Understanding Spanish Conversation Deck 7 Flashcards
How long it took to do a task/Spending time
Time for a current action to take place/how long something or someone lasts/ How long it has been
Tardé seis horas en manejar a Miami.
It took me six hours to drive to Miami.
Tardé un rato en manejar a Miami.
It took a while to drive to Miami.
Pasé seis horas con mi esposa hoy.
I spent six hours with my wife today.
Lleva dos días buscando una casa nueva.
She has been looking for a house for two days.
Llevo dos días sin dormir.
I haven’t slept in two days.
Llevo cinco horas a la escuela.
I have been at the school for five hours.
Duré un año en la universidad.
I lasted one year at the university.
La película dura dos y media horas.
The movie lasts two and a half hours.
Hace cuatro años, me fui la casa de mis padres.
Four years ago I left my parent’s home.
Comí hace tres horas.
I ate three hours ago.
Probar/Intentar/Tratar de
To test or try out (food, drink,clothing)/attempt to perform an action
When you try a noun, use probar; when you try a verb use tratar de or intentar.
Probé el vino, pero no me gustó.
I tried the wine, but I didn’t like it.
¿Puedes probar esta camisa para ver si cabe?
Can you try on the shirt to see if it fits?
Probó la silla pero no era cómoda.
He tried out the chair but it wasn’t comfortable.
Trato de beber una copa de vino cada día.
I try to drink a glass of wine each day.
Intento beber beber una copa de vino cada día.
I try to or intend to drink a glass of wine each day.
To be used to or accustom to
Estoy acostumbrado al calor.
I am used to the heat.
Estoy acostumbrado(a) a despertarme temprano.
I am used to waking up early.
Ella está acostumbrada a comer arroz cada día.
She is used to eating rice each day.
A la universidad, me acostumbré a estudiar tarde cada noche.
At the university, I was used to studying late each night.
Yo vivía en la ciudad.
I used to live in the city.
Use imperfect past tense when something happened in the past.
Por lo general
Generally. . .
Por lo general, la comida es bien picante.
Generally, the food is pretty spicy.
To usually do
Ella suele despertarse a las siete.
She usually wakes up at 7:00.
Suelo ir a la iglesia los sábados.
I usually go to church on Saturdays.
To lose/ To waste
Perder el tiempo
To waste time
Perder una oportunidad
To waste an oppotunity
Perder una cerveza
To waste a beer
Echar a perder
To waste as in ruin
Echas a perder la fiesta.
You are ruining the party.
Coma las bananas antes que se echan a perder.
Eat the bananas before they spoil.
Use echarse a perder (reflexive) for food spoilage.
Claro que sí OR Claro
Of course (yes)
Por supuesto que sí OR Por supuesto
Of course—more formal and a bit stronger
Como no
Of course
Está bien slang: tá bien
ok (it’s fine)
De acuerdo
Alright (agreed)