Unit 1- Facilities and Monitoring Flashcards
Small Animal Facilities
Clinic or hospital, kennels, prep area, operating room, recovery area
Large Animal Facilities
Large clinic, barns, induction stalls, standing surgery area or operating room, recovery stalls
Surgical Areas
Clean area, mixed area, and dirty area
Operating Room
Single door, scrub sinks outside, positive pressure air flow, emergency lighting, minimal horizontal surfaces
OR Items
Anesthesia machine, crash cart, sterile table, mayo stand, operating table, heat source, trough, surgical lights, medical receptacle
Passive Warming
Blankets and towels act as insulators
Active Warming
Heat source applied to patient
Active Core Warming
Heat applied centrally
Temp monitor
Rectal monitor or esophageal temp probe
Heart Rate Monitor
ECG, stethoscope, or esophageal tube
Respiratory Rate Monitor
Blood Pressure Monitor
Doppler or oscillometeric monitoring device
Oxygen Monitor
Pulse oximeter
Direct Blood Pressure Measurement
Arterial catheter
Indirect Blood Pressure Measurement
Doppler or oscillometeric device
Ultrasonic Dopple
Occlude arterial flow with cuff, deflate cuff, blood flow will pass the cuff when just under systolic pressure
Monitors exhaled carbon dioxide
Pule Ox
Monitors oxygen saturation, can be blocked by pigmentation
The surgeon cut something
the surgeon cut something out
the surgeon made an opening
the surgeon changed the shape of something
the surgeon moved the organ to the correct place
the surgeon sewed something up