Understanding Spanish Conversation Deck 2 Flashcards
Se cayó
It fell
Se te cayó
It fell because of you or you dropped it.
Se te caryó la pelota
You dropped the ball
Se te cayeron las pelotas
You dropped the balls
Se me cayó la pelota
I dropped the ball
Se le cayó la pelota
He/She dropped the ball
Se me va a caer la pelota
I am going to drop the ball
Ten Cuidado. Se te va a caer el vaso de vino.
Be careful. You are going to drop the glass of wine.
Enough to meet a minimum/Enough as in plenty
Tengo suficiente dinero por el cine
I have enough money to go to the movies.
Exp: Use suficiente when telling the waitress that there is enough cheese on the salad.
Tengo bastante dinero por el cine.
I have plenty of money to go to the movies.
Plenty/Enough Modify an adjective.
Es bastante alto./ Es suficientemente alto.
¡Basta! or ¡Ya Basta!
Enough! Enough Already!
¿Te alcanza un carro nuevo?
Can you afford a new car? (alcanzar= to reach for)
Me alcanza/No me alcanza un carro nuevo.
I can afford/not afford a new car.
To fail
To fail miserably
To fail a test
Me dan miedo las serpientes
Snakes give me fear.
Tengo miedo de las serpientes
I fear snakes/I am scared of snakes
to fear/ to be really scared of
Me dan pavoror terror las arañas/Tengo miedo
Spiders really give me fear/I am really scared of snakes.
Me da cosa
to give you the creeps
Me dan cosa las arañas
Spiders give me the creeps
Mi temor es que ella me odie si le digo la verdad.
My fear is that she will hate me if I tell her the truth. (temer-needs subjunctive mood)
Temo que ella me deje
I fear that she will leave me. (temer-needs subjunctive mood)
Temo que usted tenga razon.
I fear that you are right. (temer- needs subjunctive mood)
¡ susto me diste!
What fear you gave me! —after BOO!
¡Me asusaste tan malo!
You scared me so bad!
¡Me estás asustando!
Your are scaring me.
Me dan miedo los bichos./ Me asustan los bichos.
I am scared of bugs./ The bugs keep coming out and scaring you.
Miedo= general fear asustan= immediate scare
To scare away
El viejo le gusta espantar a???los niños.
The old man liked to scare away the children.
Es una película de miedo
It is a scary movie
De miedo
Es un hombre de miedo.
He is a scary man.
Siento la alfonbra.
I feel the carpet. (sentir)
Ella siente el sueter.
She feels the sweater.
Se siente enfermo.
He/She feels sick.
Me siento feliz esta mañana.
I feel happy this morning.
Te sientes cansada.
You feel tired.
Tienes Sueño.
You feel tired or sleepy.
Tengo frío. Tengo calor.
I am cold. I am hot.
La piel del bebe se siente liso
The baby’s skin is smooth.
La manta se siente suave./ Siento la manta.
The blanket feels soft./ I feel the blanket.
Me duele la cabeza.
I have a headache.
¿Te duele la rodilla?
Does your knee hurt?
Le duele la espalda a ella.
Her back hurts.
Tengo ganas de ir.
I feel like going.
¿Tienes ganas de ir al cine?
Do you feel like going to the movies?
To crave
Me antoja una pizza hoy.
I feel like a pizza hoy. ( follows gustar pattern, must agree in number with what is being craved).
To finish
Voy a terminarlo/acabarlo más tarde.
I am going to finish it later.
Finished? less common- ¿Acabó?
¿/Terminé con las galletas?
Finished with the cookies?
Se nos acabó el dinero OR Se nos terminó el dinero.
We ran out of money. Use reflexive form to “run out of “
Se acabó.
We are out of the item in a store. OR The event is over (movie, game)
Acabar de infinitive
To just finish something.
Acabo de comer
I have just finished eating.
Acabas de mentirme
You have just lied to me.
Ella acaba de hacer la tarea.
She has just finished the homework.
To fit into a place (box)/ To fit into clothing.
No me quedan estes pantalones.
These pants don’t fit me. (quedan b/c pants are plural)
¿Te queda bien la camisa?
Does the shirt fit you well? (queda b/c shirt is singular)
¿Quepo yo?
Is there space for me (on the sofa)?
¿Cabe en el garage mi carro?
Does the (my) car fit into the garage?
Todos los niños caben en el salón de clases.
All the children fit into the classroom.
Free as in don’t have to pay for it
Free as in available, and as in free from slavery, prison, school.
¿Hay habitaciones libres?
Are there rooms available?
From/ From as in moving from one location or time to another. Also “since”.
Corrí desde el parque a la casa.
I ran from the park to the house.
Ella vinó desde adentro de la casa.
She came from inside the house.
El niño tiró la pelota desde el carro.
The boy threw the ball from the car.
Desde 1988 a 1998.
From 1988 to 1998.
No he estado a Disney World dede el año pasado.
I haven’t been to Disney World since last year.
Ella sacó dinero de tu cartera.
She took money from your wallet.
Estas botas son de cuero.
These boots are made from leather.
El helado es de leche.
The ice cream is made from milk.
La frente
The forehead
El frente
The front
Al frente de
In front of
El buzón está al frente OR de lante de la casa.
The mailbox is in front of the house.
De lante
Ahead of
Estoy delante de ti.
I am ahead of you ( in the line)
La iglesia frente a la plaza.
The church faces the plaza.
La iglesia da a la plaza.
The church faces the plaza.
Los asientos mejores están adelante.
The best seats are up front.
Esa es una broma graciosa/chistoso/cómica.
That is a funny joke.—comica is a stronger word.
Extraño OR Raro
Ella es una persona extraña/rara.
She is a strange person.
Te llamo mañana.
I call you tomorrow= I will call you tomorrow.
¡Adivina lo que pasó!
Guess what happened! (Adivinar)
¡Adivina que!
Guess what!
¡Adivina quien se fue a casa!
Guess who went home!
To hit
¡Atinaste!/ ¡Acertaste!
You got it! (like when guessing an answer)
To Suppose
Supongo que puedes irte.
I suppose you can leave.
Supongo que estamos aquí.
I suppose that we are here.
Supongo que sí/no.
I suppose so. I don’t suppose so.