UA and Body Fluids Polansky Review Flashcards
First morning specimen
best for screening most concentrated
2hr post prandial
diabetes monitoring, 2hr after eating, glycosuria
24hr urine
quantititive chemistries, discard first void, fridge
increased urine production
increased urine flow
decreased urine flow
no urine production
bilirubin urine color
amber orange, yellow foam with shaking
urobilin urine
amber orange, no yellow foam with shaking
homogentisic acid urine
normal on void, black/brown standing
melanin urine
black/brown standing
methemoglobin urine
myoglobin urine
red/brown standing
blood/hgb urine
pink/red, brown standing
porphyrin urine
port wine
changes in unpreserved urine standing for 2 hr
increase turbidity
inc pH
dec glucose, ketones, bili, urobili, WBC/RBC
pH strip test
double indicator, acid base balance, pH =9 improperly preserved
protein urine strip
what error indicator
most senst to ?
protein error of indicator
renal disease
most sensitive to alb
glucose test strip
glucose oxidase/peroxidase
spec for glucose
ketone strip test
most sensitive to?
sodium nitroprusside rxn
increased fat metabolism
acetoacitic acid
blood strip test
pseudoperoxidase activity of hgb
bilirubin strip test
diazo rxn
liver disease/biliary obst
only conjugated bili is excreted
urobilinogen strip test
ehrlichs aldehyde rxn
liver disease hemolysis
only detect increase, not absence
nitrite strip test
greiss rxn
inc specificty when urine in bladder is 4hr old
leukocyte esterase strip test
disease association?
doesnt detect?
longest rxn time, doesnt detect lymphs
SG strip test
pKa changes
kidney conc ability in hydration
inc in diabetes mellitus
dec in diabetes insip (ADH)
ionic solutes
protein erros strip test
highly alk urine, increased SG
proteins other than ALB
glucose errors strip test
contamination with peroxide or bleach, ascorbic acid, incr SG
ketone errors strip test
red pigments, dyes, acetone
SG errors strip test
increased proteins, alk urine
what kind of specimen
24hr urine ACR
females diab nephrop
SSA sulfsalicylic acid
proteins, bence jones
what reduction
watch to avoid?
reducing substances, coper reduction
watch to avoid pass through
detects ketones
sodium nitroprusside
most senitive to acetoacitic acid
detects bilirubin
diazo rgnt
more sensitive than reagent strip
gluc oxidase +
copper reduct (clintest) +
gluc oxidase +
clintest 0
glucose below sensitivity for clintest
gluc oxidase 0
clintest +
non glucose reducing substance
gluc oxidase 0
clintest 0
no gluc or other reducing subtance
squamous epithelial cells
lower urethra, vagina,
no signif
increase in females sometimes, reduce with midstream
transitional epithelial cells
may form?
renal eplvis, urteres, bladder
pherical pear shapped, polyherdral
seldom significant
may form syncytia (clumps)
RTE cells
round eccentric nucelpus
renal tubules
tubular necrosis, toxins, viral infection, renal rejection