UG system development Flashcards
an accessory renal artery to the inferior pole of the kidney can cause?
obstruction of ureter (artery crosses anterior) and hydronephrosis
what is hydronephrosis?
distention of renal pelvis an calices with urine
a single umbilical artery usually indicates?
unilateral renal agenesis
bilateral renal agensis is associated with?
oligohydramnios (no urine excreted into amniotic fluid)
what causes renal agenesis?
-failure of ureteric buds to develop
abnormal rotation of kidney is associated with?
ectopic kidneys
ectopic kidneys result from?
failure of kidneys to ascend
ascending of a horseshoe kidney is obstructed by?
incomplete division of metanephric diverticulum results in?
bifid ureter/divided kidney
complete division of metanephric diverticulum results in?
accessory kidney
accessory kidney with its own ureter results from?
formation of two ureteric buds
an ectopic ureter can insert in?
prostatic urethra in males or the urethra in females
a urachal fistula causes?
urine to be expelled through the umbilicus
what is congenital megacystis?
large urinary bladder; causes renal failure
extrophy of the bladder is caused by?
incomplete median closure
what is associated with extrophy of the bladder?
- epispadias (urethral opening on dorsum of penis)
- penis and scrotum divided into two parts
- inferior rectus abdominus muscles missing
excessive androgen production is caused by?
abnormal increase in the cells of suprarenal cortex during development (congenital adrenal hyperplasia)
mesonephric duct remnants in males results in?
appendix of epididymis or paradidymis
mesonephric duct remnants in femals results in?
appendix vesiculosa; persistant epoophoron or paroophoron; Gartner duct cysts
paramesonephric duct remnants in males results in?
appendix of the testis
paramesonephric duct remnants in females results in?
vesicular appendage called hydatid of Morgagni
what is the most common birth defect of the penis?
where is the external urethral orifice in a glanular hypospadia?
ventral surface of glans of penis
where is the external urethral orifice in a penile hypospadia?
ventral surface of body of penis
what is chordee?
underdeveloped and ventrally curved penis in hypospadias
where is the external urethral orifice in a penoscrotal hypospadia?
junction of penis and scrotum
what is perineal hypospadia?
failure of labioscrotal folds to fuse & urethra opens between unfused halves of scrotum
if a person has perineal hypospadia and cryptochidism, what can be misdiagnosed?
disorder of sex development (46 XY)
why do hypospadias occur?
inadequate production of androgens & failure of urethral folds to fuse
what is epispadia?
external urethral orifice opens on the dorsal surface of the penis
epispadia is associated with?
exstrophy of the bladder
how does a double penis occur?
two genital tuberacles develop
a bifid penis is associated with?
exstrophy of the bladder & imperforate anus
agenesis of external genitalia results in?
absence of penis or clitoris & urethral opening into perineum near the anus
why does micropenis occur?
- fetal testicular failure
- associated with hypopituitarism
how does a double uterus form?
failure of fusion of inferior parts of paramesonephric ducts
what is a bicornate uterus?
a double uterus only in the superior aspect of the body of the uterus
how does a bicornate uterus with rudimentory horn form?
one paramesonephric duct does not fuse with the other
how does a unicornate uterus form?
failure of one paramesonephric duct to develop
how does an absence of vagina form?
failure of sinovaginal bulbs to develop into vaginal plate (usually uterus is absent too)
how does an imperforate hymen form?
failure of inferior end of vaginal plate to perforate
normal ovarian development is dependent on?
two X chromosomes
cryptorchism is associated with?
sterility & germ cell tumors
where do testis reside in cryptorchism?
usually in inguinal canal
ectopic testes usually reside where?
interstitial (external to aponeurosis of external oblique)
how does ectopic testes occur?
gubernaculum passes to abnormal location
how does a persistant processus vaginalis occur?
communication between tunica vaginalis and peritoneal cavity fails to close
why is a persistant processus vaginalis important?
can cause congenital inguinal hernia
if the abdominal end of the processus vaginalis remains open but is too small to permit herniation, what forms?
scrotal hydrocele from peritoneal fluid
if the middle part of processus vaginalis remains open, what forms?
fluid accumulation –> hydrocele of spermatic cord