U5 P2 - Intelligence and Creativity Flashcards
the ability to aquire knowledge, use reasoing, and learn from experience to adapt in differnt enviorment
aptitude vs achievment test
aptitude - ability
achievment - knowledge
uniform proceudures are sued in administration oand scoring of tests
provide meaning to test; provide infomatioon of where a score of a psychological test ranks in comparison to other scoroers
indictites the percentage of people who scored at or below the score obtained
consitency of score can you replicate them
test retets rleiability
measuring stability of a test over time - same test, same person, different time
alternate form reliability
differnt test to same person
split half reliabilty
measures extent to which all parts of the test contribute euqally to what is being measured
inter rater reliablity
degree to which different rates give consistent measuments
does the measurment tool assess what it is designed for
content validity
does teh measurment tool fully assess all componets of the topic
crierion related validity
does the specific component of the measuring tool truly asses th topic being studied
construct validity
does the measurment tool accuratly assess the theory
prdictive validity
does the measurment tool accuratly predict futrue outcomes
created first intelligence test in france; special needs kids; compare mental and chronological age
brought intelligence test to teh uS, introduced IQ score
WISC intell scale for children
WAIS - inrtell scale for adults
intell scales WISC and WAIS
verbal and performance sclaes
Wechsler IQ score with normal distribution
verbal vs performance scales
verbal: vocab
performance: skill
factor analysis
statistic technique used to identify clsuter sof related info
g factor - general intelligence
s factor - specific information
fluid vs crystallized knowledge
fluid - problem solves, reasoning, momory
crystallized - accumulated knowledge
intullectual disability
IQ < 70
awarness and understanding of one’s own thought processes
learning disabilities
measured intell does not match academic performence
IQ > 130
Flynn effect
IQ scores have been rising steadily over time
Reaction range
genetically detrmined limits on IQ
when worry about conforming to a steryotype leads to underperformance on a test
triarchtic theory of intelligence
sternberg’s triarchic theory of intelligence
analytical - book smarts
practical - street smarts
creative - new ideas
multiple intelligences
convergent thinking
when you try to narrow down a list of possible solutions to find a single right answer to a problem
divergent thinking
when you attempt to expand the range of possible solutions by thinking of many alternative solution