Unit 1 Essay Questions Flashcards
Discuss how the Renaissance ideas are expressed in the Italian art of the period Referring to specific works and artists?
More emphasis individual
Harmony balance and order
Rafael pretrade ideas in his artwork
To what extent and in what ways did woman participate in the Renaissance?
• Women were supposed to be seen and not heard
Rarely seen
Upper-class women were only allowed to express
Women were inferior to men
Low class women were expected to be housewives and take care of everything that has to do with the house
Working-class women had to help their husbands and work for them and run their business
To what extent is a term Renaissance: A valid concept for a distinct period In early modern European history?
Has to do with art religion
How and to what extent did the methods and ideas of Renaissance humanism contribute to the Protestant Reformation?
Roman Catholic church was very powerful
Holy Roman empire made up of German regions
Sale of indulgences
The art that was depicted in the Renaissance was religious
Anything other than religious with frowned upon
Lutheranism spread quickly
Compare and contrast the motives and actions of Martin Luther in the German states in King Henry VII in England and bringing about religious change during the reformation.
Martin Luther was concerned with the sale of indulgences
95 theses
Exposed church corruption
Argue that only two of the seven sacraments were valid
Agreed with the Roman Catholic Church
Ideas caused peasant revolt
King Henry VII
This tradition of rights of crown vs pope
English you humanist supported for protist in ideas
Defended seven sacraments
Discuss the political and social consequences of the Protestant Reformation in the first half of the 16th century.
Political: – Bloody warfare 30 years war – Persecution of Protestants (bloody Mary) -peasants revolt – Church planned under control of state - Anabaptist persecuted and repressed
Social: --Family placed at Center social life -Women suppressed further into domestic role removed from and religious rules -Education for boys and girls – Religious practices -emphasis on Bible reading
Compare and contrast the attitudes of Martin Luther and John Calvin toward political authority and social order.
Martin Luther
- legion only two sacraments Lord supper and baptism
- want to church reforms
- disliked indulgences
- deny doctrine of transubstantiation
- believed in importance of scripture
- diet of Augsburg
John Calvin
- believed in doctrine of justification by faith only
- more emphasis on absolute sovereignty of God
- believed in predestination
Both wanted reform for church
Only believed in two sacraments been valid
Both believed in doctrine of justification by faith
Compare and contrast the Lutheran reefer mission in the Catholic reformation of the 16th century regarding the reform of both religious doctrines and religious practices.
95 theses Lutheranism Calvinism Anabaptist and king Henry vii who broke from the Catholic Church
Describe and analyze the ways in which 16th century Roman Catholics defend their faith against the Protestant information
They built up the counterreformation creating more reasonable reform seem to pull Paul the third along with the instilling the Council of Trent
Describe the effect of printing press on culture and religion
For more books to be created More books were created more people were able to get these books They were cheaper Literacy rates rose Information was spread faster More Bibles were created Luthers 95 theses were spread rapidly
Describe and analyze the Cutrone economic interactions between Europe and the Western Hemisphere as a result of the Spanish and Portuguese exploration and settlement
Brought over religion and diseases forcing them into encomienda system and exporting gold and goods from plantations
Analyze the effects of the Columbian exchange
Agriculture potato
Animals that cause diseases
Analyze the reasons for the decline of the Holy Roman Empire as a force and European politics. 1517 to 1648.
Barbarian invasion Christianity natural disasters slave labor failing a call call me antagonism between the Senate in the Emperor
-Louis X IV analyze methods that can use to achieve this objective and discuss the extent to which she was successful “one king, one law, one .”
Wanted to be the king and sole ruler of France
- why did no one to think they had even close to the amount of power he had
- had less success in internal administration
- Bribed officials to gain more control
- improved communications through new roads and cana
- Held power through absolute monarchy
- Created Versailles
- Antagonized Huguenots so they can become Catholics
Analyze the influence of the theory of mercantilism on the domestic and foreign policies of France
Explain the reasons for the rise of the Netherlands as a leading commercial power in the. 1552 165
Describe and analyze the changes in the role of Parliament and English politics of succession of James 1st and the glorious qWrevolution
At the start he received a good welcome from the Parliament
Wanted to discuss its powers and rights but James was not going to allow it
Parliament did not succeed
Analyze the ways in which both the theory and the practice of the monarchy evolved in England from 1603 the death of Elizabeth I to the chorus revolution
Constitutional monarchy is a system of government where the power of the ruler is limited
Glorious Revolution establish the victory of Parliament over the king
At the beginning parliament was losing not having enough power
Compare and contrast the political ideas of Hobbs and Locke
Both are political philosophers
Political thinker
View the exercise of political power quite differently from Hobbs and argued against absolute rule of one man
Political thinker
Believed strong powerful government
He claimed that in the state of nature before society was organized human life was solitary poor nasty brutish and short
Identify and analyze the economic developments between 1415 and 1700 that helped bring about the shift
“in the 15th century European society was still centered on the Mediterranean region but by the end of the 17th century the focus of Europe had shifted north
Increases in trouble and economic roots resulted in the rise of the empires Portuguese empire Spanish Empire in British Empire
Development of Industrial Revolution printing press
Describe and analyze how overseas expansion by European states affected global trade and international relations.
Compare and contrast the economic and social development of Russia with that if the Netherlands in the. 1600 through 1725
Analyze the various Protestant views of the relationship between church and state. 1500 to 1700
Analyze the various effects of expansion of the Atlantic trade on the economy in Western Europe in the. 1415 through 1700