The Philippine History Flashcards
It is always been known as the study of the past
History derives from the Greek word
What is the meaning of historia?
It is the knowledge acquired to inquiry and investigation
It is the discipline that existed around 2,400 yrs and is old as mathematics and philosophy
It is known as the account of the past of a person or of a group of people through written documents and historical evidence
The traditional historiane lived with the mantra ?
No document, no history
What is the meaning of now document no history?
Means that unless a written document can prove a certain historical event, then it cannot be considered as a historical fact.
Who can answer this questions
What is history?
Why study history?
History for whom?
Is the school of thought that immerge between the eighteenth and nineteenth century. This thought requires empirical and observable evidence before one can claim that a particular knowledge is true
Is a school of thought that immerge in the early twentieth century when formerly colonized nation grappled with the idea of creating their identities and understanding their societies against the shadow of their colonial past
It is a school of history that is born in France that challenged the canons of history
Annales school of history
Those sources produced at the same time as the event, period, or subject being studied
Primary sources
Those sources which were produced by an author whose primary sources to produce the material
Secondary sources
It is the process of verifying the authenticity of evidence my examining it’s physical characteristics, consistency with it’s historical characteristics of the time it was produced; and materials use for the evidence.
External criticism
It is teh examination of the truthfulness of the evidence. It looks ate the content of the source and examines the circumference of it’s production .
Internal criticism
Looks at the truthfulness and factuality of the evidence by looking at the author of that source, it’s content, the agenda behind it’s creation , the knowledge which informed it, and it’s intended purpose.
Internal criticism
It underwent several changes since the precolonial period until the present. Ancient Filipinos narrated their history through communal songs and epics that they passed orally from a generation to another.
Philippine historiography
Filipino historian ________ introduced the new guiding philosophy for writing and teaching history: pantayong pananaw (for us-from us perspective). This perspective highlights the importance of facilitating an internal conversation and discourse among Filipinos about our own history, using the language that is understood by everyone.
Zeus Salazar
Who continued the first voyage of the world?
Antonio Pigafetta
He accompanied Ferdinand Magellan together with Juan Sebastian Elcano in the famous expedition to Moluccas which began nin August 1519 and ends in September 1522
Antonio Pigafetta
The first voyage in the world by Magellan was published after Pigafetta returned in?
What is the name of the 5 ships that Magellan boarded
San Antonio
KKK stand for?
Kataastaasan Kagalanggalangang Katipunan Ng mga anak Ng Bayan
He was known as an Ilocano who took up his arms and led one of the longest running revolts in the country. hwwever, was mainly concerned about about his locality and referred to himself as El Rey de Hocos (The King of Ilocos)
Diego Silang
One of the most important Katipunan documents was the ?
Kartilya ng Katipunan.
the most important Katipunan documents was the Kartilya ng Katipunan. The original title of the document was?
“Manga [sic] Aral Nang (sic) Katipunan ng mga A.N.B.” or “Lessons of the Organization of the Sons of Country.”
“Manga [sic] Aral Nang (sic) Katipunan ng mga A.N.B.” or “Lessons of the Organization of the Sons of Country.”
Who write this document?
Emilio Jacinto (1896)
How old is Emilio Jacinto when he joined the movement?
18 yrs old
Where did Jacinto studied?
University of Santo Tomas
What is jacinto’s role in the organization and took charge of the short-lived printing press of the Katipunan.
Who is the commander of Northern- Luzon
Emilio Jacinto
What is the cause of Jacinto’s death? And where did he die?
Malaria, at Magdalena, Laguna
The kartilya was treated as a ?
Kaipuhan’s code of conduct
14 rules at the Katipunan
- The life that is not consecrated to a lofty and reasonable purpose is a tree without a shade, if not a poisonous weed.
2.To do good for PERSONAL GAIN and not for its own sake is not VIRTUE.
- It is rational to be charitable and love one’s fellow creature,
and to adjust one’s conduct, acts and words to what is in itself reasonable. - Whether our skin be black or white, we are all born equal; superiority in knowledge, wealth, and beauty are to be understood, but not superiority in nature.
5.The honorable man prefers to personal gain; the scoundrel, gain to honour.
6.To the honorable man, his words are SACRED
7.Do not waste thy time: wealth can be recovered but not time lost.
8.Defend the oppressed and fight the oppressor before the law or in the field.
9.The prudent man is sparing in words and faithful in keeping secrets
10.On the thorny path of life, is the guide of woman and the children , and if the guide leads to the pracipice, those whom he guides will also go there.
11.Thou must not look upon woman as a mere plaything, but as a faithful companion who will share with thee the penalties.
12.What though dost not desire done unto thy wife, children, brothers and sisters, that do not unto the wife, children, brothers, and sisters of thy neighbor.
13.person’s worth us not measured by his/her status in life, neither by the color of the skin, the cultural background and religion of a person. It is found in his goodness, honour, and pure intentions; in those who do not abuse; nor allow themselves to be abused.
14.When these teachings shall have been propagated and the glorious sun of freedom to shine on these poor islands to enlighten a united race and people, then all the loves lost, all the struggle and sacrifices shall not have been in vain.
- shows the desire of Emilio Aguinaldo
- It shows the sense of hopefulness for the motherland and that all the sacrifices made is not for naught
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