Humans, monkeys
M. africanum
Pulmonary cultures; resembles M. tuberculosis; rare
M. africanum
Humans? pet birds?
M. genavense
Blood in AIDS patients; grows in liquid medium (BACTEC) and on solid medium supplemented with mycobactin j; grows in 2-8 weeks
M. genavense
M. haemophilum
Subcutaneous nodules and ulcers primarily in AIDS patients; requires hemoglobin or hemin; grows at 28-32°C; rare
M. haemophilum
Unknown, environment
M. malmoense
Pulmonary tuberculosis-like (adults), lymph nodes (children); most reported cases are from Sweden but organism may be much more
widespread; M. malmoense is closely related to M. avium- intracellulare; Takes 8-12 weeks to grow
M. malmoense
Fish, water
M. marinum
Subcutaneous nodules and abscesses, skin ulcers
M. marinum
Cervical lymphadenitis; usually cured by incision, drainage, and removal of involved lymph nodes
M. scrofulaceum
Soil, water, moist food
M. scrofulaceum
Monkeys, water
M. simiae
Pulmonary, disseminated in AIDS patients; rare
M. simiae
M. szulgai
Pulmonary, tuberculosis-like; rare
M. szulgai
Humans, environment
M. xenopi
Subcutaneous nodules and ulcers; may be severe; M. ulcerans is closely related to M. marinum; takes 6-12 weeks to grow; optimal growth at 33°C suggests environmental source; rare
M. xenopi
Water, birds Pulmonary, tuberculosis-like with preexisting lung disease; rare
M. xenopi