Tuks Arch Test terms Flashcards
What is biophilic design
- increases our connectivity to the natural environment
- through the use of direct nature, indirect nature, and space and place conditions.
Origins of biophilic Design
- introduced by E.O. Wilson, American biologist at Harvard in his 1984 book Biophilia
- tendency of human beings to be attracted to nature
that psychological health is linked to nature relatedness
A leading advocate of biophilic design was ecology Professor Steven R Kellert.
1995 at a Herman Miller manufacturing facility: natural skylight
William McDonough + Partners
What is cantilever
a protruding volume or beam that is attached to a structure at only one end.
Cantilever construction allows overhanging structures without additional support.
Origin of cantilever
The first cantilever bridge was built in the late 1800s by Heinrich Gerber in Germany
based his ideas on ancient Chinese bridges
Flemish bond (think of an English Brick house)
a pattern of bricks in a wall in which each course consists of alternate headers and stretchers.
Stretcher bond is the one with equal sized bricks
Flemish alternates the length (stretcher) and the width (header)
English does one row stretchers and one row headers
Origin of Flemish bond
late medieval buildings, Poland
late 17th century onwards and less so after the mid 19th centuries
Georgian period
Lime mortar, bonding material, colour
in 18th century: Virginia houses and churches made use of glazed headers (bricks are ceramics) to give a lively checkered effect to the wall surface
brick kilns were normally fueled with oak
chemical reaction with the clay = blue-gray glazes on the header, colourful contrast
provide greater aesthetic appearance on the front surface with required strength in the brickwork with English bond
Ha-ha ditch
a type of sunken fence that was commonly used in landscaped gardens and parks in the 18th century
illusion of an unbroken, continuous rolling lawn, whilst providing boundaries for grazing livestock.
the wall creates a secure barrier unseen from the open garden above.
origin of ha-ha ditch
18th century
they were commonly used in deer parks in England to allow deer to leap into an area but which would not allow them to leave.
used for landscape
Japanese art
repairing broken pottery by mending the areas of breakage
lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum
to join with gold”, is a reminder to stay optimistic
Origin of Kintsugi
Japanese legend of Ashikaga Yoshimasa, the eighth shogun of the Ashikaga shogunate after breaking his favourite cup of tea sent it to China to get it repaired.
Japan when associated with the practice of tea in the late 16th century
a meeting place for village assemblies, court cases, and meetings of village leaders. 2. a conference or business meeting
traditional concept of elders gathering to ponder
architecture of the Constitutional Court. circular, sense of connection (values traditional means of meeting, encourages debate)
Origin of Lekgotla
removing physical and emotional barriers, the new open space facilitates dialogue and collaboration
Palimpsest meaning
a re-editing process
the existing layers of objects or traces were covered or removed
partially or completely
architectural heritage can be understood as accumulation of layers
palimpsest could effectively modify the interpretation of it
like remodeling, renewals
Palimpsest origin
in literature
the text has been scraped or washed off in preparation for reuse, in the form of another document.
recycle meaning
convert (waste) into reusable material.
return (material) to a previous stage in a cyclic process.
use a recycled product as a building element
reuse the construction waste back into another construction.
Architectural Recycling origin
Roman empire Emperor Augustus removed parts of the obelisk and put it in the Circus Maximus.
Parts of the ancient Egyptian pyramids have been distributed throughout Europe and North America to be used as parts of public buildings and spaces such as a piece located in Central Park in New York
urban agriculture meaning
farming within an urban environment (city or town)
the cultivation of food crops for human consumption.
production, processing, marketing, and delivery of farming products.
are reconnecting cities with nature through urban farming.
urban argiculture origin
3500 BCE Mesopotamia. Indeed, farmers set aside small plots of land for farming within the city’s walls.
upcycling meaning
reuse (discarded objects or material)
to create a product of higher quality or value than the original.
upcycling origin
During World War II, the British
clothing rationing on June 1, 1941
Make Do and Mend
campaign encouraged citizens to upcycle and recycle clothing in an attempt to make their clothing supplies last longer.