Understanding the Self Flashcards
He stated that when we are alive our body and soul are attached
Self exist is 2 parts what is it?
It is tangible and mortal
It is immortal and the true self
When we die our physical body stays in the?
Physical realm
When we die our physical body stays in the?
Physical realm
He stated that when we die our soul and physical disattached
He stated that “ ignorance is the beginning of wisdom”.
He stated that our true self is our soul
(469-399 B.C)
( 428-348 B.C)
He stated that the self is an mortal and perishable body
The soul has a tripartite nature what is it?
- soul - or an immortal rational part which existed before it became part of the body, 2. a courageous or “spirited” part
- an appetitive part
In what kind of book that plato creat states that, the soul is the “giver of life to the body?
Book IV of Plato’s Republic
He stated that, our life is a “continuous” ascent towards the world of ideas
(384-322 B.С.)
He believed that the self is composed of body and soul, mind and matter, sense and intellect, passion and reason
He believed that the self is composed of body and soul, mind and matter, sense and intellect, passion and reason
He believed that Reason is supreme in a human person and so should govern all of life’s activities. When the senses, the lower nature of a human person, dominate a human person’s life, he/she tends to live a chaotic life. When reason rules over the senses, mind over matter, the human person tends to live a happy life.
According to Aristotle what is the meaning of the “Golden Mean”?
The Golden Mean means moderation; avoid the extremes; avoid too much and too little. Living a life of moderation is doing things in consonance with reason.
(354-430 A.D.)
He combined Greek philosophy and truths contained in the Scriptures
Saint Augustine
He believed that The self is made up of a body and a soul, “a soul in possession of a body” which “does not constitute two persons but one man
Saint Augustine
he believed that the concept of self is in the context of his relation to God. Every human person is created into the image and likeness of God. Every human person is made for God. It is only upon his/her recognition of God’s love and his/her response to the invitation to love that he/she finds inner peace.
St. Augustine
He believed that Happiness is the end-all and the be-all of human living and this happiness can be found in God alone.
St. Augustine
At his conversion, he remarked “You have made our hearts for Thee, O God and so they will find rest only in Thee.”
St. Augustine
According to St. Augustine, virtue is “the order of what aspect?