The Rise Of Nazi Germany Flashcards
Define stock market
A place where people buy and sell shares in big businesses
Define the great depression
A period during the 1930s when there was a worldwide economic collapse and mass unemployment
Define inflation
An increase in the price of goods
What did the American government do for the Weimar government
Lent money to them to help the German economy to recover after WW1
Where was the American stock market
In New York
Where Is the new York stock market situated
Wall Street
When did the Wallstreet stock market collapse
What did the stock market crashing mean
The stocks that people had bought on the stock market, no longer had any value
How was Germany affected by the great depression
Blanks closed
Factories closed
Workers lost their Jobs
Inflation rose
Read through pg 111
Define reichstag
German word for parliament
Define Chancellor
Another word for the leader of the reichstag
Define authoritarian
Strict, dictatorial, people have no freedom or say in how government rules, opposite of democracy
Who was allowed to vote for Germany in the New government
People over the age of 20 had the vote
How did the election work
There were separate elections for the for the reichstag(parliament) and for the head of state, the president.
What was the leader of the reichstag called
Define propaganda
Biased information
Define dictator
A leader with total power
Define Der fuhrer
German words for “the leader”
Define Reich
The German state
Define fatherland
What the Germans called their state under the nazis
Concentration camp
Those imprisoned were physically “concentrated” in one place
Define scapegoat
Someone who is blamed and punished for the misfortune of others
Define holocaust
The mass killing of the Jews in nazi Germany
Define Jehovah’s witnesses
A Christian religious group
Define persecuted
Made to suffer
Define Roma
People who speak Romany and who move around in search of work; sometimes called gypsies
Define slavs
People of eastern Europe
Define fascist
A political theory that the government should have complete control
Define lebensraum
A German word meaning space to live in
Define mein kampf
Book by hitler explaining his political views
Define genocide
Mass murder
Define extermination
Define annihilate
Cease to exist, wipe out completely
Define einsatzgruppen
Death squads
Define “final solution”
The name for nazi germany’s plan for the systematic killing of European jews
Why did the Weimar government fail
Germany did not have a history of democracy. It had been ruled by a kaiser and Germany was used to authoritarian leadership.
The system of democracy was not fully supported by many judges, the powerful military and big business.
There were many political parties in Germany. No party could win a complete majority of seats in the reichstag. This meant that the Weimar Republic did not have a strong enough government to deal with Germany’s problems
When were the elections in Germany
What did the nazi party bame the Weimar government for
The severe punishments and humiliation of the treaty of Versailles. They believed Germany was not really defeated, and that the German people had been stabed in the back by the weimer government
Why did publi support increase for the nazi party
Many Germans wanted to return to being an important world power.
Hitler’s nazi party received financial support from some in the military, and from earthy businessmen
Hiter was a brilliant public speaker. He could hold many peoples attention
The nazi party was very organized. The nazi propaganda led people to believe that the nazi party could save them from their troubles
When was the enabling act
What did the enabling act do
Gave complete power to hitler and the nazi party. The nazi party became the only political party allowed to exist in Germany
Who was president at this time
Von hindenburg
Who signed the enabling act into law
Von hindenhurg
When did von hindenburg die
What positions did hitler combine
Chancellor and president
Why were concentration camps created
To house political opponents. In 1933 there were mass arrests of political opponents. There were soon so many people I jail that Germany’s prisons became overcrowded
Where was the first concentration camp
Describe what dachau looked like
A arge barbed wore enclosure where prisoners had to do hard abour and military drills and got regular beatings
When were the Nuremberg laws
Define Aryan
The pure German race
How did propaganda lead to the holocaust
After years of being told that jews were evil, it became easier for Germans to accept in 1935 what they would have rejected in 1920
What did jews have to wear
Yellow star of David
What did political opponents wear
Red triangles
What did jehovah’s witnesses wear
Purple triangle
What did homosexuals wear
Pink traingle
What did Roma wear
Brown triangle
What did criminals wear
A green triangle
Read through features of fascism on pg 116