ASCP Practice Test Review Qs Flashcards
Massive transfusion event complications?
Hypocalcemia due to binding of calcium (citrate chelates calcium)
tingling feeling
citrate toxicity
method for determining accurate phenotypes in transfused patients?
density separations
Hypotonic wash
for separating Hgb SS from Hgb A
Thiol reagents
differentiate IgM from IgG antibodies
at room temperature, why does urine pH increase with bacteria?
production of urease
what kind of urine is calcium oxalate found in?
neutral or acidic
why would a urine sample look cloudy after someone recently ate? (reagent strip results are all normal)
alkaline tide effect, amorphous phosphates increase turbidity and alkaline urine
Bessey-Lowry-Brock method for alkaline phosphatase activty uses what substrate?
why does blood for digoxin assays need to be collected between 8 or more hours after drug administration?
tissue and serum levels need to reach an equilibrium
post exercise samples would have what results in the blood?
elevated lactic acid and elevated pyruvate due to increased carb metabolism
biologically active precursor of a fat soluble vitamin?
retinol is one of the three biologically active forms of fat soluble vitamin A
total granulocyte count greater than 7.5 x 10^3?
absolute neutrophilic leukocytosis
what % minimum is required to be diagnostic for PLL? (Prolymph leukemia?)
> 55%
high wbc
low rbc
low hgb
increased mvc
increased mchc
warm the specimen and recount
one of the coagulation tests that correlates with pt mortality with Sars Cov 2 was?
VwF mediates plt adhesion by binding to the platelet receptor?
most common cause of anemia in hospitalized patients?
anemia of chronic inflammation
assocaited with infections and malignant conditions
most common humoral immune deficiency disease?
selective IgA deficiency
when a nk cell comes in contact with a cell expressing MCH I, what happens?
inhibition of killing since that would be a healthy cell
anti-nuclear antibody test with a titer of 1:320 with a peripheral pattern?
anti-dsDNA 1:80 high titer antibodies to Sm
Live attenuated vaccine used for human immunization?
what component of compliment is associated with chemotactic activity?
C5a is chemotaxin for neuts, basos, mast and monos
anaerobic bacteria acceptable specimen?
suprapubic bladder aspiration
Enterobacteriaceales share what characteristics?
reduce nitrate to nitrite
what may indicate a blood culture bottle is a contaminant?
1 bottle of 1 set is positive
no positive results until day 5 of incubation
what organism can you use for positive control for lecithinase on egg yolk agar?
C perfringens
antibiotic used to kill or supress fungi in media
plasmodium sporoziote proliferation site?
definitive ID of neisseria gonorrhoeae ?
utilization of carbs
what species produces cladosporium, phialophora and fonsecasea? crust like cauliflower lesion and slow growing black mold
fonsecaea pedrosoi
POCT benefits?
faster turn around time
potential carcinogen chemical?
flow cytometer method?
pulse field gel electrophoresis
epidemiological typing of bacterial strains
true negative results, negativity in absence of a disease
unexpected reactivity in the reverse reaction should include?
antibody screen at IS to determine if alloab are present