Ultradian and Infradian rhythms Flashcards
Ultradian rhythms
rhythm that lasts less than 24h
e.g. sleep-wake cycle
Infradian rhythm
rhythm that lasts more than 24h
e.g. menstrual cycle
sleep stage 1
light sleep
muscle activity slows down
occasional muscle twitching
sleep stage 2
decrease in Temperature
breathing and heart rate slows down
sleep stage 3
deep sleep
slow delta waves generated
sleep stage 4
very deep sleep
slow delta waves
rhythmic breathing
limited muscle activity
sleep stage 5
muscle relax
heart rate slows down
what is BRAC
basic rest activity cycle
90 min rhythm happens throughout the day
makes you fatigue, lowers concentration, but also creates physiological alertness
menstrual cycle
23-36 days
ovulation takes place half way through
inner regulation of that process
infradian rhythm
hormones change over the weekends
infradian rhythm
seasonal variation in mood (depression)
increase rathe of heart attacks and peaks of deaths in January
Ultradian and Infradian rhythms
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Russel did an experiment to show that infradian rhythm such as menstrual cylce can be influenced by exogenous factors
Ultradian and Infradian rhythms
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2 groups of women
from one group the sweat was taken and applied to the upper lip of second group
the groups were kept separetely
over time their menstrual cycles became synchronised with a ‘matched’ woman
Ultradian and Infradian rhythms
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suggesting menstrual cycle can be influenced by exogenous factors, not only endogenous
Ultradian and Infradian rhythms
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however, a 2013 review suggested that menstrual synchrony is an artifact of measurements of cycles, which falls in and out of sychrony through the year.
Reducing the validity and reliability of Russle`s study
Ultradian and Infradian rhythms
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Ericsson provided a research supporting BRAC in a study of Elite performance
Ultradian and Infradian rhythms
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group: elite violinists
the best had their sessions for no loner than 90min at a time. their practicing was distributed in 90 min segments throughout the day.
Fatigue is a characteristic of the end of BRAC cycle
also violinists frequently napped to recover from practice
Ultradian and Infradian rhythms
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these finding have a strong reliability, becasue Ericsson found consistency of these results in musicians, athlets, writers, chess players
Ultradian and Infradian rhythms
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a big weakness is the influence of such variable as individual differnces
Ultradian and Infradian rhythms
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Tucker did an experiment
ppts were in the lab for 11 days
being assesed on seep duration, time to fall asleep, amount of time in each sleep stage.
they found huge individual differnce for all criterias
bit particulary for the stage 3 and 4 of deep sleep
Ultradian and Infradian rhythms
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this means the diffenrces werent driven by the environment, but rather by individulas biology
however, as it is a lab study, the unnetural environmt could also influnce the sleep, as there is a negative correlation between anxiety and sleep, therefoe the settings of the lab could easyly influnce ppts`s distress and therefore disturb the sleep cycle.