Ch. 27 Flashcards
“Lightening war”
Hitler rubbed Europe with spread a efficiency of German attack
Herman croering
German politician
Military leader and leading member of nazi part
Marginol line
Series of concrete and steel fortification armed with artillery alone border of Germany
Beaches heroic rescue effort
Winston Churchill
Advocate for hard line policy Nazi and replace the apostle of appeasement
Battle of Britain
Germany lost by Luftwaffe bombers british attack on Berlin
Battle of Stalingrad
Turning point in the war
Major industrial center on the
Germ troops forced to surrender
Normandy d day
5 adults division on Normandy beaches o June in histories creates amphibious invasions
Battle of Kursk
German forced defeated by soviets
Greates tank battle of ww2 Germans lost 18 of their best panzer divisions
Demands of powers if European states satisfied the reasonable demands of dissatisfied power the latter could be content and stability and peace would be achieved
Neville chamberlain
Prime minister of britains strong advocate of appeasement and believed survivals of british empire depended upon on accommodation w Germany
Mountains northwestern border area of Czech home
Munich conference
September 29 British French Germany and Italy reached agreement that reached rulers demand
Peace in our time
Meant from Munich conference said by chamberlain
Rome Berlin axis
Agreement between Mussolini and hurler common political and economic interest
Only capable of building a great civilization hurler fell they were threatened from east by large mass inferiors people (Slavs)