U4 - Learning Flashcards
a change in behavior due to experience
simple form of adaptive learning where an organism stops paying attention to a stimuli that is often repeated and doesn’t signal anything important
classical conditioning
the learningof emotional and or physiological reactions due to involuntary association
experiment where dogs were restrained in an isolated enviorment and they began salivating when a resercher opened the door to feed them
unconditioned stimulus
an unlearned stimulus that elicits an involuntary repsonse
unconditioned response
the involuntary reaction to the unconditioned stimulus
neutral stimulus
prior to pairing, the neutral stimulus does not elicit the unconditioned or conditioned response on its own
conditioned stimulus
a stimulus that an organism has learned to associate with teh unconditioned stimulus
conditioned response
the learned reaction to the conditioned stimulus
little albert study
little albert study
loud noises - fear
rat + loud noises - fear
rat - fear
after the unconditioned stimulus is no longer presented, the association becomes weaker and eventually disappears
spontaneous recovery
afetr extinction, one presentation of the conditioned stimulus elists the conditioned response again
stimulus generalization
stimulus similar to the conditioned stimulus also elicit the conditioned response
stimulus discrimination
only the conditioned stimulus elicits the conditioned response
higher order conditioning
chain reaction
a secondarycondition stimulus can predict the primary conditioned stimulus ( though learned association) which predicts the unconditioned stimulus
resclora contingency factors
timing - best in unconditioned stimulus follows neutral stimulus by no mroe tahn a few seconds
predictablity - the pairing should be consistent and exclusive
attention - the stimulus the organism is paying attention to becomes the conditioned stimules
signal strngth - stronger the signal, stronger the association
we have biological predispositions to make certain asscoiation
tatse aversion
if you eat food and get sick, you don’t want anything to do with the food, doen’t follow contingency model
operant conditioning
the voluntary change in behavior as a result of consequences (asscoiationg behavior with the consequence)
operant chamber
operant chamber/skinner box
rat hits lever - pellet
rat hits lever again - pellet - makes association
hit hit hit hit hit
primary vs secondary reinforcer
primary - naturally occuring reinforcer; no learning is neccessary for it to reinforce behaior as it satifies a biological need
secondary - the reinforcing power is learned
positive reinforcement
adding something desirable to increase/ reinforce behavior
negative reinforcement
removing something undesirable to increase/strengthen behavior
excape conditioning
learning abehavior to escape an unpleasent stimulus that you are already being exposed to
avoidence conditioning
learning behavior to prevent an unpleasent stimulus
positive punsihment
decreasing liklihood a behavior will occur again by adding something undesirable
negative punishment
decreaisng liklihood a behavior will occur again by removing something desirable
shaping vs chaining
shaping - rewarding successive approximation of a whole behavior
chaining- reinforcment of broken down steps of teh complex behavior
discriminative stimuli
only a particular behavior produces the consequence
similar behaviors produce the same consequence
premack principle
1st complete needed behavior, then you get to do desired behavior
reinforces exist in a heirchy
disequilibrium theory
any activity can become a reinforcer is access is restricted
continous vs intermittent reinforcment
continous - reward is given every time the behavor occurs
intermittent - reward is not given every time the behavior occus
intermittent reinforcemnet
rixed ratio schedule - after 5 assignment
variable ratio schedule - ask for candy until mom says yes
fixed interval schedule - paycheck every 3 weeks
variable interval schedule - popquiz
learned helplessness
tendency to give up any effort to change one’s enviorment after repeated faliure
rat maze experiment comparig rewards and success
rewarded - imporvment
not rewarded - slow improvment
rewarded after 11th day - improvment after 11th day
latent learning
learning that is not immediatly evident
usually demonstrated later on
cognitive map
mental represntations of familiar location
the sudden relization to the solution to a problem
observational learning
learning by watching others
learning enw behaviors by watching others and imitating
vicarious learning
learning new behaviors by watching teh consquences of some else’s behavior
bobodoll experiment
bobo doll expirtment
kids see violoence and do violence on bobo doll