Acid-fast coccoid cells
M. asiaticum
Dysgonic smooth and pigmented colonies
M. asiaticum
(+) High level of heat stable catalase
M. asiaticum
Saphrophytes; rarely cause human
M. asiaticum
Saphrophytes; rarely cause human
M. asiaticum
Distinct acid-fast cells
M. genavense
Dysgonic colonies; requires an extended incubation (6-8 weeks) (
M. genavense
+) semi-quantitative and heat stable catalase;
(+) Pyrazinamidase
M. genavense
Fastidious; Do not grow on routine media; recovered in BACTEC culture
M. genavense
Distinct acid-fast cells; short or curved, without beading, appears clusters or cords
M. haemophilum
Rough to smooth and non-pigmented; The recommended media include CA, MHA, with 5% Fildes
enrichement, LJ medium with 2% ferric ammonium citrate
M. haemophilum
Requires hemoglobin or hemin for growth
M. haemophilum
Short coccobacilli without crossbands
M. malmoense
Non-pigmented, smooth, glistening and opaque colonies with dense centers
M. malmoense
(+) Tween 80
hydrolysis, heat- stable catalase and pyrazinamidase
M. malmoense