Typical And Atypical Psychological Development Flashcards
Typical behaviours
We expect that a child will develop skills within certain time frames (eg.babies to start crawling between 6-12 months)
Typical development behaviours
Behaviour, skills or abilities fall within the expected range of development, compared to peers of the same age.
This is what we understand as “normal” when it comes to reaching development milestones
How do typical behaviours show in a child- influence
Typical behaviours are the patterns of behaviour that are expected for a given situation
Cultural: sad at a funeral
Social norms: saying bless you(seen as normal social behaviour)

Atypical development
When behaviour, skills or abilities fall outside the expected range of development or progress at a different pace compared to similar aged peers.
Eg. Delay in speech
Atypical behaviour
Patterns of behaviour that are not expected for an individual or that deviate from the norm and can be harmful or distressing for individuals or those around them
Examples of atypical behaviour
Not making eye contact
Delay in speach
Biting nails
Not being able to talk by 12 months
Psychological criteria is used to categorise, typical and atypical behaviours
use abroad set of criteria
Criteria can be used in context of development to determine whether a child is developing typically and as expected for their age, as well as in context of mental well-being
What is in the psychological criteria
-personal distress
-social norms
-cultural perspectives
-maladaptive behaviours
The cultural perspective
- whether a behaviour is typical, or atypical, is often determined by the culture within an individual
Social norms
Social norms are shared standards or social beliefs about what is normal acceptable or typical behaviours.
-Basic and unspoken rules
Formal: must follow rules and laws
Statistical rarity
The statistical approach is based on a normal distribution curve. Normal or typical behaviour is generally considered to fall in the middle area closest to the advrage, we’re as any behaviour that is atypical or abnormal falls outside this area at each end
Personal distress
A way of categorising, typical or atypical behaviour is to ask whether the behaviour causes personal distress to the individual concerned. If it does, then the behaviour would be considered typical
Personal distress usually involves unpleasant or upsetting emotions, such as sadness, anxiety, or feeling overwhelmed 
Maladaptive behaviour
Is behaviour that is unhelpful, dysfunctional and non-productive and that interferes with a persons ability to adjust to their environment.
Normality/‘normal behaviours’
Normality is defined as patterns or behaviours that are typically expected or conform to standards
Normality the same for everyone?
Normal behaviours for an individual are consistent with that individual’s usual way of behaving