Ch.15 Absolutism Flashcards
Defenestration of Prague
The First Defenestration of Prague involved the killing of seven members of the city council by a crowd of radical Czech Hussites on July 30, 1419.
Frederick IV of the Palatinate
Gustavus Adolphus
King of Sweden who developed the first standing army conscripts notable for the flexibility of its tactics
Peace of Westphalia
Ensured that all German states including the Calvinist ones were free to determine their own religion
Jacques Bossuet and the “Divine Right” of kings
Medieval political theorists had seen kings as deriving their authority from God, but as obliged to rule in accordance with law and in consultation with the nobility. Some political philosophers of the Middle Ages wanted to assert the prince’s authority against the Pope; most accepted that a prince ruling tyrannically could be removed by his subjects. Marsilius of Padua (c. 1270-1342) went further than most in subjecting the king to the community.
Cardinal Richlieu and Lewis X I I I
Cardinal Richelieu was a strong believer in the power of the crown - as had been his predecessor the Duke de Luynes. Richelieu served his master - Louis XIII - well and did much to make Seventeenth Century France a classic example of the expansion of royal absolutism at the expense of noble power.
Cardinal Mazarin
An Italian who had come to France as a Papel legit and then became neutralized measure and attempted to carry on Richlieu’s policies until he’s his death
Louis XIV
Louis XIV of France ranks as one of the most remarkable monarchs in history. He reigned for 72 years, 54 of them he personally controlled French government. The 17th century is labeled as the age of Louis XIV. Since then his rule has been hailed as the supreme example of a type of government - absolutism. He epitomized the ideal of kingship. During his reign France stabilized and became one of the strongest powers in Europe.
The Fronde
The Fronde (the name for the “sling” of a children’s game played in the streets of Paris in defiance of civil authorities) was in part an attempt to check the growing power of royal government; its failure prepared the way for the absolutism of Louis XIV’s personal reign.
Edict of Fontainebleu
In October 1685, Louis XIV signed the Edict of Fontainebleau which repealed the Edict of Nantes. It banned Protestant worship and the emigration of Protestants. Pastors were banished.
Serves many purposes it was a residence of the keen reception hall for staff affairs office building for the members of the Kings government in the home of thousands of royal officials and aristocratic courtiers
Jean Baptiste Colbert
Wanted to increase the wealth and power of France through general adherence to mercantilism which stressed government regulation of economic activities to benefit the state
Frederick William
The Great Elector
Frederick 3rd son of Frederick William
Next elector
Means Bohemia
Frederick 1
Frederick 2nd
King and 2nd elector
Frederick William the great elector
- Laid foundation for the Prussian state
- came to power in the miss of the 30 years war
- built a competent and efficient standing army
The House of Hohenzollern is a dynasty of former princes, electors, kings, and emperors of Hohenzollern, Brandenburg, Prussia, the German Empire, and Romania. Wikipedia
Peter the Great
• watered wanted to westernize Russia especially in the wheel of technical skills
Conscripted peasants for 25 years of service to build a standing army of
210,000 men
• defeated Charles’s army
The great Northern war and St. Petersburg
The Great Northern War (1700–1721) was a conflict in which a coalition led by the Tsardom of Russia successfully contested the supremacy of the Swedish Empire in Central, Northern, and Eastern Europe
Later found at. Petersburg
The house of orange Dutch
Occupied the stadholder it and most of the seven provinces and favorite the development of a centralized government with themselves as hereditary monarchs
The Stuart Dynasty
It was an age of intense religious debate and radical politics. Both contributed to a bloody civil war in the mid-seventeenth century between Crown and Parliament (the Cavaliers and the Roundheads), resulting in a parliamentary victory for Oliver Cromwell and the dramatic execution of King Charles I.
The Puritans
Protestants in the angelic and church inspired by Calvinist theology
Wanted James to eliminate the Piscopo system of the church organization used in the church of England in favor of a Presbyterian model
Charles I and the English Civil War
Captured in the first phase of the Civil War
Didn’t want to share power with the Parliament
Oliver Cromwell
One of the groups leaders The group called the independents
He was commander-in-chief of the Army but had to crush the Catholic uprising in Ireland which he accomplished and earned him internal enmity of Irish people
Wanted to level out the society
The test act
Specify that only Angelicans can hold military and civil offices
Charles I I and the restoration
James I I
James II and VII was King of England and Ireland as James II and King of Scotland as James VII, from 6 February 1685 until he was deposed in the Glorious Revolution of 1688. Wikipedia
The glorious Revolution and English bill of rights
Bill of rights affirmed parliaments right to make laws and Levi taxes and made it impossible for Kings to oppose or do without Parliament by stipulating that standing armies could be raced only with the consent of Parliament
William and Mary
Raised an army and invaded England while James his wife and their infant son fled to France
Thomas Hobbes
Political thinker
Believed strong powerful government
He claimed that in the state of nature before society was organized human life was solitary poor nasty brutish and short
John Locke
Political thinker
View the exercise of political power quite differently from Hobbs and argued against absolute rule of one man
Reflected environment and it’s deliberate attempt to break down the high Renaissance principles of balance harmony in moderation
Spread from Italy to other parts of Europe and perhaps reached El Greco
El Greco
He elongated and contorted figures pretrade in unusual shades of yellow and green again Ceneri background of turbulent grades reflect the artist desire to create a world of intense emotion
Architect and sculptor
Depicts movement of a mystical experience in the life of the 16 century Spanish saint
Artemisia Gentileschi was an Italian Baroque painter, today considered one of the most accomplished painters in the generation following that of Caravaggio. Wikipedia
Replaced mannerism
Began in Italy and spread to the rest of Europe
Tyler was embraced by the Catholic reform movement as is evident at the Catholic courts especially those that have speck in Madrid Craig Vienna and Brussels
Artist sought to bring together the classical ideas of Renaissance art with the spiritual feeling of the 16th century religious revival
Known for dramatic effects to arouse the emotions
French classicism
Emphasis on clarity simplicity of balance and harmony of design
What did the shift in the 17th century French society from chaos to order
Rejected emotionalism in high drama of the Baroque
Dutch realism
Most work, including that for which the period is best known, reflects the traditions of detailed realism inherited from Early Netherlandish painting.
Rembrandt van Rijn
Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn was a Dutch painter and etcher. He is generally considered one of the greatest painters and printmakers in European art and the most important in Dutch history. Wikipedia
William Shakespeare
Was a complete man of theatre
No threading place was also an actor and shareholder in the cheap company of the time
Enjoy the favor the French quarter and benefited from the patronage of King Louis X IV
Produce and acted in a series of comedies that often satirize religious and social world of his time
Miguel Cervantes
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, often known mononymously as Cervantes, was a Spanish novelist, poet, and playwright. Wikipedia