Undetstanding Spanish Conversation Deck 6 Flashcards
Parar/Detener/Dejar de
Stop/Stop, also detain/Stop as in quit it
Yo paré el carro. Yo detuve el carro.
I stopped the car.
El perro se paró./ El perro se detuvo.
The dog stopped.( Reflexive when someone or something stops on its own. NOT reflexive when one thing is stopped by another thing)
La policia me detuvo.
The police stopped (or detained) me.
Dejé de fumar.
I stopped smoking. ( I “left” it. )
Ella dejó de comer.
She stopped eating.
¡Deje eso!/ ¡Dejen eso!
Stop that! or Quit that! (singular and plural)
Subjunctive mood.
Take the “yo” form of the verb and add the opposite ending to it. “AR” verbs use “ER” endings. “ER” and “IR” verbs take “AR” ending.
Hablar in Subjunctive:
Yo hable Tú hables El/Ella/Usted hable Nosotros (as)/hablemos Ellos(as)/Ustedes hablen
Comer in Subjunctive:
Yo coma Tú comas El/Ella Usted coma Nosotros(as) comamos Ellos(as) Ustedes coman
Vivir in Subjunctive:
Yo viva Tú vivas El/Ella/Usted viva Nosotros(as) vivamos Ellos(as)/Ustedes vivan
Triggers for Subjunctive Mood:WEIRDOS
- Wishing/Wanting/Hoping
- Emotion
- Impersonal observations
- Requesting/Recommending/Demanding/Commanding
- Doubt/Disbelief/Denial
- Ojalá
“W”: Espero que yo gane la lotería.
Querer que. . .
Desear que. . .
Necesitar que. . .
I hope/want/desire/need that I win the lottery.
If verb in the first clause indicates uncertainty (wishing, wanting, hoping, expecting), that the action in the second clause will happen, then use subjunctive.
E: Me allegro de que estés a la universidad.
Temo que
Me enoja que
Me entristezco de que
Emotion: I am happy that you are at the university. I fear that. . . I'm angry that . . . I'm sad that. . .
I: Es posible que yo pueda venir esta noche.
Impersonal Observation:
It is possible that I can come tonight. (first clause states and impersonal observation that trigger the subjunctive b/c someone else may not find it possible in their observation.)
Es importante que tú estudies español. Es imposible que Es necessario que Es extraño que Es chistoso que Es bueno/malo que
Impersonal Observation: It is important that you study Spanish. ( subjunctive b/c it is just the speaker's opinion that someone else may not think is so). It is impossible that. . . It is necessary that . . . It is strange that. . . It is funny that. . . It is good/bad that. . .
R: Insisto que te vayas.
I insist that you leave. (indicates uncertainty b/c do not know if the action will happen) (DEMANDING)
Pido que me traigas un café.
I REQUEST that you bring me a coffee.
Vamos a pedirle que venga a la clase.
Let’s ask him to come to the class. (REQUESTING)
Recomiendo que probes la langosta. ¡Es rica!
I RECOMMEND that you try the lobster. It’s delicious.
D: Dudo que se vaya./No dudo que se va.
I DOUBT that he will leave./I do not doubt that he will leave. (No subjunctive b/c no doubt)
No creo que tú puedas hacerlo.
I do not believe that you can do it. (DISBELIEF)
Niega que tenga el dinero.
My brother does not want to admit or denies (negar) that he has the money. (DENIAL)
O: Ojalá que haga buen tiempo mañana.
God willing/Let’s hope that the weather is nice tomorrow. (OJALá)
Ojalá que no esté allí.
God willing/Let’s hope that he is not there. (OJALá)
Ojalá que no sigan luchando.
God willing/Let’s hope that that aren’t still fighting. (OJALá)
S: Limpie la casa en caso de que venga ella.
Clean the house in case she comes. (SPECULATION)
A menos que
Antes/Despues de que
Before/After (SPECULATION)
En caso de que
In case that (SPECULATION)
Con tal de que
Provided that (SPECULATION)
El hecho de que
The fact that (SPECULATION)
Hasta que
Siempre que
As long as (SPECULATION)
Tan pronto como/En cuanto
As soon as (SPECULATION)
Una Vez que
Once you have (SPECULATION)
To take /To carry (take something or someone to a different location/ to take something out of something
Llevas a tu hijo a la esquela (en coche).
You take (carry) your son to school in a car or by car. Do not use manejar or conducir.
Saco una galleta del jarro.
I take a cookie out of the jar.
Saques un abrigo del armario.
I take a coat out of the closet.
¡Sacalo de mi casa!
Take him out of my house!
Get me out of here!
Quitese su ropa.
Take off your clothes.
Me quito la camisa.
I take off my shirt.
To take a turn (to touch)/To follow or take a turn/ a turn
Me/Te/Nos Toca
My/Your/Our turn
¿A quien le toca?
Whose turn is it?
¿Quien sigue?
Who’s next?
Mi/Su/Tu turno
My/His/Her/Your turn
To tell- used interchangably
To chat-more informal Also Charlar
Tell me
Tener frío/Tengo frío
To be cold/ I am cold
Tener calor/ Tengo calor
To be hot/ I am hot
Tener Hambre/ Tengo hambre
To be hungary/ I am hungary
Tener sed/ Tengo sed
To be thirsty/ I am thirsty
Tener sueño/Tengo sueño
To be sleepy/ I am sleepy
Tener prisa/Tenga prisa/Estoy apurado
To be in a hurry/Hurry up!/ I am in a hurry
Tener miedo/Tengo miedo
To be afraid or have fear/ I am afraid or I have fear
Tener confianza
To be confident I am confident= Estoy confiado
Tener cuidado/Ten cuidado
To be careful/Be careful
Tener vergüenza
To be ashamed
Tener razón/Tienes razón
To be right/You are right
Tener éxito
To be successful
Tener la culpa
To be guilty or at fault
Lo siento. Tengo la culpa.
I’m sorry. I’m at fault.
Tener suerte
To be lucky
Tener lugar
To take place
Tener ganas de/ Tengo ganas de escapar
To feel like/ I feel like escaping.
Tenet en cuenta
To take into account
Tener_____años./ Tengo siete años.
To be _____ years old./ I am seven years old.
Tener sentido./ No tiene sentido.
To make sense. /It doesn’t make sense
La casa es así de grande.
The house is that big.
Eso niño es así de inteligente.
The boy is that smart.
Hagalo así.
Do it like this.
Exactly or That’s it. (when someone is doing it like you wanted)
Like this? (when asking if you are doing it like you were asked to)
Así no.
Not like this. or Not like that.
Me gusta allá. (London)
I like it way over there.
El libro esta ahí.
The book is right there. (right next to the girl who asked about it)
¡Allí está!
There he is! (When finally finding a friend you were looking for on the street)
Más allá
beyond or past (Tell the taxi driver “más allá” if he stops short of your destination) (Más allá del sol= way beyond the sun)
Yo vivo más allá de la escuela.
I live past the school. (more beyond the school)
Hay un payaso a la fiesta.
There is a clown at the party.
Hay muchos payasos a la fiesta.
There are lots of clowns at the party.
Había un payaso a la fiesta anoche.
There was a clown at the party last night. (also hubo)
Habrá un payaso a la fiesta mañana.
There will be a clown at the party tomorrow.
To think/To believe
Este libro me hace pensar.
This book makes me think.
Pensar en/Pensar de
To think about/To think about (opinion)
Pienso en políticas todos los días.
I think about politics every day.
Pienso buena de tu familia.
I think well of your family.
¿Qúe piensas del carro nuevo de él?
What do you think of his new car?
Te creo.
I believe you.
Creo que sí./ Creo que no.
I think so./I don’t think so.
Believe me.
No lo crea.
Don’t believe it.
Creo en Dios.
I believe in God.