Unit 1 - Renaissance And Reformation Flashcards
Urban: Areas that are densely populated
Rural: Areas with lower populations, and where people are more spread out
Intellectual movement focusing on human potential and achievement.
“The end justifies the means”
You can use immoral methods as long as something good comes out of it.
Renaissance architecture
Architecture during the Renaissance, inspired by Greek and Roman styles, emphasis on symmetry, proportion, geometry
Movable type
In a printing press, separate piece of type for every letter
Art patron
Wealthy people who financially support artists
Tempura paint
Permanent paint made with colored pigment and a water-soluble glutinous binder like egg yolk
Placing value on the worth, actions, and accomplishments of an individual.
The Classics
Ancient Greek and Latin literature and philosophy
Perspective (in art)
Showing three dimensions on a flat surface
Art of making two or three dimensional forms, often by carving stone or wood
A painting on a wall or ceiling
Ideal Renaissance Man
A man in the renaissance who is supposed to master every area of study, like the Classics, Greek and Latin, science, dance, music, poetry, riding, wrestling, and swordsmanship. He should also be charming and witty.
Subjects common to classical education, like history, literature and philosophy
A city that with it’s surrounding territory forms an independent state
Vanishing point
A point which parallel lines viewed on perspective seem to meet at
The Virgin Mary, mother of Christ
Using images and indirect suggestion to express ideas and emotions in art or literature
A city state in Italy, center of the Renaissance where art flourished
Medici family
A wealthy banking family that controlled Florence in the Renaissance. Cosimo de Medici became dictator of Florence by influencing the ruling council with loans. His grandson, Lorenzo the Magnificent came to power in 1469 and also ruled as a dictator.
Italian historian, politician, diplomat, philosopher, and writer in Florence who wrote The Prince
Leonardo da Vinci
A genius; painter, inventor, scientist, sculptor.
Painter who studied Michelangelo and da Vinci. Realistic style, famous for use of perspective
Pope Julius II
Pope who commissioned Michelangelo to paint the Sistine Chapel ceiling, and other paintings from Raphael and Bramante
Painter, sculptor, architect, and poet who painted the Sistine Chapel ceiling and sculpted the statue of David
First great Italian painter of the Italian Renaissance
Important architect and engineer in the Renaissance
Sculptor who specialized in realistic postures and natural expressions.
Italian painter who experimented with perspective
Jan van Eyck
Flemish Northern Renaissance painter who developed oil painting techniques and painted realistic and revealing portraits
Dutch painter who influenced Flemish painting