The national party and apartheid Flashcards
define segregation
the practice or policy of creating separate facilities within the same society for the use of a particular group
when was the land act passed
what was the land act
african people were allowed to own about 13%. the rest of the land was to be kept for white ownership and occupation, although whites were only about 20% of the population. The black ‘reserves’ were widely scattered pieces of land mainly in the east of the country.
what was the land act considered in terms of apartheid
one of the pillars of apartheid
name other racial segregation laws
- Black south Africans were not allowed to vote .
- People living on the towns and cities had to live in separate suburbs and townships, according to skin colour.
- Africans in the cities were only allowed to stay as long as their labour was needed by whites. Pass laws controlled the movement of Africans. African men outside the reserves had to carry ‘passes’ which allowed them to work and live in the cities. the police would arrest anyone without a pass and they were fined or sent to jail.
- The job colour bar gave white people jobs rather than black people, and a white person was paid more for doing the same job as a black person. A white skin was a better recommendation for a job than ability
define bantustan
a negative word for he reserves where black people were meant to be citizens
who was the prime minister in the 1960s
Dr H F Verwoerd
what is a bantustan?
the Prime minister developed the principles of separation of the ‘races’ even further. the government turned the reserves(created by the 1913 land act) into ten separate ‘homelands’ or ‘bantustans’. Ten ‘homelands’ were created.
read pg 186
define ethnic group
people who share a particular language ad culture
define apartheid
a policy that was introduced in 1948 by the National Party, led by DF Malan, to separate different racial groups that existed in South Africa in all aspects of their lives.
read through apartheid in South africa w/s
Describe the prohibition of marriages act
it made it illegal to marry a person belonging to another race group. Sexual relations between white and african people were also outlawed
describe the population registration act
it divided all South Africans into one of four race groups: European(white), colored, Indian and African. every baby that was born had to be registered as a member of one of these race groups.
Define born frees
South Africans born after tur end of apartheid, after 1994
Define slum
A district of a city marked by poverty and inferior living conditions
Define contradiction
Two opposites that are both true at the same time
Define banned
Define SACP
South african communist party
Define underground
In secret
Define militant
Supporting the use of pressure, or aggressive action, to achieve one’s aim
Define repression
Force or intimidation which prevents people from protecting or rising up
Define state of emergency
The government suspends the rule of law and uses special powers to rule the country. The police and army can arrest anyone who they believe are a threat to the state. The government might create a curfew whereby all residents have to be home by a certain time every night
Define solidarity
Joining in to show a belief in something
Define alliance
Where different groups with a common interest join together in order to achieve a common goal
Define treason
Trying to overthrown the government
Define special branch
Secret police of the apartheid government