Unit 1- Perspectives and Personality Flashcards
Positive Psychology
using specific methods to create a happy, meaningful life. Creating a positive life
unconscious energy that seeks immediate gratification. (Someone with a strong __ is more impulsive)
the middle man between id and superego. This acts on the id’s impulses in a more realistic way
the moral compass of conscience. forces ego to consider what’s “right” (someone with a strong __ is a rule follower and is more of a perfectionist)
Hierarchy of needs (Maslow)
pyramid/step ladder of human needs. Can’t move on to the next need without fulfilling the lower needs
Unconditional positive regard (Rogers)
total acceptance without judgment (can’t give it to yourself)
the highest need in the pyramid; the process of fulfilling our potential
all of our thoughts and feelings when asked “who am I?”
positive self-concept=positive description
negative self concept=negative description
Ideal self v. real/actual self
Ideal self=the way you want to describe you
real/actual self=the way you describe you
Learned helplessness
when we are unable to avoid depressing/harmful events after a while we accept the events and let them happen. We lose hope that we’re in control.
our ability to do something effectively and efficiently. (someone who wants to do well in school has a high self-efficacy)
Self-serving bias
the initial thought that we think higher of ourselves (don’t do well on a test, we blame the teacher instead of ourselves)
Big Five (OCEAN or CANOE)
C: conscientiousness: (high) organized, careful (low) careless, unorganized
A: agreeableness: (high) trusing, soft-hearted (low) ruthless
N: neurotics: (high) calm (low) anxious
O: openness: (high) imaginative (low) practical
E: Extraversion (high) outgoing (low) reserved, shy
psychoanalytic theorist
Freud - defense mechanisms and psychosexual stages
environment affects our behavior
Internal v. external locus of control
internal locus of control: they believe they’re responsible for their own success
external locus of control: luck or fate controls their outcomes
Inferiority complex
our behavior is trying to “conquer” childhood feelings. Ex someone who wants a lot of love as an adult, may not have felt loved as a child. (Alfred Adler)
Myers Briggs type indicator
this test labels a person as a type “thinking type” or “feeling type”
Defense Mechanisms- Repression
rids anxiety from consciousness
Defense Mechanisms- Rationalization
self-justifying instead of owning up to what happened (didn’t play well, look for a reason why. they’re typically lame)
Defense Mechanisms- Displacement
moving aggressive behaviors onto someone or something non-threatening (don’t play well/lose a game take it out on parents)
Defense Mechanisms- Regression
reverting to an earlier stage in life when stressed (I hug a stuffed animal when I’m upset)
Defense Mechanisms- Projection:
placing our own issue onto someone else (cheated on a test, but blamed your friend for cheating off of you)
Defense Mechanisms- Reaction formation:
changing unacceptable, hurtful realities into saying the opposite (if someone doesn’t make a team, they’ll say it’s stupid
Defense Mechanisms- Denial
not believing/accepting hurtful realities (when I did badly on my chem final, I assumed my test got switched with someone’s test)
Defense Mechanisms- Sublimation
deciding instead to join more socially valued areas (when someone doesn’t make the volleyball team they join cross country instead)
classic personality inventory. identifies both personality traits and emotional disorders
Psychosexual stages of development
oral- biting chewing, sucking
anal- anal activity (going to the bathroom)
phallic - strong attachment to parent of opposite sex
latency- making friendships and head toward more boy things and more girl things
genital - attracted to opposite sex and aware of own identity
Reciprocal determinism
your internal traits bring to the environment. then you influences the environment and the environment influences you (Because I love volleyball and playing with my friends, I’m happy being there and because I’m happy my teammates joke around with me and we make practice fun)
Humanistic theorist
Carl Rogers - unconditional positive regard
Neo Freudian theorists
Carl Jung - collective unconscious
Alfred Adler - inferiority complex
Karen Horney - early social relations (more feminine)
Trait theory
Big five, MMPI, empirical evidence (information gathered through observation or experimentation used to confirm or disconfirm a scientific theory)