Tutorial 4 Flashcards
What is conditioning?
conditioning is a form of learning
What is an unconditioned response?
an unconditioned response is a reflex that occurs, without an prior learning
What are some examples of UCS?
Unconditioned stimulus
the stimulus that elicits a reflex response (you don’t have to learn to respond to the US)
e.g. food, feather, pollen, loud noise
What are some examples of UCR?
Unconditioned response
A response that does not have to be learned (UCR occurs naturally and automatically)
e.g. salivation, move foot away, sneeze, startle
What is a conditioned stimulus (CS)?
a previously neutral stimulus evokes a conditioned response through learning e.g. Bell in Pavlov dog’s experiment
What is a conditioned response (CR)?
a response that has been learned
e.g. salivation to bell alone
What is operant conditioning?
The learning of a new association between behaviour and its consequences
Learning through reinforcement (reward) and punishment
What is positive reinforcement in operant conditioning?
the process whereby PRESENTATION of a pleasant stimulus after a behaviour makes the behaviour MORE LIKELY to occur again
Pleasant stimulus is added
e.g. studies hard and got a A+ , encourages you to study hard next time
What is negative reinforcement in operant conditioning?
The process whereby removing of an unpleasant stimulus makes a behaviour MORE LIKELY to occur
unpleasant stimulus is removed
e.g. mum yells to do dishes, you do dishes, she stops yelling, encourages you to do dishes again next time
Seat belt unpleasant noise to click in, once clicked in noise is removed
Unintentional : cook Brussel sprouts, serve to kid, kid yells, remove brussel sprouts, now kid thinks yelling is a way of getting rid of Brussel sprouts
What is punishment in operant conditioning?
a process whereby behaviour is less likely to occur in the future
What is positive punishment?
presentation of an unpleasant stimulus makes the behaviour less likely to occur
unpleasant stimulus is added
e.g. electric shock from electric fence
What is negative punishment?
removal of a pleasant stimulus makes the behaviour less to occur
pleasant stimulus is removed
e.g. Time out
What does reinforcement lead to?
increase in behaviour
What does punishment lead to?
decrease in behaviour
What does something Positive lead to?
presenting/adding a stimulus
positive = mathematically + (plus)
What does something Negative lead to?
Removing a stimulus
negative = mathematically - (minus/removal)
What is extinction?
in conditioning (i.e. learning), the weakening of a conditioned association in the absence of a reinforce or unconditioned stimulus
What are the 3 schedules of reinforcement?
continuous reinforcement (CR) Fixed-ratio (FR) Variable ration (VR)
What is CR?
continuous reinforcement
a behaviour is continually reinforced
What is FR?
Fixed ratio
Reinforcer is delivered for the first response made after a fixed number of responses
e.g. worker receives payment for every 10 items assembled
What is VR?
Reinforcer is delivered for the first response made after a variable number of response whose average is predetermined
Very effective - think sales bonuses and slot machines
e.g. when fishing you are not likely to be rewarded (catch a fish) on every cast, nut sometimes you will be
What is FI?
Fixed Interval
Reinforcer is delivered for the first response made after a fixed period of time
e.g. weekly pay check
What is VI?
reinforcer is delivered for the first response made after a variable period of time whose AVERAGE time is predetermined
Very resistant to extinction - putting a child to sleep
e.g. checking your email/Facebook a few times during a day, your employer checking on you from time to time at the office
What schedule of reinforcement is very resistant to extinction?
Variable interval
What schedule of reinforcement is very effective?
Variable Ratio
What are the elements in classical conditioning in this scenario: Sam is three years old, one night his parents build a roaring fire in the family room fireplace. the fire spits out a large ember that hits sam in the arm, burning him a little and giving him a huge fright. a week later, when sam’s parents light another first in the fireplace, Sam become upset and fearful, crying and running from the room.
UCS (1st time) = Being burnt from fire
CS (2nd time)= Fire in Fireplace
UCR= fearful or upset
CR= fearful or upset
What are the elements in classical conditioning in this scenario: At the age of 24, Max has recently developed an allergy to cats, When he is in the same room with a cat for more than 30 minutes, he starts wheezing. After a few such allergic reactions, he starts wheezing as soon as he sees a cat in a room.
UCS (1st time) = Cat fur allergy
CS (2nd time) = sight of cat fur
UCR = Wheezing
CR = Wheezing
What are the elements in classical conditioning in this scenario: Melanie is driving to work on a rainy highway when she notices that the brake lights of all the cars just ahead of her cam eon. she hits her brakes but watches with horror as her car glides into a four car pile up. she is badly shaken up int he account. a month later she is driving in the rain again, and notices that she tenses up every time she sees brake light come on ahead of her.
UCS (1st time) = Car accident
CS (2nd time) = Brake lights and RAIN(specific situation)
UCR = Tense anxious upset
CR = Tense anxious upset
What are the elements in classical conditioning in the professional dancer scenario?
UCS (1st ime) = dancing
CS (2nd time) = Song of Swan lake
UCR = Pain
CR = Pain
What is the outcome in Operant conditioning in this scenario: Lyle gets a speeding ticket?
Positive (ticket)
What is the outcome in Operant conditioning in this scenario: Diane’s supervisor compliments her on her hard work?
Positive (compliments)
What is the outcome in Operant conditioning in this scenario: Leon does to the health club for a rare workout and pushes himself so hard that his entire body aches and he throws up?
Positive (entire body aches)
Punishment (doing workout)
What is the outcome in Operant conditioning in this scenario: Richard shoots up heroin to ward of tremors and chills associated with heroin withdrawal?
Tricky tip: wording: all about taking away a stimulus
Negative (no tremors of chills)
Reinforcement (taking heroin)
What is the outcome in Operant conditioning in this scenario: Edna constantly complains about minor aches and pains to obtain sympathy from colleagues at work Three co-workers who share an office with her decide to ignore her complaints instead of responding with sympathy?
Previously conditioned response but with removal of reward/punishment
What is the Schedule of reinforcement in this scenario: Sarah is paid on a commission basis for selling computer systems. she gets a bonus for every third sale?
What is the Schedule of reinforcement in this scenario: Tom’s parents let him earn some pocket money by doing housework approximately once a week?
What is the Schedule of reinforcement in this scenario: Martha is trout-fishing. Think of each time that she casts her line as a response that may be rewarded?
“may” therefore
What is the Schedule of reinforcement in this scenario: Jack, who is in primary school, gets a gold star from his teacher for every book he reads?
EVERY book = therefore ratio is 1
Continuous Reinforcement
What is the Schedule of reinforcement in this scenario: Mark, a professional rugby player, signs an agreement that his salary increases will be renegotiated every third year?
Can Negative reinforcement occur unintentionally?
Yes Neg Reinforcement can occur unintentionally
Unintentional : cook Brussel sprouts, serve to kid, kid yells, remove brussel sprouts, now kid thinks yelling is a way of getting rid of Brussel sprouts
How can smoking be applied to the ABC framework?
A= social events, drinking, others smoking, being offered a cigarette at a party
B= smoke a cigarette
C=craving is gone (neg reinforcer), Feel calm/relaxed (pos reinforcer), socialise with other smokers(pos reinforcer)
How can not smoking - punishment be applied to the ABC framework?
A= social events, drinking, others smoking, being offered a cigarette at a party
B= Do not smoke a cigarette
C= Feel Anxious and stressed (pos punishment), Isolated from friends (neg punishment)
-Punishment (unfavourable outcomes) that suppress the desirable target behaviour
How can not smoking - reinforcer be applied to the ABC framework?
A= social events, drinking, others smoking, being offered a cigarette are a party
B= Do not smoke a cigarette
C= Congratulated for not smoking (neg reinforcement), Met interesting people (pos reinforcement), Treated yourself with something else instead
-Reinforcers that maintains the target behaviour
What can the two outcomes be for not smoking when applied to the ABC framework?
C changes
either -Punishment (unfavourable outcomes)
or - Reinforcement (maintains target behaviour)
What impact does changing A in the ABC framework have?
changing Antecedents can cancel out/remove some evoking antecedents (e.g. for smoking, remove Social events, drinking, others smoking) this changes the B (target behaviour)=LEss likely to \_\_\_ and C (consequences)
How can a change in A occur in the smoking example of ABC framework?
A =/= no longer Social events, drinking, others smoking
A= Going to the movies, going hiking, Stay home
B= LESS LIKELY to smoke
C= ?