U2: Biological Bases of Behavior Flashcards
the cell body which maintains the health of the neuron
recieve messages from other cells
passes messages away from the cell body to other neurons, muscles, or glands
mylin sheath
covers the axon of some neurons and help speed neural impulses
space gap between neurons
glial cells
support neurons/stimulates growth repair damage, keep them in place
action potential
- dendrites recieve info and send to soma
- when same is at resting potential, soma is polorized. message causes the soma to depolorize. positive ions come inside the cell and make less neg
- if the cell reaches its threshold, an action potential is fired
- impulses move down the axon
- vesicles are pushed to the axon terminals where they release neurotranmitters into the synapse
6 refactory period accours where the cell is going vback to rest. another action potential can’t fire
polorized vs depolorized
depolorized: the process of when the cells change becomes positive or less negative
polorized - higehr negative change
excitatory postsynaptic potential vs inhibitory postsynaptic potential
EPSP: postsynaptic neuron fires an action potential (depolorized
IPSP: postsynaptic neron does not fire an action potentail
neurotramsitters are ryclycles by the presynaptic neuron
agonist vs antagonist
agnoist: mimics a neurotranmitter
antagonist - blocks receptor sites
memory: voluntary muscle movement
deficeny alzhiemrs
experiences of pleaure (reward)
initian of voluntary muscle movement
def: parkingson’s
escess: schizophrenic, addiction
arousal, alertness, attention, mood
defiency : depression
excess: anxiety
mood, sleep, appetite
deficiency: depression
excess: mania, ocd
fluctuation: bipolar
inhibitory signals, reduce activity of CNS, involoved in sleep and arousal
def: hungtingtons
exratory signals
stragnthening neural connections; kearning
reduce pain; euphoria (runners high)
peripherl nervous system
somatiic : skeletal
automatic: aumtaic
somatic nervous system
afferent neurons
sensory; brings in sensory information
efferent neurons
motor - carries info from teh brain
automatic nervous system
sympathetic nervous system
mobilizes body for action/energy output
increases heartrate, dilates puipls
parasympathtic nervous system
conserves energy
maintains quiet state
central nervous system
spine and brain
quick involuntary respose / controlled by spinal cord
traditional vs reflex arc
trad: sensory input via affferent neurons - spine - brain - spine - guide muscles via efferent neurons
reflex: sensory input via afferent nerouns - spinal cord - actions via efferent neurons - spine - brain
eeg -
attach electrodes to scalp; moniter electrical brain activity
destroying brain tissue
stimulate brain structure with weak electric currents snet to implanted electrode
x-ray of brain strcutre
inject small amount of radioactive glucose to moniter chemical activity
uses magnetic fields to map out brai structure
moniters blood flow and oxygen to the brain to identify areas of high activity real time
first area to fully develop
vital function (heart rate, blood pressure, berathin)
sleeping and dreams
balance and coordination
reticular formation
a network of cells that control alertness, attention, arounasal
substantia nigra
initian of movement
central relay station for all senses expect small
biological drives
formation of new memories
emotial reations
gear and agresssion
basal ganglia
important to smooth mucle movemet and actions involved in procerdural memory for skills
corpus callsum
bundle of fibers that connects teh right and eft hemisphere and allows both halves to communicate
occipital lobe
conatins visul cortex
parietal lobe
contains comatosensory contex
touch (pressure pain tem)
temporal lobe
contain auditory cortex
rontal lobe
motor cortex - movement
orefrontal cortex - higher order thinking and personality
mirror neurons
neurons that fire whne we watch others perform action
the ability of the bain to strgnthem existing neural connections and form new connection
left hemishpere
controls right side of the body
speech language, logic, analysis, math
brocas area
left frontal lobe
production of speech and language
wernikes area
left temporal lobe
comprehension and intrepretation of speech and language
right hemisphere
controls left side of body
nonverbal, creative, spatial patterns, facial recognition, emotion
endocrine system
glands that secrete chemicals into the bloodstream and absorbed by organs and glands throughout teh body
chemicals released by the endocrine system into the bloodstream
pituitary gland
master gland of the endocrine system in the brain
awarness of external events internal sensation, yourself, your thoughts
consciousness, subconscious, unconscious
conscious - current awarness
subconscious - just below present awarness; can int consciousness
unconscious - completly unaware; connot access (but still influences us)
states of consciousness
characteristics of awarness at a given point in time
awake alert
altered states of sonsiousness
big changes in behavior or mental processes
ircadian rhythms
24 hour cycle
suprachiasmatic nucleus
in hypothalamus; reguates he circadian rythem
adjusting to a new cycle
sleep cycle
awake and alert - beta waves
awake and resting - alpha waves
stage 1 - theta waves
stage 2 - theta waves; sleep spindles (burts of brain waves) k complex (waves appear)
NREMstage 3 - delat waves; dep sleep
reverse through states 3, then 2, then eneter 1st REM cycle
REM - rapid eye movement - heart rate bp, brain waves increase; mix of beta and theta waves; dreaming
beginning of night more time in deep; end of night more time in rem
rem rebound
if yo are deprived of rem sleep, the next night will spend more time in REM and get tehre mroe quickly
acending recticular activating system
part of rectivuar formation (alertness, attention, arousal)
inability to fall asleep and stay asleep
excessive daytime sleepiness;
sleep apnea
when someone stops breathing momentarily during the night
nightmares vs night terrors
nightmares - scary dreas during REM; can remenber; can easily be woken
night terrors - horrific images/ dreams during deep sleep; hard to wake
sleepwalking (occurs during stage 3; from random neural firing in the areas of teh brain
REM behavior disorder
body does not experience normal sleep paralysis during REM; people act out their dreams
Freud’s wish fulfillment thory of dreaming
dreams ae symbols of unconcious urges / desires / fears
manifest content vs latent content
manifest - plot story of the dream
latent content - underlying symbolism/meaning of the dream
cognitive theory of dreamig
dreams allo us to process infomation from the day and aid in problem solving
activatio synthesis theory of dreaming
dreams are random by products of random neural firings that we try to make sense of in a story
lucid dreaming
being aware that you are dreaming
psychological dependence on a drug
need for teh drug for a sense of well being
physical dependence on a drug
continued use of frug is necessary to avoid withdrawal
inceasing amount of drug is needed to produce same effect
reduce pain; agnostic for endorphins
ex: morphine, vicodin, heroin
decrease activity of CNS; agnostic for GABA
ex: alcahol, sleeping pills , barbituiates
increase activity of CNS; agnostic for norepinephrine
ex: cocaine, ADHD meds, caffeine, nicotine, amphetamines, MDMA