Acid-fast coccoid cells
M. asiaticum
Dysgonic smooth and pigmented colonies
M. asiaticum
(+) High level of heat stable catalase
M. asiaticum
Saphrophytes; rarely cause human
M. asiaticum
Saphrophytes; rarely cause human
M. asiaticum
Distinct acid-fast cells
M. genavense
Dysgonic colonies; requires an extended incubation (6-8 weeks) (
M. genavense
+) semi-quantitative and heat stable catalase;
(+) Pyrazinamidase
M. genavense
Fastidious; Do not grow on routine media; recovered in BACTEC culture
M. genavense
Distinct acid-fast cells; short or curved, without beading, appears clusters or cords
M. haemophilum
Rough to smooth and non-pigmented; The recommended media include CA, MHA, with 5% Fildes
enrichement, LJ medium with 2% ferric ammonium citrate
M. haemophilum
Requires hemoglobin or hemin for growth
M. haemophilum
Short coccobacilli without crossbands
M. malmoense
Non-pigmented, smooth, glistening and opaque colonies with dense centers
M. malmoense
(+) Tween 80
hydrolysis, heat- stable catalase and pyrazinamidase
M. malmoense
Growth at 22C requires 7 to 12 weeks of incubation
M. malmoense
Short coccobacilli
M. simiae
Filamentous colonies; yellow and smooth
colonies after extended incubation
M. simiae
+) Niacin and high level of heat stable catalase
M. simiae
One of the very few NTM that produces niacin
M. simiae
Medium to long rods
M. scrofulaceum
Light yellow to deep orange colonies with dense centers
M. scrofulaceum
(+) High-level, heat stable catalase and urease
M. scrofulaceum
Medium to long rods with cross barring
M. szulgai
Yellow to orange and smooth to rough
M. szulgai
(+) Heat stable catalase
M. szulgai