U1: History Approaches and Research Methods Flashcards
scientific study of behavior and mental processes
knowledge aquired through observation, gathering/analyzing data; evidence of support
g stanley hall opened
1st american psych lab
founded apa
edward titchener
primary method of reserch = introspection; inward looking; using self reflection; examined the elements/peices of the consious experience
examined elements and pieces of the consiousness experience
william james
intrested in the purpose/ use/ value of the conscious experience (asks why)
focused on application
focuses on the purpose of the consiousness experience
gestalt psychology
emphasis our tendesency to intregrate pieces of info into meaningful wholes
psychoanalytical approach
unconcious urges/impulse or repressed memmories of early childhood trauma influences behavior
phsycoanalytical approach
behavioral approach
behavior is learned through observations, rewards/punishments and making observation
humanistic approach
humans are inheritently good; we are striving to reach our potential; we each have a unique perspective and self concept; we all have free will
cognitive approach
mental processes such as thoughts, memeory, decisions, problem solving influence behavior
biological approach
brain, chemisty and structure; genetics; hormones etc influence behavior
sociocultural approach
cocietal cultural facturals influence behaviors
individualist vs collectivist cultures
induvidualist vlaues delf more than group
collectivist values group
combing more than 1 approach
clinical psychology
concerned with diagnosis and treatment of mental illness
developmenta psychology
human development across the life span
ocial psychology
the role of social forces
how do other people influence our behavior
educational psychology
how people learn and the best way to teach them
health psychology
how psychological factors relate to our health
experimental psychology
looks at perception and understanding it
cognitice psychology
cognitice approach
psychometrics and quantitative
measurments of behavior by developing tests
personality psychology
understanding consistency of behavior
counseling psychology
helps with the evaluation/diagnosis of people struggling with everyday problems
industrial psychology
psych in the buisness
informed consent
participants know/consent to being part of resercg and know the technicalities
can’t be decieved so that participants aren’t doing anything they wouldn’t want to
must be justified and corrected during brieding
identity of participants can’t be revealed
participants can’t be places under significant mental/physical risk
participants are told purpose of study and provided ways to contact reserchers
any deception is corrected
hypothesis vs theaory
hyspothesis - a testable, educated, preduction about the relationship between 2 variables
theory - a tentative explantion of behavior / phenomenon (after lots of reserch
operational definitions
defining variables in a specific measurable way for scientific testing
correlational research
investigating the relationship between variables (not cause and effect)
natuuralistic observation
obseving behavior in a natural setting without interference
case studies
intesnse examination of one person, small group, or unique set using a variety of methods
questionnaire used to learn about participants opinions, beliefs, attitudes, general patterns of behavior
goal is to establish a cause and effect relationship in a controlled setting
it is trying to explain behavior
population vs sample
population - target group of intrest for study
sample - members of the popularion who are chosen to participate in reserch; smaller that pop
random smaple
every memeber of pop. has an equally likely chance of being chosen to participate in the reserch
representative sample
goal of random sampling
when the demographics of the sample are proportional to the demographics of the population
allows results to be generalized
independent vs dependent variable
independent - manipulated or controlled by experiment
dependent - measured/ observed to see if the IV had an effect
experiemental vs control group
experimental - group / conditions that recieve the IV
control - groups / conditions that do not recieve the IV
extraneous / confounding variables
any variable other than IV that may influence the DV
random assignment
every participant has an equal chance of being placed into any of the groups
quasi experiment
experimental design that does not use random sampling because eithe immpossible or unethical
meta analysis
statistical methods for combing multiple studes on a topic (to compare / contrast what has been found thus far)
placebo effect
occus when the participants expectations cause a change in behavior / the way you feel when given an inactive treatment
halo effect
when someone’s overall evaluation of a person influence more specific ratings
single blind design
participants do not know which group/condition they are assigned to
helps reduce participant bias
double blind design
when neither the resercher nor the particpant know which group particpants are assigned to;
removes experimenter bias
measures of central tendency
mean - average
meadian - middle number
mode - most freuqent score
measures of dispersion
range: the highest score minus the lowest score
standard deviation - average distance between each schore and the mean of teh data set
positive vs negative correlation
pos - the 2 variables head in teh same direction
neg - the 2 variable head in opposite direction
illusory correlation
seeing a relationship between 2 variables when no such relationship exists
correlation coeffiecient
statistical number that measures teh relationship between 2 variables
statistical significance
how likely is it that changes to teh DV were due to the IV