ABS Train Disabled Flashcards
How does a driver declare their train disabled?
- TEC or REC to TC
- Declare the train disabled
- fill in a drivers relief authority (DRA)
- State location and length of disabled train
- Dictate the DRA to the TC
- TC must repeat the DRA contents back to ensure accuracy
ABS - To which direction does the driver protect their train and how far do they go?
On the end that the driver will receive relief from & 500m or the first fixed signal at stop if within 500m.
What does the driver of the disabled train take with them to the point of protection?
- portable Radio
- Red Flag & Torch
What does the driver of the disabled train do once they reach the point of protection?
Display a Red Hand Signal and contact TC and inform them that the train is protected.
If a signaller hands a Train Authority to the relief driver what must the relief driver do as receipt?
- Read and understand
- Sign the butt portion of the TA
ABS: If the relief driver is at a remote location how will they receive the Train Authority?
ABS relief from the rear at a home signal does the driver need a TA?
ABS: How does the relief driver pass the home signal?
The Home Signal will be placed at proceed, unless the disable train is in the section the HS protects. In this case the relief driver could receive a Low-Speed Caution or otherwise will need to apply the exception:
If there was a platform at the station the relief driver was leaving or on the way to the relief, what would they do with their passengers?
Disembark them.
If relief train is already in the block section do they need a TA if they are pushing the train in the original direction of travel?
What are the 5 C’s when the relief train has reached the point of protection?
- CONFER with the driver
- COUPLE up the trains
- CONTINUITY test to be conducted
- CONTACT the TC and obtain permission to move
ABS: To which direction are the combined trains moved?
The directions stated on the train authority.
ABS relief from the ADVANCE do you need a TA? Speeds to the disabled train?
At REDUCED SPEED until 2km from the disabled train, then 15km/h being prepared to stop.
On bi-directional ABS relief from the advance do you need a TA and what speed will you do?
You will travel at EXTREME CAUTION as per Section 3 Rule 1. Due to the track being set up for the direction of travel for the disabled train, signals cannot be reversed to give the relief train proceed signal aspects therefore in this scenario all signals will be danger position.
If there is a home signal that is facing for the wrong line move, could it be placed to proceed?
If there is a home signal that is facing for the wrong line move, could it be placed to proceed?
When and when only can the Train Authority be issued?
Once the disabled train is protected by the driver.
When the relief train is already in the block section or behind the automatic signal protecting the disabled train is a train authority required?
Read and understand
How many train authorities can be active at one time in the same section?
Read and understand
Read and understand
When relief train couples to disabled train, what is it called?
Combined train