Experimental method
manipulation of iv to have an effect on dv.
types of experiments
field, natural, lab or quasi experiments
laboratory experiments
experiment that takes place in a special environment whereby different variables can be carefully controlled.
strength and limitations of laboratory experiment
+ high degree of control, iv has been precisely replicated leading to greater accuracy.
- low ecological validity, makes the situation artificial.
field experiment
experiment conducted in a m ore natural environment, mnot in a lab but variables are still being controlled.
strength and limitation of field experiment
+ naturalistic so more ecological validity,
- loss of control over extraneous variables so precise replication is not possible.
quasi experiment
experiment where the iv has not been determined by the rresearcher but it naturally exists. example gender difference studies.
strength and limitation of quasi experiment
+ controlled condition so high internal validity.
- cannot randomly allocate participants as the iv pre exists so there may be confounding variables.
natural experiment
two levels of independent variable will occur naturally without the researcher’s influence
strength and limitation of natural experiment
+ high external validity as real life situations
provides area for research which cannot be done due to ethical issues
- extraneous variables cannot be controlled