U3 - Sensation and Perception Flashcards
sensation vs perception
senation: bringing in sensory stimuli from enviorment
perception - interpretartion of stimuli
cross talk of senses
absolute threshold
min amount of energy needed to detct the precense of a stimulis
min amount of energy needed to detect the change in intensity of a stimulus
weber’s law
JND is a fixed porpotion of teh intensity of teh stimulus
signal detection theory
hit: response - present; stimuli - present
miss: response - absent; stimuli - present
false alarm: response - present; stimuli - absent
sorrect rejection: response - absent; stimuli - absent
subliminal perception
processing info w/o conciousness awarness
subliminal stimuli = below absolute threshold
occurs when exposure to a stimuls influences our perceptipn
sensory adaptation
decline in sensitivity to stimulsus that are presented at a constant level
converting energy to neural impulse
visual process
light wave - cornea - iris pupil - lens - image is inverted - rentina - where transduction occurs - photorecptors reposnsible for trnsduction - bipolar cells - ganglion cells - bundle together to form optic disk - optic dick - thalamus - occipital lobe
ability of the lens to bend light rays to focus image
sensory receptors for vision - respnsible for transduction
colro vision
center of retina with highest concentration of cells; greatest visual acuity
balck and white
bipolar cells
recieve visual signal from phoreceptors; help to see contract and edges
ganglion cells
signals from bipolar cells to ganglion cells; bend together to form aptic nerve
where the optic nerve leave seach eye
inability to recognize humn faces
additive.subtractive color mixing
additive: more light, the closer to white
subtractive: more color, closer to black
young helmholtz trichromatic theory
tehere are trhee types of receptors - green, red, blue
colro blindenss
lack of one of the trhee types of cones
opponenet process tehory
colro perception is determined by the activity of 3 opponents systems
yellow - blue, red - green, black - white
after images
an image continuing to appear on one’s vision afetr the exposure to the origional image has ceased
perceptual set
tendency to percieve ta stimuli in a particular way
bottom up processing
using details of stilui to guide perception
top down processing
using prior experience to guide perception
inattentional blindness and change blindness
faliure to see objects or changes in enviorment due to focus directed elsewhere
gestalt principles
proximity - objects that are close together aee grouped together
closure - filling in the gaps to percieve a completed image
similarity - grouping based on like charatceristics
simplicty - tend to percieve simplest form of stimuli
continuity - continuous lines
common region - grouping by boudries
visual cliff
the apparatus ised to test depth perception in infants
binoucular depth cues
retinal disparity - guided by the amount of differnce in what each eye sees
convergece - sensing the eyes turning inward
molecular depth cues
linear persepective - parallel lines converge
texture gradient - closer objects - more detail
interposition - closer objects block farther objects
relative size - lager on retina = closer\
height in plane - near objects = lower in visual field
light and shadow - 3D
motion parallax - move quicker = closer
phi phenomenon / stroboscopic motion
illusion of movement created by presenting visual stimuli in rapid succession
as image expands on retina, we percieve it as approaching
perceptual constancies
tendency to experience a stable perception despit changing sensory input
amplitude - loudness
wavelength - pitch
purity - timbre
sensory processing
sound wave - pinna - ear cannel - tympanic membrane (ear drum) - 3 little bones - oral wondow - cochea - basiclar membrane - auditory nerve - thalamus - temporal lobe
place theory
perception of pitch - location of vibration on basilar memebrane
high frequency
frequency theory
perception of pitch - rate of vibration of basilar membrane
low frequency
conduction deafness
damage to 3 little bones
sensorineural deafness
damage to cilia or auditory nerves
taste buds -
olfactory bulb
in brain cilia sends dirctly there
chemicals that shape behavior of animals
soatosensory system
pressure, pain, temp
a delta vs c fibers
a dleta - carry quick sharp pain signals
c - carry chronic, dull, aches
gate control theory
pain can be blocked at spine and other signals sent
vestibular sense
balance and spatial orientation