Intro to Linguistics Flashcards
It is defined as linguistic communication, speech communication, cognitive ability, and cultured-based.
While many are particular with the arrangement of sounds and symbols, others also look at language as verbal communication where the production of sound matters.
Verbal communication
As speech communication, language is about the production and reception of sounds. Through the use of the speech organs, humans are capable of transferring
Verbal communication
He stated that :
“Language most shows a man, speak that I may see thee”.
Ben Johnson
It is always believed that the brain processing of a person is observed in his/her language. What a man says is reflective of his/her thinking and how his brain works
Brain process
____________ is some form of human intelligence
It is as a cognitive ability is professed as an instrument of thinking, where language mirrors the mind. Although all humans are equipped with the same configuration of the speech organs, not all people are as
are as eloquent, or as good at playing with their words and using a particular language
It is as a cognitive process is often illustrated as the workings of the brain, especially when we are alone. When we are buried in our deep contemplations, we seem to have an incessant stream of internal speech, and most likely we respond to our thoughts. The more we think further, the more we unconsciously think aloud.
Most people are very particular with the spelling of the words, the vocabulary command, and structural control of a particular language. They see language fluency in people who are very good at playing with their words and arranging the words into sentences under the prescribed grammar of a particular language. This is because language is a __________
Linguistic Communication
It is as sets of signs and a system of symbols grounded on pure arbitrary concords.
Linguistic communication
The configuration of language is______ yet _______
complex, methodical
He stated that Each community is formed by the activity of language.”
Leonard Bloomfield
_________& is a means of communicating the culture of a particular community or members of society. A particular expression could be acceptable to a specifie community of people but not to others whose practices are formed from different orientations. In studying a particular culture, one needs to look into their beliefs, practices, and values
_________ indeed is culture-defined as Saussure (1916) quoted, “it is time to return to viewing language as cultural because language is a social institution”
The structuralists believe that language is a “structured system of components”, an ideas with a specific framework. For them, language, as a system, possesses a structure that governs the aspects of every element of a whole
They____________ assert that learning language is putting all the pieces together because they are interrelated. They describe language as consistencies, patterns, and rules. To them, the language system is semiotic. It is composed of speech sound randomly assigned to the object and ideas to which they pertain for human communication.
They specifically view __________ as a means of communication, primarily vocal, arbitrary, and a system of systems
Language for the _________ is a generative and creative process. Language pervades creativity since it is more abstract and has more reflective elements
They maintain the sight of language as an actual knowledge and use, that language is internalized when language atmosphere is provided
They view language creativity as competence and transformation
They view language as an instrument for communication and a vehicle for expression
They argue that structures can be best analyzed when referred to the functions they carry-out in a communicative context.
They believe that language is acquired, produced, used, and structured for interactions.
according to him, involves meta and micro functions where one language is used by children as means of exploring their language skills and their environment, and the other is used by adults to create interaction and transmit order in society
Halliday (2018)
They view language as a product of a human desire to communicate with another and acquire the language which one desires to learn.
They believe that human genetics provides an individual the capability to produce language and his/her social interactions make him/her master the language.
According to him language is developed through social interaction.
Vygotsky (1962)
He stated that language plays a critical role in the child’s cognitive development.” This means that the more a child uses language, the better his brain functions
Vygotsky view is supported by _____. He believed that language is a symbolic
illustration of a person’s intellectual development. He noted that learning the language is an active process and done through interactions.
THE NATURE OF LANGUAGE In its basic constitution, the nature of language is described as ?
1) learned,
2) related to the culture of society,
3) species-specific, uniformed and unique to humans,
4) system,
5) vocal
6) skill subject
7) means for communication,
8) arbitrary.
In as much as human beings are programmed to acquire language easily, they learn a language
Language as something learnt.
Language is something that is learned through exposure and practice. Although the language is genetically programmed in our brain to make distinctions of the different sounds, things, activities, and notions, language acquisition is produced through active learning and repetitive interactions (Perry, 2020),
Language as something learnt.
This is how language works. Language influences culture: the values, the practices, and the interests of people. Similarly, culture influences language.
There is always a ________ among language, society, and culture that is produced due to the interaction. Language is culturally defined. They are inseparable in a way that culture affects language, and language affects the mental state of society. When people communicate their values, beliefs, and customs, they use language as a tool. The interaction patterns that they create constitute culture.
cyclical association
It is culturally defined
According to Chomsky(1975), the human brain is different from that of the animals
Species- specific, uniformed and unique to humans
Language is an attribute of humans. Humans converse with others using oral and auditory symbols, which are important characteristics and forms of human behavior.
Species- specific, uniformed and unique to humans
Language is similar to learning mathematics. It needs analysis thus in reference to the fact that language is a _____ of systems
Noam Chomsky (1975) believed that language is a controlled-noise.The sounds form their own system as numerous sounds function systematically. In the same manner, language is a set of organized and boundless sentences, ammerscand out of a define set of olemens. With a language system of syntactic structures, wards are firmed and meaning is created
Language is a system
Language is also a ____ of non-verbal signs purely based on arbitrary conventions
Although today, people umalty communicate by texting or chatting, there is no substitute for verbal communication, specially when communicating with your family
Language is vocal
Language in oral. Speech is primary, writing is secondary Speech is the fundamemal expression of language. A language without speech is unimaginable. Language is spoken first before written. This will traced back to how language evolved from the sounds produced in the primitive days
Language is vocal
Learning a language is acquiring skills. The macro skills listening and viewing. speaking, reading, and writing are categorized into receptive and expressive language skills.
Language as a skill subject
Receptive skill is the ability to understand information represented in words and sentences either through visual or auditory, while expressive language skill is the facility to put forth sensible ideas into visual and acoustic symbols such as in writing and speaking. with accurate grammatical representation
Language as a skill subject
Receptive and expressive skills are intertwined: receptive language skill is an essential foundation in developing expressive skills. The skills are honed through extensive reading, studying of the rules, listening for precision in the
articulation of sounds, and accuracy of intended meaning, practice, and repetition.
Language as a skill subject
Communication is branded as a process of conveying and exchanging messages from person to person using a medium, mostly done for the society to function cohesively. It is a basic human necessity
Language as a means for communication
Communication and language are mutually linked since the beginning of time. Now that people are living in an organized global community, interaction has hecome progressively possible.
Language as a means for communication
Communication and language are mutually linked since the beginning of time. Now that people are living in an organized global community, interaction has hecome progressively possible.
Language as a means for communication
We are born with no name, but once christened, a name is assigned to us, which makes up our identity. The same principle is applied when it comes to language. Language is arbitrary in the sense that language meanings existed as they are. There are no plausible explanation or inherent relation as to how meanings are assigned to each letter, symbol, or word. There is no scientific principle that underlie the naming of symbols.
Language as arbitrary
Socrates once discussed that a word assigned to an object was not based on pure convention. It resulted from integral correctness, which related the features of the object to the sounds used to label it.
Language as arbitrary
Language, is a structure of conventional symbols. Each symbol embodies a stretch of sounds with which a sense could be associated. If language was not randomly created, there could only be one language in the entire world, fixed and unchanging.
Language as arbitrary
Language is characterized according to its distinguishing qualities. These include conventionality and non-instinctive, productivity and creativity, duality, displacement, humanness, and universality
Characteristics of language
Language is brought about by evolution and strengthened with convention. It is a silent pact that each generation transmits to the next. Like all human institutions, language flourishes and perishes, it expands and transforms. It adapts with the change of time. Every language is a convention in the community, a product of a cooperative mind.
Language is _______ since none is born with the spontaneity to speak any language. It is learned through interaction and socialization. Language is not biologically automated but culturally determined. A word does not make sense unless it is collectively understood by the users. The language systems, symbols, structures, and meanings are always products of the peoples’ thoughts produced in harmony.
Non- instinctive
Language is productive. It is creative. It keeps on sprouting that with one word emerges another, as the needs of the people change language evolves as a means of adapting to the demands of the people who use it.
It is the interconnectedness to the reality itself
Human language comprises of two sub-systems what is it?
the sound system and the meaning system
Language duality is what gives language expressive power since meaningless sounds are combined according to rules to form meaningful words (Luden, 2016)
Language is innate to human beings. No species other than humans are gifted with language. Humans are endowed with physical attributes for them to acquire language. Language has complex structures of sounds and meanings, which animals could not comprehend. A cow’s moo today is similar to the moos centuries ago. Human language is changeable and extendable.
Although each language has a unique style of functions in terms of sounds, vocabulary and structures, language is equal in all the parts of the universe.
A linguistic universal is a systematic occurrence of the linguistic patterns across national languages. All languages have nouns, although the structural arrangement may vary in the same way that all languages have vowels and consonants. Linguists identified
two universals, the absolute, where all elements apply to every known language, and the
implicational, where only particular features apply to different languages.
Unlike animal communication that is context-free, Human beings are capable of narrating events and situations without actually living them at the moment. For human language, a stimulus is not directly induced, objects may not procesarily be tangibly prevent at the place and time of speaking. This is called_______
Only humans are capable of recounting events that occurred before or the vision of what happens next. Example: I visited my cousin’s place last week