Turning Points In South African History Flashcards
Define africanist
Ideology that says that black African people should determine their own future
Define renegade
A deserter or a disloyal person
Define dompas
The africaans word for stupid pass. The commonly used name for the reference books that afrikans had to carry by law
Define wing
A part of the organization, dedicated to a particular task, like publicity or armed fighting
Define the struggle
The name for the resistance activities by South Africans against apartheid
Define sabotage
A deliberate action to destroy property or to disrupt services
Define swart gevaar
Afrikaans for the danger of the black people
Define the solitary confinement
The isolation of a prisoner in jail, kept separate from others
Define accused
The legal word which means a defendant in a criminal trail
Define psychological
Mental or emotional, as opposed to physical in nature
Define medium of instruction
The language of teaching
Define monument
A structure built as a lasting reminder of something or someone
Define collaborators
Someone who assists the enemy
Define sanctions
The practice of not trading with a country that has an unjust system of government
Define foreign investment
Countries overseas buy or fund businesses in South africa
Define boycott
The decision not to participate in something