U5 P1 - Memory Cognition and Language Flashcards
thinking and mental processes
encoding, storage, and retrieval
encoding - bringing in information from enviorment and processing
storage - holding information in memory over time
retrivial - pulling back information from storage into consciousness
infor most attended to will be encoded better and therefore remebered better
cocktail party effect
being able to focus on covo and shifting attention when name is said
structural, phonemic, and semantic encoding
structural - encoding what the stimulus looks like
phonemic - encoding what the stimulus sounds like
semantic - encoding what the stimulus means
elabroaticve encoding
making connection between old and new information
self referent encoding
a form of elaborative encoding that makes connection bewteen new info and yourself
levels of processing
how deeply we encode the information determines how well we recall the information
information processing model
information is made up of 3 stores: sensory, short term, and long term
sensory memory
iconic - visual
echoic - auditory
grouping items 9increases amount of info we can recall
flashbulb memories
detailed vivid memories of emotionally significant events 9usually when we first heard the info0
menatl reprentations of people, objects, events usulally craeted by experience
parallel distributed processing
momory consits of a network of interconnected fact where new info is added to teh network; mroe interconecdondess = better recall
mnemonic devices
strategies for enhancing memory that involove unusual association
acrostics and acroyms
phrases and words formed using teh first letter
link method
forming a mental image of items to be remebered in a way that links them together
method of loci
taking awalk along a familiar path wghere items to be remebered are accosciated iwt familar location
repeated rehersal of material after tyou first seemed to have mastered it to overcome the forgetting curve
context dependent learning
remebering information best inthe same physical location as where the information was learned
information best in the same phsyoligical state as when info was learned
mood congruency
info processing is facilitated in a person’s eotional state in similar to teh tone of the info being leraned
distributed vs massed practice
distributed - learning in mslal intervals
massed - learning in large chunck
seriel position effect
better recall of itens at beginning and end of list
primacy effect - beginning of list
recenecy effect - end of list
tip of touge phenomenon
retrieval of incomplete information
constructive memory
using exusting shecmas to fill in gaps in meomory during encoding and retrieval
elizabeth loftus
misinfomation effect - asked questions about two cars
misinformation effect
when momory is affected by post event information
relaity monitoring
process of deciding whether memories are based off of external or internal sources
source monitoruing
making attributes to the sources of memories
destination meory
recalling to whom one has told
forgetting curve
most forgetting happens within 1 hour
after 9 hours memory is reletively constant
recall vs recognition
recall - no cues
regognition - selction from an array of option
metjod of savings
less time/effort is need to relern material after forgetting
ineffective encoding
you didn’t forget, you never encoded it in the first place
gradual eroision of memeory
retroactive interference
ne info impairs recall of old info
proactive interference
old info impairs learning/recall of new info
transfer appropriate processing
how well we remeber is based on how much retrieval matches encoding
tivated fogetting/repression
pushing memeories into unconsciousness
retrospective vs prospective memory
retrospective - remembering events from the past or previpusly learned information
prospecting - remembering to perform actions in the furture
episodic vs seantic vs procedural memory
episodic - memories of specific events that happened whil you were present
semantic - memeories of facts or generlized knowledge
proceudral - memeories of skills
declaritice explicit vs nondeclaritive implicit memoery
declaritive - factual info
nondeclarative - actions, skills, emotions, responsies
long term potentiation
increase in synptic strength; practice retieving infomation stergnthen synaptic connections
retrograde vs anterograde anmesia
retrograde - losso f memories before onset of amnesia
anterograde - loss of memories after ofnset of amnesia
functional fixidness
the tendency to use items only in its most common ways; the inability to use itemsin different ways
mental set
persistence in using problem solving tsrats that have worked in teh past; is a barrier when it stops you for seeing other ways of solving the problem
focusing on only one aspect of the problem; inability to see the problem from another persective
unnessary contraints
tendency to impart our own rules that are not part of the system
a methofical step by step procure to try all possible solutions; time consuing but gaurenteed solution
a mental shortcut or rule of thumb used in problem solving or descionmaking
breaking down a problem into smaller parts
using analogies
making a connection between current problem and problem you’ve already solved and using similar strats
setting the problem aside for a while and coming back to it later
attributes and utility
attributes - factors to be considered when making a descion
utility - personal value assigend to each attribute
availability heuristic
a mental shortcut in decsion making based on how readily relevant information comes to mind
represntative heurtitc
a mental shortcut were someone makes a descion based on how something fits tehir schem or prototype
anchoring heuristic
tendency to base a judgment on intial informationa nd only change it slightly after new information is presented
recognition heuristic
tendency to believe that the recognized objects have higher value
the tendency to overestimate the accuracy of our beliefs
belief perserverence
clinging to one’s beliefe safetr the basis of which tehy were made have been discredited
gambler’s fallacy
belief that the odds of a chance event increase if teh event has not happened recently
confirmation bias
the tendency to only seek, recall, and intrepret info in ways liekly to support on’s own beliefs
framing effect
decision making can be affected by how choices are structured
smallest element of sound
smallest unit of language that provides meaning
rules that govern the arrangment of words
rules that givern the meanings of words
surface structure vs deep structure
surface - string of words
deep - underlying meaing
milestones in language
cooing - giggling
babbling - syllables over and over
one word - objects and people
two word - subject verb
subject verb objects - imple sentence
overextnsion and underextension
overextension - when a child incorrectlty uses a word to describe a wider set of objects
underextension - when a child incorrectly uses a word to describe a narrower set of objects
overgeneralizing grammatical rules
metalignuistic awarness
ability to understand language
behavorist theories of laguage aquistion
learning nurtue - imitation and rewards
chomsky’s language aquistion device
an innate mechanism or process that facilitates the learning of language
linguistic relativity
whorfian hypothesis
hypothesis that states that ones language influence nature of one’s thoughts and perceptions
herman ebbinghaus
forgetting curve
language aquisition device