Typical Lumbar Spine: L1-L4 Flashcards
What is the generic size of the typical lumbar vertebral body from the cranial view?
transversely broad
What is the generic shape of the typical lumbar vertebral body from the cranial view?
reniform or kidney-shaped
What is the appearance of the typical lumbar vertebral body from the lateral view?
anterior height is greater than posterior height by a few millimeters
What characteristics of the L1-L4 vertebral body may be used to differentiate it from the L5 segment? Be specific and complete as to the differences on a segment from each group.
- On cranial view, the lateral surface of the pedicle is apparent on a L1-L4 segment.
- At L5 the transverse process originates from the vertebral body, pedicle, and lamina-pedicle region.
- In addition, the vertebral body of L5 is more wedge-shaped on lateral view with a much greater anterior height than posterior height.
What would be the direction of the lumbar curve based on osseous features?
anterior (lordotic)
What is the appearance of the intervertebral disc in the lumbar spine?
greater anterior height than posterior height
What accounts for the direction of the lumbar curve?
the vertebral body and intervertebral disc have a greater anterior height than posterior height
What is the direction of the normal lumbar curve?
anterior (lordotic)
What is the effect of aging on the vertebral body of a lumbar vertebra?
- decrease in height
- increase in circumference
How many synovial joint surfaces are present at the typical lumbar vertebral body?
What is the joint classification for the spongy bone-intervertebral disc articulation?
cartilaginous (amphiarthrosis) symphysis
What is the joint classification for the anterior longitudinal lig.?
fibrous (amphiarthrosis) syndesmosis
What is the joint classification for the posterior longitudinal lig.?
fibrous (amphiarthrosis) syndesmosis
How many fibrous (amphiarthrosis) syndesmosis joint surfaces are on a typical lumbar vertebral body?
Identify the fibrous (amphiarthrosis) syndesmosis joint surfaces on a typical lumbar vertebral body.
- superior and inferior anterior longitudinal lig. attachment sites
- superior and inferior posterior longitudinal lig. attachment sites
How many joint surfaces are present on the vertebral body of a typical lumbar?
How many cartilaginous (amphiarthrosis) symphysis joint surfaces are on a typical lumbar vertebral body?
What joint classifications will be observed at the vertebral body of a typical lumbar?
- cartilaginous (amphiarthrosis) symphysis
- fibrous (amphiarthrosis) syndesmosis
What muscles may attach to a typical lumbar vertebral body?
- psoas major
- psoas minor
What muscles may attach to the first lumbar vertebral body?
- psoas major
- psoas minor
What muscle may attach from the second down to the fourth lumbar vertebral body?
psoas major
Psoas minor will only attach to the vertebral body of which segments?
T12 and L1
What is the name given to lig. that attach the vertebral body to articular process?
transforaminal lig.
What are the types of transforaminal lig.?
- superior transforaminal
- middle transforaminal
- inferior transforaminal
What are the attachment sites of the superior transforaminal lig. at the L1-L2 intervertebral foramen?
- L1 vertebral body
- inferior articular process of L2
What are the attachment sites of the middle transforaminal lig. at the L1-L2 intervertebral foramen?
- intervertebral disc
- inferior articular process of L1
What are the attachment sites of the inferior transforaminal lig. at the L1-L2 intervertebral foramen?
- L2 vertebral body
- superior articular process of L1
What lig. attach the vertebral body to the transverse process?
corporotransverse lig.
What corporotransverse lig. are identified?
- superior corporotransverse
- inferior corporotransverse
What are the attachment sites of the superior corporotransverse lig. at the L1-L2 intervertebral foramen?
- L1 vertebral body
- L1-L2 intervertebral disc
- transverse process of L2
What are the attachment sites of the inferior corporotransverse lig. at the L1-L2 intervertebral foramen?
- L2 vertebral body
- L2-L3 intervertebral disc
- transverse process of L2
What names identify lig. that attach the dura mater to the vertebral body or pedicle?
- Hofmann lig.
- meningeovertebral
- anterior dural
- Trolard’s
What are the types of Hofmann lig.?
- anterior Hofmann
- posterior Hofmann
- lateral Hofmann
- proximal root sleeve
Hofmann lig. are identified in which regions along the vertebral column?
- cervical - upper thoracic
- lumbar
Cervical-upper thoracic Hofmann lig. will attach what structures together?
dura mater to segments above
What is the highest level known to demonstrate Hofmann lig.?
What is the proposed function of the cervical-upper thoracic Hofmann lig.?
- resist caudal movement of the dural sac
- resist gravitational forces on the dura and cord
Lumbar Hofmann lig. will attach what structures together?
dura mater to lower segmental levels
What is the proposed function of lumbar Hofmann lig.?
resist cranial movement of the dural sac during flexion
What is the proposed function of the proximal root sleeve?
resist displacement of the peripheral nerve system in the intervertebral foramen
What is the orientation of the pedicle of a typical lumbar?
The pedicle attaches at what location on vertebral body of a typical lumbar?
to the upper third or half of the vertebral body
What surface feature is located at the upper margin of the pedicle?
superior vertebral notch