Localisation of function Flashcards
4 main parts of the brain
cerebrum (the bigger one)
cerebellum (at the back)
4 lobes
motor cortex location
precentral gyrus
frontal lobe
both sides
motor cortex role
regulates motor muscles movement
somatosensory cortex location
postcentral gyrus
parietal lobe
both sides
somatosensory cortex role
gains sensory information form the sensetion form skin
e.g. touch, temepreture, pressure
visual pathway
light-> reetina->optic nerve->
thalamus-> visual cortex in the occipital lobe
auditory pathway
sound-> cochlea-> auditory nerve-> brainstem-> thalamus-> auditory cortex
broca`s area
-speech production
broca`s aphesia - Productive aphasia
Wernicke`s area
Fluent aphasia
Broca`s area location
posterior portion
frontal lobe
Wernicke`s area location
posterior portion
temporal lobe
eval 1 top
the difference in function of B and W demonstarted by studies of damage
eval 1 point
describe both aphasias
eval 1 tail
shows the importance of both parts
and their differnce
while both contribute into speech
biological approach - detailed, specefic, helps understanding and provides treatment
eval 2 top
localisation of function was primarly studied through case studies, due to the nature of the question
eval 2 point
Dronkers: 2 pateints with Brocas aphesia. used MRi and found that there are other brain regions that contribute to brocas aphesia! not solely the Broca`s area.
moreover, damage to Broca’s area creates temporarely damage, but it doesnt result in permanent disruption of speech
eval 2 tail
this means that the language and cognition is far more complex and involves lots of networking from different brain regions, rather than simply two regions
showing how much we still dont know
eval 2 tail double
however, case study is not the best representation, as the sample is very small, which makes it harder to generalise the case. however, it can be unethical and very difficult to study people with Broca’s aphesia, therefore the researchers are forced to make it a Quazi experimnet, as it is unethical to manipulate the IV (in that case the disruption of fucntions related to speech)
eval 3 top
it is the conncetion/communication between regions that is more important
eval 3 point
Wernicke said that all regions are independent in the brain and have differnt fucntions, however, to work they have to communicate. An example of it is the case when a loss of reading ability happend because of the damage to the conncetion between visual cortex and Wernicke`s area. therefore a person was unable to read due to damage in conncetion NOT the area
eval 3 tail
complex behaviours built up gradually, they move trhough different parts, before they are triggered by stimuli. And then they produce a respond.
therefore, we can associate damage to conncetion with the damage to the area.
confusing the disrupted outcome - with a cause.
while it is just an outcome of a damage