Understanding Spanish Conversation Deck 4 Flashcards
To look for
Mi esposa busca sus llaves perdidas.
My wife is looking for (looks for) her lost keys.
To look at/watch (television etc)
Miro la televisión.
I am watching (watch) television.
él mira esta chica.
He is looking at that girl.
Mire Señor, todavía no tengo dinero.
Look sir, I don’t have any money yet.
To see oneself
¿Cómo me veo?
How do I look?
Te ves fantástica
You look fantastic.
Me parece un jugador de fútbol él.
He looks like a football player. ( it seems to me)
Parece que tu perro está enfermo.
It looks (or seems) like your dog is sick.
¿Qué significa?/¿Qué quiere decir?
What does it mean?
Esprintar quiere decir correr rápido./ Esprintar significa correr rápido.
Sprinting means to run fast.
¿Cómo que estamos perdidos?
What do you mean we’re lost? (Cómo que= What do you mean)
Yo vengo a las ocho, digo a las siete.
I am coming at 8:00, I mean 7:00. (Digo is used as a correction, “I mean”
Quedar que
To meet up with someone, an appointment.
Quedé conmi novia.
I met up with my girlfriend.
Juan y yo quedamos con José esta noche al bar.
Juan and I are meeting up with (getting together with?) Jose tonight at the bar.
Me encontré con mi hermana al cine.
I ran into my sister at the movies.
Le trataba de evitar a Frank pero todavía me encontré con él.
I was trying to avoid Frank, but I ran into him anyways.
Hace cinco años le conocí a Sarah.
It has been five years since I met Sarah.
Nos conocimos a la escuela.
We met each other at school.
Quizás yo vaya al cine esta noche.
I might (perhaps) go to the movies tonight. (vaya-subjunctive-----I go I am going)
Talvez comas lo que cocino manaña.
Maybe you will eat what I cook tomorrow.
Quizás sea ciero OR Puede ser que sea cierto.
It might be true.
Es posible que/Acaso/A lo mejor
Maybe. “A lo mejor” would be used with the indicative tense of the verb, or just the normal present tense.
¿Puedo ir al cine hoy?
May/Can I go to the movies today?
Casi siempre
Almost always
Casi todos
Most of the people/ Almost all of the people.
Casi todos los libros.
Most of the books. Almost all of the books.
Casi todo el equipo.
Most of the team. Almost all of the team.
Con querer/ Sin querer
With wanting/On purpose and Without wanting/ Not on purpose, on accident.
Se me cayó el vaso sin querer.
I dropped the vase on accident.
Te asusté con querer.
I scared you on purpose.
to move–used when not specifying how something moves. (move a box)
Mueve (tú) la caja.
Move the box.
You move. (could be rude) (Use perdón or disculpeme)
To walk with a destination in mind./Roaming around, to go around.
Camino a la tienda cada día.
I walk to the store each day (or every day.)
Ando por el barrio saludando todos cada día.
I walk around the neighborhood saying hello to everyone each day (or every day.)
Manejo/Conduzco al trabajo todos los días.
I drive to work every day.
To get into a car/ to get out of a car ( to go up/ to go down)
Yo subo en el coche or el carro.
I get into the car.
Yo bajo del coche.
I get out of the car.
Used when being told to get on to a bus or get off of a bus.
Hace falta un carro.
I need a car. (I am missing a car) (hace agrees with number of what you are talking about.)
Hacen falta pañales al bebe.
Diapers are needed. (hacen agrees with number of what you are talking about.)
Le hacen falta pañales al bebe.
The baby needs diapers.
Next. Used when whatever next is indefinite (Próximo vez)
El día siguiente
Most common, The next day. (The following day)
La semana que viene.
Most common, The next week. (The coming week)
El año que viene
Most common, The next year (The coming year)
La otra calle
The next street. NOT la próxima calle
La otra esquina
The next corner. NOT la próxima esquina.
El otro semáforo
The next stoplight NOT el prócimo semáforo
Junto a / al lado de
next to
Mis casa está junto/ al lado de la tienda
Mi house is next to the store.
Para nada
En absoluto
No, but more polite
Ni loco
No way
Eso sí que no
No way, but a fancier way of saying it.
En tus sueños
In your dreams
Estás como loco
You’re crazy
Now or already
Ya no OR No ya
Not anymore or no longer Does NOT mean , not yet
Use Todavía
Ya no como
I am not eating anymore.
Ya no puedo jugar balconcesto
I can’t play basketball anymore.
Mi hija ya no lleva pañales.
My daughter doesn’t wear diapers anymore.
¡Hagalo! ¡Ya!
Do it ! Now! Us this in informal situations-could be considered rude.
Now–should be your word of choice
Ahora mismo / Ahorita
Right now
En Seguida
For wanting for something to be done immediately
Vamos a irnos en seguida
We need to leave immediately.
Temgp que trabajar mañana.
I have to work tomorrow. (Tener que)
Ella tuvé que trabajar ayer así que no vinó.
She had to work yesterday so she didn’t come.
Hay que
One has to
Hay que estudiar para aprender.
One has to study in order to learn.
Hay que trabajar para ganar dinero.
One has to work in order to earn money.
“To should”
Debes comer la cena antes del postre.
You should eat dinner before eating desert.
Deben leer este libro
They should read this book.
No debo ir contigo.
I shouldn’t go with you.
Haber de + infinitive
To “supposed to”
He de comer a la una
I’m supposed to eat at 1:00.
Has de ayudarme hoy.
You’re supposed to help me today.
Ella ha de ir a la escuela esta mañana.
She is supposed to go to school this morning.
La orden
The order that you give to the waiter.
El orden
“the order of things” in relation to their organization or sequence
Voy a pedir (not preguntar) una taza de café.
I am going to ask for a cup of coffee.
To put in order (like your life)
Ella ordena su vida.
She puts her life in order.
To order someone around
Mi esposa me mandó lavar los platos.
My wife ordered me to wash the dishes.
Puedo mandarle hacer algo a alguien.
I can order someone to do something.
Manejo para Guadalajara
I am driving to Guadalajara. ( used when moving to or toward a specific location)
Manejo por Guadalajara.
I am driving by or through Guadalajara.
Me gusta andar por Guadalajara.
I like to walk around Guadalajara. NOT para
El tren va para Toledo.
El tren is going to Toledo. NOT por
Compré las flores para mi esposa.
I bought the flowers for my wife. (When the party is a recipient of an object)
Mi hermano trabaja para McDonald’s.
My brother works for McDonald’s. (When stating who one works for)
La tarea necesita ser completado para mañana.
The homework needs to be completed for tomorrow. (Deadline)
Para un joven, sabes mucho.
For a young man, you know a lot. (comparison)
Ella le da un galleta por la dulce.
She gives him the cookie for the candy. (An exchange or substitution).
Cocino por ti.
I cook for you as in I take your place in the kitchen (substitution)
Trabajas por mí./ Trabajas para mí.
You do my work for me. (Sub). You work for me as an employee.
Trabajo por ocho horas todos los días.
I work for eight hours every day. (duration)
Compro por la leche./Busco la leche.
I go shopping for milk ( searching for something)/ I look for the milk. (for is in the verb)
Para Sara, las flores son bonitas.
For Sara, (in her opinion) the flowers are pretty.
Estudio para aprender/Un león mata para comer.
I study in order to learn./A lion kills in order to eat. (purpose or goal)
Es un libro por Stephen King.
The book is by Stephen King. (something is or was done by someone)
Por José jugaba con los fósforos, ya no tememos una casa.
On account of José playing with matches, we no longer have a house. (something happening because of or on the account of something)
Yo viajo desde Nueva York a Madrid por avión.
I travel from New York to Madrid by plane. (to convey the means by which something is done, mode of travel)
Yo manejo cien kilómetres por hora.
I drive 100 kilometers per hour. (unit of measure)