non experimental technique where researcher watches and records natural behaviour of participants without manipulating levels of iv
types of observational technique
non participant
controlled observation
watching and recording behaviour in a structured environment example in lab setting.
strength and limitation of controlled observation
+ control over extraneous and confounding variables, so can be replicated
- low mundane realism so low ecological validity, presence of demand characteristics
naturalistic observation
watching and recording behaviour in a setting where it would normally take place.
strength and limitation of naturalistic observation
high ecological and external validity as done in a natural setting.
- loss of control over extraneous and confounding variables so are harder to replicate.
overt observations
participants are watched and their behaviour is recorded with them knowing that they are being observed.
strength an limitation of overt observation
+ ethically acceptable as informed consent is given
- presence of demand characteristics reducing the validity
covert observation
participants are unaware of their behaviours being watched and recorded
strength and limitation of covert observation
+ natural behaviour recorded so high internal validity,
- ethical issues, no informed consent is given
participant observation
researcher who is observing is a part of group being observed
strength and limitation of participant observation
+ can be more insightful increasing the validity of the findings
- researcher may start loosing objectivity
non participant observation
researcher observes from a distance so is not a part of group being observed
strength and limitation of non participant observation
+ researcher more likely to remain objective
- researcher may lose some valuable insights.