: 7 year olds are in the PRECONVENTIONAL LEVEL
Level 1: focus= the individual/self
-self-centered moral judgement based upon individual interests and learned behaviors
Stage 1: Punishment-Obedience Orientation-acknowledgung the existence of social rules, rules are obeyed in order to avoid punishment
Stage 2: Instrumental-Exchange Orientation- acceptance of social rules (legitimacy), rules are obeyed in anticipation of reward

Erikson/Psychosocial Personality Development: 7 year olds are in stage 4 which is the SCHOOL AGE-INDUSTRY VS. INFERIORITY, the critical period for learning and self confidence, if learning fosters curiosity = motivated student, if inabilities cause inferiority = apathetic student

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9 Year olds (Freud, Erikson, Piaget, Kohlberg)


Freud/Psychosexual Development: 7 year olds are in the LATENCY STAGE, sexual impulses to opposite sex parent dissolves and resentment of same sex parent is replaced with idolization

Piaget/Cognitive Development: Stage 3: Concrete Operational Stage
REVERSIBILITY= reversing the sequential operations developed via Operational Cognition
–> counting backwards, subtraction, etc.
CONSERVATION= understanding the concept that the value of an object remains constant despite changes in form- mass, size, length, volume, etc.

Kohlberg/Moral and Ethical Development= 9 year olds are in the PRECONVENTIONAL LEVEL
Level 1: focus= the individual/self
-self-centered moral judgement based upon individual interests and learned behaviors
Stage 1: Punishment-Obedience Orientation-acknowledgung the existence of social rules, rules are obeyed in order to avoid punishment
Stage 2: Instrumental-Exchange Orientation- acceptance of social rules (legitimacy), rules are obeyed in anticipation of reward

Erikson/Psychosocial Personality Development: 9 year olds are in stage 4 which is the SCHOOL AGE-INDUSTRY VS. INFERIORITY, the critical period for learning and self confidence, if learning fosters curiosity = motivated student, if inabilities cause inferiority = apathetic student

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13 Years old (Freud, Erikson, Piaget, Kohlberg)


Freud/Psychosexual Development: 13 year olds are in the GENITAL STAGE which during this stage the individual developes a strong. sexual interest in the opposite sex and the interest in the welfare of others grows during this stage

Piaget/Cognitive Development: Stage 4- FORMAL OPERATIONAL STAGE, cognitive maturity, ability to think logically about abstract concepts, ability to think hypothetically
METACOGNITITON = “Thinking about Thinking” –> understanding ones own preferred learning styles

Kohlberg/Moral and Ethical Development: 13 year olds are in the CONVENTIONAL LEVEL=focus= the society/groups = ALTRUISM
-Moral and Ethical Dilemmas
–> is it ever permissible to break a law?
(assuming the law is valid, fair, and just)
–> “Heinz Dilemma”
Stage 3: GOOD CHILD ORIENTATION, rules and laws are perceived as “necessary evils”, people should be judged by their intentions, not necessarily by their actions
–> “his/her heart was in the right place”
Stage 4: LAW-AND-ORDER ORIENTATION, laws are viewed as essential to preserve social order, violations of law (even if intentions are good) lead to social decay = chaos and anarchy

Erikson/Psychosocial Personality Development= Stage 5= ADOLESCENCE- IDENTITY VS. CONFUSION, peer conformity = teenage “identity Crisis”, self reflection of values, principles, future goals, stress of future occupational identity, fear of the next chapters of life

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