Lateralisation and split-brain research Flashcards
lateralisation is
the fact that 2 hemispheares are not identical, each half has its functional speciality.
left hemisphere
langauge, logic, maths, science, analytic thoughts
right hemishpere
creativity, music, holistic thoughts, spatual awareness, intuition.
the area that conncets two hemispheres
Corpus Callosum - a bundle of nerves
the two researchers who did Split brain research
Sperry and Gazzaniga
what did the two studied
hemispheric lateralisation
describe the experiment
patient with split brain 11 males and females
fixated their vision on the dot in the middle.
then presented with a stimuli for 1/10 second into one visual filed
e.g. a pic of dog - right visual field. asked to say what they saw = ‘a dog’
when presented to hte left visual field and asked to say what they saw = ‘nothing’
the same with the request to draw(using right hemisphere)
conclusion form the split brain research
thwy found evidences, for hemisphiric lateralistion, such as language center is only place in the left hems.
However, the brain isnt being organised into regions with specific functions. they all communicate with each other. Conncetivity is very important
in term of ppts - split brain patient dont struggle in every day life, as they see stimulis for longer time and perceive them with both visual fields.
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lateralisation appears to change eith the time amd age
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Laterelised patterns are more often found in healthy younger people, while helathy older people ahave bilateral petterns.
Szaflarski et al: found that language was more laterelised to the left hemispherer in young age, but after 25 it slowly became leass laterelised
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it’s very difficult to know why excatly that has happened, but one possible answere is that with age the activities require more processing resource therefore two hemisphereas appear to contribute into one action, and therefore compensate to decline of lateralisation with the age
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strength of hemispheric lateralisation is that it increases neural capacity
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by using one hemisphere to engage in a specific activity, it leaves the other one - free
However, desoite this being a goof theory, thee is very little Empirical evidence for that!
However Roger found that in domestic chickens brain lateralisation is associated with ability to perform 2 actions at the same time - hunt for food and being viligint for a preditor
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these finding do provide some understanding and evidence of brain lateralisation increasing the capacity for cognitive tasks, that demand simultaneous but differnt use of both hemispheres.
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However, becasue it is a biological approach the evidnec has to be scientific, for them to be scientifc, they have to be replicable, emirical, objective.
as these findings rely on the animal study and very weak empirical evidence - it cannot be fully approved and supported, which weakens the strength of the lateralisation
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Gazzaniga`s suggestion that language center is placed in Left hem from hsi Split barin research, iwever recent dicoveries disconfirmed that
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this is a very challenging research to the theory that only left hemisphere is able to handle language.
however, as it is only one case study it can’t be generalised to all cases, as the sample is very small, but it gives a chalange to an existing theory.
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even though damage to thhe left hemisphere was far more dangerous to languge function. case studies demonstarted that this was not necessarily the case all the time.
Patient J.W. studied by Turk at al, developed the ability to speak using right hemsiphere only, to the extend that he can describe information presented to both hemispheres.