Two position signals Flashcards
2 signal: What are the two types of signal?
- Light type
- Disc type
2 signal: What are the five classes of signal?
- Disc
- Dwarf
- Distant
- Home
- Calling on
Two positions home signals are fixed at and protect
- Stations
- Signal boxes
- Sidings
- Level crossings (Tramway crossings)
- Junctions
2 signal: What are the four important things to remember in regard to the meaning of each aspect?
- Points
- Track condition
- Speed
- Next fixed signal
2 signal: If the aspect is stop, what do we know about the points, track condition, speed and next fixed signal?
- The laying of the points is unknown
- The track ahead may be occupied
- The driver must not proceeded past the signal unless authorised to do so
- The Driver will not know the aspect of the next signal
2 signal: If the aspect is green, what do we know about the points, track condition, speed and next fixed signal?
- The points, if any are set for the move.
- The track ahead is clear to the next fixed signal
- Proceed at either track speed or other speed as required (e.g Diverging)
- The signal aspect in advance is unknown and the driver must be prepared to stop, should it be displaying a stop/danger aspect
2 signal: What two aspects does a distant signal display?
- Caution
- Proceed
2 signal: What are distant signals used for?
Distant signals are used as an advanced warning for the home signals ahead
2 signal: Distant signals can be placed to caution for the following three situations:
- immediately when a train passes the signal
- Whenever there is an obstruction on the line
- whenever there is danger on the line
2 signal: What must the Driver do when they observe a distant signal at caution?
The train must be slowed to a precautionary speed to allow the train to be safely stopped at any home signal applicable to the same line at that location that may display stop.
2 signal: When a driver is responding to a distant signal at caution, will they know which home signal is at stop?
No, the train must be driven expecting the next signal to be at stop.
2 signal: What does a distant signal at proceed indicate?
That all other signals applicable to the same line, at the same location as the signal, are also at proceed.
2 signal: What do you do if you come across a defective distant signal at caution?
- it must be secured at caution until repaired
2 signal: What do you do if you come across a defective distant signal at proceed?
- If the distance signal cannot be secured at caution, the signal light must be obscured.
- A hand signaller must be placed at the signal
- Two ATW’s must be placed on one rail to which the signal applies to.
- Exhibit a red hand signal at the defective signal to stop any approaching train until permission can be given for the train to proceed
2 signal: What are the two aspects of a calling on signal?
- Normal (Light extinguished)
- Proceed (Yellow light illuminated)
2 signal: What is a calling on signal?
Calling on signal is fitted to two position home signals allowing a train to enter an occupied road when the track section is track circuited.
2 signal: What do Driver do when a calling on signal is at proceed?
Advance cautiously past the signal being able to stop short of any obstruction.
2 signal: What train movements are disk signals used to control?
- Running line to running line
- Running line to siding
- Siding to siding
- Siding to running line
2 signal: What two aspects does a disc signal display?
- Stop
- Proceed
2 signal: What does a disc signal at the stop position mean for the points track speed and next signal?
2 signal: What does a disc signal at the proceed position mean for the points track speed and next signal?
Two position dwarf signals are used to control train movements from where?
2 signal: What are the two different types of dwarf signals?
- Standard
- Siding
2 signal: How many lights can a two positioned dwarf signal display?
A standard two position dwarf signal can display red, blue and purple for stop depending on the location and green for proceed.
A siding dwarf signal can display a yellow light for proceed, and the light will be extinguished when in normal position.
2 signal: If a siding dwarf signal is at normal, what signal do you adhere to?
The home signal it is attached to.
What 3 aspects can a two position signal display?
- Stop
- Proceed
- Caution
What can a two position light type dwarf signal on the same post as a home signal displaying proceed aspect show??
Extinguished (normal)